
Lock You Up In My Heart

What happens when you find out that you have lost everything when you come back? Fame, money, status and most importantly - your possession! And to make it even worse, what if is actually done by your loved one? This is the challenge Huan Li has to face after logging back into the game. After being betrayed by her boyfriend, she decides not to ever trust anyone! This is a story about a girl getting all her glory back and who knows, maybe even a significant other?

Morielle · 现代言情
78 Chs

No Way Out

However, she just ignored his attitude and followed him towards the forest. The two of them are walking side by side, but they just ignoring each other and focus in discovering the forest.

Every steps that they take seems like leading them into the deeper side of the forest, she frowned.

'Did they take the wrong path?' , Why the path seems like leading them to the wrong place?

Day Light also confused by this, this is the only path that they can find along the way, there's no other road other than this. He also never heard about this forest, there's no such similar forest like this in his memory.

"Let's go back, we must be took the wrong path." He must have missed a path that lead them out. "Where? There's no other path, i have checked it very carefully on our way here, we might ended up getting back to the first place where we came from"

She has checked it carefully, she can't see anything else beside a lot of trees. This forest is way too weird, they are like trapped in here without any way to get back.

Tired, she wanted to stop, but she also want to leave this forest as soon as possible. Her step slowed down, her eyes blurred, she rarely walk like this without stopping. She's about to give up, seeing that the man still walking, she tried to catch up.

Sensing something is wrong, Day Light turn his head to the side. He can't see that girl anymore 'Where is she? She didn't give up and leave him without saying anything right?'.

Then he turned his head around and see a girl tried to walk to him with so much difficulty, the girl face is pale but she still tried to catch up with him.

He feel amused, this girl obviously tired, but still won't give up and rest. Walking towards Huan Li, he asked "Are you tired?" , Huan Li refused to give up "No"

She can still do it, "Let's go, we need to get out soon" . A moment later, she feels that someone grabbed her hand and pulled her. Shocked, she realized it was Day Light hand. He is currently holding her hand and pulling her while he's walking, his pace also not that fast.

She feels warm in her heart, he helped her twice today, his act of kindness might look like he's trying to flirt with her, but he didn't leave her alone earlier and even waiting and walk with her.

This man attitude towards woman can be counted as a husband material, his girlfriend is really lucky. If outsider see this, they would think that they're a couple because of the matching costume and the intimate position between them.

Their calmness doesn't stay long, Huan Li sensed something dangerous. Her sense is always sharp no matter what state she is in, Day Light also sensed something, his body is ready to fight any kind of danger that will be attacking them.

Deep inside the forest, a pair of red eyes can be seen, a sudden roar also can be heard. Huan Li recognized that roar, the dangerous creature is a bear!

Right, a big bear that two times taller than her! 'Uh oh, the bear looks mad' , there's a purple light around it body. 'WT* PURPLE LIGHT?! Are you kidding?!' , in Mystery Forest game, if there's a purple light around the monster body, it means that the bear level atleast 3 times higher than yourself!

It's simply seeking for death! She need to think, how to defeat the bear, she can defeat it but it will take a long time and she can't handle it alone, she doesn't have a lot of stamina.

'Should i ask him?' , she turn her head and before she could ask, he sounded "How about we let it kill us?"

"Let it kill us?" , Huan Li smiled 'Let it kill us? Is he crazy? She absolutely will not think about such plan' . "Yeah, then after that we can choose to go to the nearest town and finally out from here"

'Okay sounds like a good idea, but she will not choose an ending like that."

"Sorry but, i'm not planning to choose die and run away. You can do it yourself, i'll defeat this bear."

Day Light knew that she will refuse his idea, she's really stubborn. He will help her fulfill her wish then, "Okay, then i will fight with you, but don't forget... 50-50"

This man! In this situation he's still thinking about dividing drop! Really Unbelieveable!

"Alright alright, i will remember! What's your class? Let's work together."

"Gunner" , he pulled out two guns from his inventory and show it to her.

"Okay, i'm a cleric so i will tank and stun it, you can shoot it from that tree" , she pointed a tree near them. "Let's begin before it attack us" , Day Light nodded his head and took his position.

Enjoy (つ≧▽≦)つ

Moriellecreators' thoughts