
Long Mu: The Rebirth of the Dragon Princess

In a world where ancient myths and modern reality collide, an unlikely heroine emerges. Angeline Richmen-Ozigi, a stunning 18-year-old, lived an ordinary life until fate intervened. While saving two Asian children from kidnappers, she took a bullet and is teetered on the brink of death. Moved by her selfless sacrifice, the Twelve Guardians of the Twelve Moons intervened, healing her and revealing a shocking truth: Angeline was the reincarnation of Wen Shi, the legendary Dragon Mother (Long Mu). As her dormant powers awakened, Angeline was catapulted into a realm of magic and monsters. The White Dragon King, Master Arthur Long, after swearing his loyalty to her, showed how grateful he was ti her for saving his grandkids, and welcomed her into his family, and home - The Nest, as Benjiro and Ari's nanny. But Angeline's new life was not without its challenges. She found herself entangled in a web of romance, danger, and intrigue. The Triad Underworld and demons hunted her, while her beauty captivated many hearts leading to a full blown war for her heart. As Angeline navigates this treacherous landscape, the Goddess of Creation, Nu Wa, reveals a prophecy - only easy to end the war: Angeline must choose her mate from the Chosen Three - One is a friend, One is her soulmate, And one was the architect of her past demise. But the stakes are dire as the unchosen would perish. Will Angeline find love amidst the danger? Who are the Chosen Three? And what will be her heart-wrenching choice? Dive into this epic and spicy tale of magic, music, romance, and self-discovery.

Philipa_Richmen · 奇幻言情
24 Chs


Fast forward 

Conference Room,

Chaos Hall,


The Underworld. 

Mondays, February 14.

3:37 AM 

"'It was a living hell... in Hell! Everyone could be seen manically running for their lives as the citizens were woken up moments ago, not by their alarm clocks, but by an earthquake. The survivors can now be seen trying to salvage what is left of their now-dilapidated homes. Rumors have gone around that, just a moment ago, the Crown Princes had just arrived on scene to survey the extent of the damages, giving thier condonlences to the relatives of those whose lives lost. There's been no offical statement from the Prinus of Hell so far, but the question everyone's minds still remains the same :What caused the earthquake? Can we really trust the Crown Princes to handle a crisis as delicate of this in thier fathers' absence? And how sure are we that this disaster won't occur again before they accend thier thrones...'"

Aiden roared in frustration, flinging his dagger at the 72" Plasma screen in the room, causing the other Crown Princes to mummify in disapproval. 

"Aw geez, man!" groaned Belial, as some attendants came in to clear the mess. 

"How dare she spew out that thrash about us!" gritted Aiden, his pride hurt as he agitatedly paced to and fro.

"I rather see it as the most beautiful constructive criticism I've ever heard!" shrugged Aaron, ignoring the glares he received from the other princes.

"You know the TV was innocent, right?" muttered Dennis, as he eyed Aiden before tossing more popcorn into his mouth. 

"What's the situation on the ground?!" Aiden snapped authoritatively, brushing off the beration of the other Princes as he turned to Elvis, his father's third in command, who had been silently watching their childish anticts.

"Well," he began, clearing his throats. "The lives lost has been estimated to be over two hundred thousand citizens..."

"....seven thousand five hundred and seventy three injured persons are currently recieving treatment and the cost of damages is worth three billon dollars!!" Aaron interuptted robotically, like he had already read the report. 

"Dang it!" Carson cursed, hurling a half-bottle of water at him but he caught it easily. 

"You know you don't have to always dampen someones spirit, right?" Dennis said. 

"I can't help to baby boy!" Aaron shrugged, a stupid grin plastered on his face. 

"But what could have caused the earthquake?" Memphis chipped in, steering them back to the reason for the meeting in the first place. 

"Could it be Him?" 

"No, Ethan!" Carson groaned, face palming himself. "Take it from me: When it comes. to vengance, that's just petty!"

"But what if He was just trying to send us a message?" Ethan insisted, stubbornly.

"If you guys really need answers why can't you just ask Agatha?" suggested a soft sleepy voice in the corner.

There was stunned silence as everyone in the room turned to Belial in total shock.

"What?" Belial yawned, as they stared at him like he had just grown three heads.

"Do you realize that this is the first time in your life you've said something meaningful?!" Carson jibed, causing the rest to roar out in laughter. 

Belial just rolled his eyes, muttering darkly as he shuffled in his seat to get a more confortable position to nod off. 

"Let's go, sleepy head! Dennis muttered, grabbing Belial's arm they all teleported out of Hell. 


Angeline's Church,

Sunday, February 13

11:05 am


Back to where we stopped...

Before Angie could turn back to know the impending danger she was almost deafened by what sounded like a very hot punch followed by the cracking of bones before being engulfed in a passionate embrace as the ninja slowly dropped down, his dagger slipping out of his grip.

Angeline couldn't tell if she was shocked at the fact that she almost died or she just got saved by the hottest and coldest member of the D5 or the fact that she was still in his arms. If this was a dream, she wasn't going to wake up. 

Suddenly, the wild flashes of lights broke their train of thought as they turned to the fury of the paparazzi plus some reporters both, local and international, barreling towards them. They would have bowled them down if not for the Long's bodyguards who shielded them. But that didn't stop them from badgering the poor girl with questions.

"Young girl, what's your name?"

"Miss, how do you feel being a hero?"

"We caught your fight on camera, do you tell us were you learnt those moves?"

"Damien, why is she in your arms?"

"Do you two have history?

"Is this your way to prove you aren't gay?"

"Have you gotten over Valerie?"

"Is she your new girlfriend?"

It was then he realized their position releasing her from his embrace, to her dismay. Her lips parted slightly as their faces were just inches apart. She was about to get lost in those eyes again when Ben jumped on her, immediately snapping her out of it. She could feel her cheeks burn while she put all her focus on stabilizing Ben's weight so that he doesn't fall. He hugged her tightly, just as Ari joined us while the Icy Prince, whose name turned out to be Damien, and the rest of my church members helped the other kids out of the van. Still was still dazed as she, held by ari, and the rest of the kids were led to the Main Hall.

"Erm, Ben?" she asked, on the way. "Do you have any idea why they didn't drive off when they got you?"

"I don't know what happened...But I heard them saying that the wires and pipes were chewed by a rat." shrugged the little child in explanation while Ari shook her head in marvel, both of them oblivious to the knowing smirk on Angie's face.

On getting to the pulpit, Angie didn't blink as Ben and Ari narrated everything, the foreign and local news stations reporters around the hall having a field day of the story. She was lost in thought until Ari mentioned Mr. Dragon causing her to hold her breath for nothing because the church just laughed it over, hurting Ari a lot. Squeezing her hand a little, Angie assured her that she had seen it too, cheering the little girl up when Reverend David collected the microphone from them, wiping his forehead. 

"Wow, this is incredible!" he exclaimed. "Angeline come forward...where are her parents? They should also come up here." he added, beckoning on her phlegmatic father and exhilarated mother to hasten their steps in joining them on the pulpit. Angie tried not to gag over her mom who rapturing in joy - and maybe pride - beside her.

"What we've seen today, Mrs. Ozigi, shows us your training has not been in vain. The lord will bless you..."

"Amen!" the congregation chorused.

"Till today, I didn't know we had a living Deborah in our mist."

Angie fought to suppress her cringe, plastering a fake smile on her face, as the congregation erupted in mirth, like it was the best rip-cracking joke they've ever heard.

Her only consolation was that Ari felt the same the same way, judging from the confused expression on her face.

"What's so funny?" she wondered aloud turning to Ben who just shrugged in reply, as Reverend David then made them to kneel and blessed them. 

Wearily, she got up dreaming of cleaning herself up in the bathroom. But just when she thought the drama was over, it just got started. She was stopped in her tracks by two well-built bodyguards, in crisp white suits, who herded her back to the altar. The congregation's murmurs of disapproval switched to curiosity when Mr. Cheng went over to the Reverend, whispering some things in his ear. 

Surprisingly, Angeline's auditory perception seemed to be two times better than before but could only hear some strands of their conversation.

"What? Okay? Now? You have five minutes!" he said, giving the micro

phone to Mr. Cheng who came down and gave it to someone else, earning a gasp from Angie on seeing who it was. 

Is it obvious or you still have to guessed who Mr. Dragon is?

Who was the microphone given to?