
Living with the popular girl

Sato is living with a girl named Aya, who is very popular at his school, The thing is she not popular for the right reason. While Sato and Aya are living together Sato childhood friend is trying to spilt them apart for her own sake.

Grandpa_4k · 现实
6 Chs

5 The Mall and Kids

Sunday, April 3rd, 2005

10 A.M

What the hell are they doing!? I thought they said they were only roommates, but Aya is all over Sato right now!?

Are they on a date!?

I need to see what they are up to

"Sato there is the store I wanted to go to."

"Ohh that store."

*All Clothes*

"Stay close to me, don't go wandering off like a little kid."

"Fine, I'm not a little kid also I want to look around too."

Ever since we got here people have been looking at us. When you're hanging out with a girl like Aya it's only natural I think, but is it just me, or are girls also looking in my direction?

I saw a group of women walk past us and look at us like we were doing something.

" Hey Sato, if you want, can you help me find something?"

"Umm, sure if that's what you want."

What does Aya like? I never went to the mall with a girl before.

Girls like dresses so maybe I will look for something that matches her—-

(Shyly)" Ummm hey umm, I want your name."

"You what my name?"

"That's a little creepy, you know?"

What is happening? This is weird.

"I meant I want to know your nam—"

"Heyy Sato, do you like this dress?"

"I guess that 's what you like.."

"Also stop grabbing onto me

Why is this happening? Why is Aya holding me like I did something wrong? Also, who is this girl?

"So who are —"

"Never mine"

"Here's my number, call me when you're free."

"Umm alright?"

What the hell is happening!?

Why is Aya looking at her like that? She is giving her a death glare, and she is holding onto my arm so tight.

"Aya are you ok"

The amount of balls on this girl did she really just give her number to Sato in front of me like that!?

Why am I acting like this right now?

"Aya you can let go now."

"Oh Oh, I'm sorry Sato."

Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed right now, and now that I look at him some more, Sato looks really good with his hair out of his eyes. It's all thanks to me though.

"I like the dress it matches your blue eyes."

"What the hell did I just witness? Why is Aya holding on to Sato like that? Did Sato lie to me? Are they dating or something?

No, Sato wouldn't lie straight to my face no way.

I'm going to keep on following them.

"Hey, Sato Ummm you should put your hair how it was."

"Why I'm starting to like it like this."

"Sato, trust me you look better with it down."

Why does she want me to change my hair? I will never understand girls.

" Aya bu—"

"Sato, just do it!!!"

Why is she mad now!?

"Fine if it's what you want."

There now girls will hopefully stop hitting on him, I'm a good friend for helping Sato out.

"Hey Aya, why is your face all red?"

"Ummmm it's nothing really, it's just really hot in this store."

"I will get you a bottle of water real quick stay here."

"Oh ok"

Sato is so thoughtful.

Walking through the mall to the vending machine I saw a sign that said "75% your first hair cut"

75% off that a deal. I should tell Aya about this."

Best RoomMate Aya

Today 11:25 AM

Hey Aya I'm at this

barber shop I will get you

Water once it is done.


Also, it is 75% off


That should take care of that. Now time for this Hair cut!

"Excuse me is this your first time here?"


"How would you like your hair to be cut?"

"Trim it a bit and can you make it into a side part? Also, can you add some of that powder stuff I have been hearing about?

"I got you, bro. All the ladies will be falling for you after this trust me, bro."

"Hehe, whatever you say."

11:30 A.M

"Why are you following us, Hana?"

"It's creepy."

Crap she noticed

"Oh umm, I wasn't following you guys. It's just a coincidence we are both here."

"Yeah right, you've been looking at Sato ever since we got here.

So you don't have to lie to me."

"Fine, I will tell you why. Only if you tell me why you've been all over Sato today."

(Embarrassed)"Umm, that's none of your business!"

"Stop following us before I tell Sato."

"Are you two dating?"

"Also what are you going to do about that girl who gave Sato her number?!"

"It is not my decision. Sato has to choose what he does with it."

"Alright then. I'm going to go home now."

"I don't have anything else to do here anyways."


I actually don't know what I'm going to do about that, but she can't know that.

20 minutes later

Where the hell is Sato? As soon as I find him I'm going to kill—

"Hey, Aya."

"You like my haircut?"

"Oh umm yeah "

"Wait a minute Where the hell have you been?!"

"I swear you're like a little kid getting lost."

"What do you mean I texted you."

"Let me check."

Oh my gosh, he actually texted me!


30 notifications

Best roommate Sato. Hey Aya I'm at this

barber shop I will get you Water once it

is done

"Anyways, here is your water."


His haircut really looks good on him. It's like the one I did on him earlier but better.

"By the way are you hungry?"

"Yeahhhh what about you?"

"We should go eat at a Raman place."

"I know a really good one."

"It's not that far from here."

"Oh alright."

"Follow me Sa—

"Excuse me, can I get your number?"

Is someone really asking for his number

"Oh sure."

"Alright, thanks."

"What is your name by the way?"

"My name is Sato. What about you?"

"I'm Mai."

(Embarrassed)"I will umm call you later Sato."

"Let go Aya."

"Also can you stop looking at me like that?"

"No, you idiot!"

"What did I do?!"

"Nothing, you just make me mad."

"Let's just go and eat."


At the Raman Restaurants

"What are you going to order Sato?"

"Hmm, I'm just going to order a plain Raman."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to get the Extra Extra Spicy Raman"

"Dang, do you like spicy food?"

"Yep, my parents gave me all types of spicy stuff when I was younger."

"That makes a lot of sense."

"I guess when I make you food I will add some spice to it."

"Yeah, you should."

This awkwardness is killing me. I need to start something.

"Sato, what was your childhood like?"

"Hey, Sato."

"Earth to Sato."

"Oh yeah, what's up."

"Why are you on your phone enjoying the moment?"

"Oh yeah haha you know that girl that came up to me at the clothes store."

How could I forgot

"Yeah, what did she say?"

" She said she wants to hang out tomorrow."

"Don't we have school tomorrow?"

"Oh well umm—

"Here's your Raman."

"Ohh we should eat. We don't want it to get all soggy."


Is this really happening? All I wanted is for me and Sato to have a good time together. All of these girls hitting on him are getting in the way.

"Do you mind if I taste some of your Raman Aya?"

"What did you say!"

"I was asking to taste your Raman?"

"Oh sure I guess it shouldn't be a problem"

This is going to be like an indirect kiss!

"Say aww—

"Hey, umm can I have your number?"

Are you for real again!?

"Excuse me don't you see we are in the middle of something here !"

"I'm just asking for his number, you shouldn't get all mad about it."

"Anyways can I have your number?"

"Ohh Ummm sure."

Why are all of these girls coming up to me?

"Thanks my name is lily by the way. Your name is Sato. I heard her say it earlier."

"Anyways I will text you later" *wink*.

"Oh alright."

Again a girl hitting on sati right in front of me. I swear if someone else does it I will—

"Aya you don't have to look at everyone that comes up to us like that."

"Like how?"

"You give them a death glare and act like they're going to do something bad."

"No, I don't."

How can Sato be so clueless that all of these girls are hitting on him… What is this feeling I'm getting?

"Yes, you do. So can I taste some of that Raman?"


"I have to warn you though it is spicy."

"I think I can handle it."


Ahh hell Nah this is way too spicy! I need water!

"Aya I'm going to drink your water I'm sorry!"

"Wait what!"

"Sato, are you ok?



"Sato don't pass out here."

"Stay with me—"

I can't believe he passes out here

So I guess he can't handle spicy food that well?

"Excuse me, can I get the bill?"

"Oh alright is he going to be alright?"

"Nahh, he's going to be all left."

"Alright, Sato your lucky I know there's a bench nearby."

"Hey he's cute, is he your boyfriend?"

What should I say…

"yeah, he is…?"


"Well, have a good night !"

Why did I say that? I'm blushing like crazy right now. My heart is beating fast. It's like the feeling I had all day is growing…

(Blushing) "Sato you damn idiot"

12:30 P.M

Aya was stroking my hair and my eyes were slowly opening.


Where am I?

"Your finally awake Sato"

"What happened?"

"You passed out from all the spicy food. It was quite embarrassing carrying you trying to find a place to sit."

Am I laying on her lap?

"I'm sorry Aya I will get up right aw—"

"Hold up. Stay like that for a while you just woke up.."

"Ummm okay."

Aya smiled at me, but it was a sad smile. She looked down at me "Why do you look sad?"


My heart pounded in my chest so hard I could hear it. I'm I dreaming?

"It's nothing…"

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's fine. Just thinking about something."

"Hey Sato, let's go home."

"Oh ok."

I slowly got up thinking to myself Aya was so happy to start the day why is she acting like this right now?

I think I know how to cheer her up.

"Hey, Aya do you want to go see a movie?"


"Well how about we go home and see a movie together, just the two of us."

"I have a DVD player and you can pick any movie you want."

"If that's the case then sure."

"We should get a super scary movie."

"I agree with you"

"A new one just came out, let 's go buy it."

"Alright! Let go."

She looks happy now. Good. I've she's happy, I'm happy.

Back at Sato place 6:30 P.M

"Alright time to watch the movie!"

"Sato, do you have popcorn?"

"Yep, I'm going to grab a blanket and put it in the microwave."

"Alright hurry up or I'm going to watch it without you."

"Alright alright."

30 minutes later

"Aya this movie isn't even scary."

"What do you mean this Is the scariest one I've seen yet?"


During the movie, I was so relaxed and comfortable that I fell asleep. I woke up several hours later when Aya rose to get more popcorn. She came back and sat beside me on the couch.

"Did you have fun today, Sato?"

"Oh yeah, it was awesome."

"You sure do know how to have fun. It sucks we have school tomorrow." (smiling at her.)

(blushed slightly) "We should do this again sometime."

9:53 P.M

"Yeah, that's a great idea

"Aya I don't think I can finish the movie I'm too tired I'm going to bed"

"Wait don't leave me ... can I sleep with you tonight I'm scared"

"What for? You're not a kid, you'll be fine."

"Please that movie was scary, last time I watched a scary movie I got a nightmare"

"Ok I guess"

"Alright, thanks"

"How about we stay here on the couch instead?"

Aya at that moment lay her head on me and snuggled up close to me. It was a nice feeling. We both drifted off to sleep after a while. I didn't even see the notifications I had gotten.

I hope this feeling will never end.