
Living Media

In a world where characters in entertainment are alive and carry on with lives of their own off screen. a teenage girl named Victoria Langley who is trapped in a British sitcom longs to leave and go on adventures of her own. She finally gets her wish when she wakes up mysteriously on board the Starship Dibits in another show entirely. There Victoria meets new friends and goes on space adventures with them, but as she'll soon learn she's destined for bigger things.

Ranting_Renegade · 奇幻言情
28 Chs

Chapter 13: Citadel City

They overlook the city of Wildowol from the cliff. The city sits in the middle of a flat plain where there's nothing but grass.

"It's amazing." Heidi says

"Let's go." Victoria replies.

They easily navigate down the cliff and down to the grasslands below.

They walk forward and after ten minutes of walking they make it to the city entrance.

"This is nothing like Alicus" Heidi says

"Nothing like London either." Victoria comments.

They stand just before the gates where the guards are at a checkpoint before entering the city.

"Primitive form of entering a city interesting." Jeffers says

"It's not interesting Anton, it's a nuisance." Heidi says

"Victoria do you think they'll let us enter?" Jeffers asks

"I don't think so, Captain. They seem pretty intolerant of our type." Victoria answers

"Should we just sneak in anyway?" Heidi suggests

"It seems like suicide but maybe trying to pass through the checkpoint is the best way in." Victoria says

"Well I guess that's what we'll do" Jeffers says

They then walk up to the checkpoint outside the city. One of the guards looks at another and utters the words

"A wandering trio of humans."

"And they dawn ridiculously attire." The other guards says referring to their standard PA uniforms

As the gang closes in on the checkpoint the two guards join their spears together and simultaneously shout


"Are thou visiting or do you stand before us for business?" The guards ask

"I guess business." Heidi says

"What business are thou merchants?" The guard then asks

"No." Heidi says

"Then what is your business here?" The guard asks

"Uh, Anton help me out here." Heidi says

"You see we are trained actors for the theater." Jeffers says

"Oh, I see, what play do you plan on performing?" The guard asks excitedly

Both Jeffers and Heidi freeze as they face the realization that they can't think of any play to perform.

"Uh…" Both of them stare with blank expressions on their face.

The guards begin to look suspicious again when Victoria jumps in and says.

"We'll be performing this new play I made up called Romeo and Juliet. A forbidden love story of two lovers torn apart by conflict."

One of the guards asks "Alright can we see a kiss since it's a romance story?" 

"Yeah sure, why not." Heidi agreed "I'm Juliet and Anton you're Romeo." 

Heidi leans in for a kiss but Victoria blurts out


Both Heidi and Jeffers look at Victoria surprised.

Victoria coming to her senses just blushes in embarrassment.

"Well though we didn't get to see a kiss it's clear to see green eyed damsel is your acting coach. Thou may enter." One of the guards says.

The two guards step aside and allow them into the city.

They walk past the guard post and into the city. The dirt road they were walking on then turns to finely laid out stone and before them is a medieval city that looks like a modern city with how clean it is. Everyone is Elven and wearing clean clothes and on almost every street corner there is a well where you can get water.

"Well Alicus, never looks this clean despite being almost four thousand years more advanced than them." Heidi says in utter shock of the city that she is seeing.

"London's never this clean either." Victoria comments.

As they walk through the city they look around seeing shops and taverns all around them.

The skyline has two buildings sticking out.

The church chapel of their place of worship. Then there's the castle that sticks out almost in equal size to the church chapel.

Back down on the ground with the trio, Victoria is walking ahead of Jeffers and Heidi while they talk.

"You see how Victoria shouted at us back at the checkpoint?" Heidi asks

"Yeah, she was so loud I bet they could hear her back at the ship." Jeffers answers

"What do you think her problem was?"

"As a dashingly handsome man I've seen women yell out in jealousy over me. And that was jealousy."

"So she didn't want you to kiss me, because she's in love with you." Heidi says

"Not exactly I'd bet she didn't want you to kiss me, because she's in love with you."

"That's ridiculous she hates me. I treat her worse than I treat Beta. It has to be you, the one she's in love with."

"I bet it's you." 

"What are you willing to bet."

"I'm willing to bet being Captain for a day that she's in love with."

"You're on." Heidi says

Victoria falls back and asks

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing, just space stuff?" Jeffers says

"So where is this White Witch you spoke of earlier malady." Heidi

"Are you mocking the way these people speak?" Victoria asks

"Yes, because it's ridiculous. Now where is this person?" Heidi asks

Victoria points towards the huge church like building and says

"I think she's in there. It's a hunch but I bet it's in there."

"Well let's go" Jeffers says

They walk up to the chapel and stare up at it as they stand just in front of the staircase leading up to the door. 

"It's enormous." Heidi says

"Yeah." Victoria agreed "Reminds me of Big Ben the height of it."

They enter into the building, Inside it is as big as it was outside it is dark except for the places where the sun is shining through the windows and above all it appears to be empty with the church like pews being empty.

"Hello!" Victoria screams as her voice echoes from the front of the building to the back.

As her voice hits the back of the building someone says

"Hello my child."

Then this old Elven priest walks out from the back of the building.

"Greetings Victoria." he says

All three of them are shocked to hear that this strange old priest knows her name.

"I've waited many many years for you to arrive. The White Witch has spoke of your arrival since the departure of the Preying Mantis." He says

"I have no idea who that is." Victoria stats. The priest laughs and says

"You haven't encountered her yet. You will."

Heidi shocked by this asks

"How do you know?"

"I don't but the White Witch knows all. She has written it down in the prophecy." The priest responds

"What prophecy? Can we see?" Jeffers asks

"Of course you can, but first. Someone's at the door for you." The priest says

Just then some knocks on the door of the chapel. All three of them look at each other and Jeffers slowly goes for the door. He slowly opens it and when he does he only opens it slightly.

Once the door is slightly opened the sound of those airships can be heard and now it's even louder meaning not only is there more than one there must be several of them.

Jeffers then opens the door completely to see the full scene.

Standing before them is a SWAT like response with several airships in the sky and directly in front of them is a young Elven man with blonde hair wearing knight armor just without a helmet. He has Blonde hair and blue eyes.

Behind him is a group of soldiers with their crossbows ready to fire in a firing squad like formation.

All three of them tremble in fear at the sight of this.

"Can we help you sir," Heidi says nervously

"Yes, thy can by coming with us peacefully." The man says

"But why?" Victoria asks

"You're under arrest. For being spies for the Sauldarian Empire."