
Lookism: New Waves

Main Character got reincarnated from similar to our world to PTJ[Park TaeJun] universe world(author of Lookism, Viral Hit, Manager Kim, etc.) in a body of orphan who died in an accident like his. Getting new body, which has unlimited potential and knowledge of near future, He will start getting use on full of his 2nd chance, intervening into the plot and taking the throne of the Second Generation, while enjoying his life with power and wealth. (Author only familiar with Lookism and Viral Hit)

Jedai_Finn · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Vacation Plans

"A familiar ceiling. And the same sensations."

Trying to lower my chin, I collided with something and felt a burning pain on the top and aching on the back of my head, not to mention my body.

- Oh, you're awake! - a nurse with a soft and sweet voice came up to me.

- Nurse Hwang, it's nice to see you. I've missed you. - I smiled, seeing her displeased face.

- If you can joke, it means you weren't hurt that badly. - She pressed my stomach with a tray of food, which made me howl.

- Ouch-ouch-ouch! Sorry, Miss Hwang, I won't be familiar with you anymore! - I tried not to move, but my body continued to tremble, tensing my whole body and stimulating pain.

- It's not nice to joke about adults, I hope you understand that. - She fortunately took the tray off and had already placed it over the table that stood over my chest.

While she was feeding me the gruel, I was able to examine her face and hands. To my surprise, I discovered that her dry and rough hands had become smoother and more tender, and the bags under her eyes, which were not very skillfully hidden by a bunch of layers of cream from the last time, were tightened and masked by almost imperceptible makeup.

An ordinary person would not have distinguished such differences, at least visually, but I had phenomenal vision, not to mention memory.

- You began to look even more beautiful, Miss Hwang. - Catching her heavy look, I immediately quickly continued. - I noticed that your makeup has become better, and your hands are smooth!

- Really?! I didn't thought you would notice! - She immediately perked up and became cheerful. - So Rumi's guides are really wonderful!

- Em, Rumi? - I started to get a vague sense of recognition.

- Yes, she's a beauty blogger on Newtube. If I'm not mistaken, you might even be the same age.

- Oh, I think I know her. - Catching her interested look, I lied. - I saw my classmates watching her videos.

- Really?! She actually has good content, but it's a shame she has so few subscribers...

As soon as the nurse helped me eat, I was left lying alone with my phone stand above me. At least it's much better now, because I can move my legs and arms especially to switch videos.

"Yeo Rumi? Yeah, I remember her. She was in Yu Hobin's friends group - the main character of Viral Hit. They even sometimes filmed content for Newtube together...

Newtube! I can create content on Newtube! Why didn't I thought of this right away?!

I can turn my house into a content house! Eh, if I had come up with this myself, I would definitely call myself a genius, such a shame."

While I was thinking ahead about all the plans for development, 30 channels of different directions flashed in my head at once, of course taking into account different platforms.

"Games, drawing, blogs, podcasts, shorts... I'm not even talking about voice acting due to language barriers, because most people don't like to read subtitles.

I think 3-4 channels will be more than enough for me to start with. And I'll call the group channel... OnlineTV, heh-heh-heh. Yeah, not bad.

I'll do what 99% of content creators did - borrow or adapt the original creators' ideas. And with their generous silent consent, I'll implement them in this world!..

In a week, because I'll be stuck here for another week, according to Nurse Hwang."

During the week, Dowon and Tae-hoon often visited me, bringing a basket of fruit. Sometimes even classmates or girls from the parallel class would come, but fortunately I managed to send them away quickly, but not rudely.

After being discharged, the days passed calmly. Taehoon and I bullied the gang of that bastard who had hit me on the head. That bastard transferred immediately after being discharged from the hospital, so he was lucky to escape my revenge.

I was simply too lazy to walk to him on the other side of the city, so I did it only a couple of times a month.

Dowon recommended that I take an academic leave and relax in natural environment, and I agreed without thinking twice.

The school principal agreed surprisingly easily when he saw the bandage on my neck. I was the one wearing the thick bandage, and he was sweating under the split system. Quite a funny sight.

The idea of ​​Jeju was not bad, but a trip there would significantly drain my savings, most of which I kept in bytecoins. Unfortunately, I did not follow the bitcoin charts at all, but I clearly remember the loud events of jumps and falls.

In December, I will be able to increase my fortune more than 20 times! For this, I even mortgaged my house as collateral, because they did not want to give me a loan. I hope I did not make a mistake ...

After searching for inexpensive outback places, my eye caught on Cheongliang.

"The prices are modest and the hotel business is developing and overall not bad. It seems that the rapper with super tinted glasses is from there - Ho Bin? Damn, or Vin Jin? I still get confused with the names because of the damn translations.

In general, he is from there and seems to be at his peak. It would be interesting to look at him and his gang from the side. Maybe I will even see the mysterious king of the 1st generation. It's a pity that I abandoned the story in the middle, knowledge of the future would be useful or the backstory of characters. For example: the past of Gan and Gu or about the zero generation."

Having booked a hotel in advance, I went on a trip.

- Wait for me, Cheongliang!