By Cowboy Alchemist,A Tale of love, friendship, and savagery. A long time ago, Frank Ramirez and Anne Boonchuy were once best friends. Brought together again, these two will be magically teleported to the world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of dangerous creatures and anthropomorphic frogs. Bond together in an unlikely partnership, while also living with the local frogs, these two will rediscover what real friendship is and become heroes.
It's been a few days since the family had their adventure in the underground factory. The road to Newtopia has been progressing rather well so far. The only other adventure they had was when they came across a town of tiny frogs that were being targeted by a ruthless gang.
Turns out those guys could get vicious when pushed to the brink.
Now the family had made a stop in a forest. Anne and the Plantars were setting up camp. Sprig pitched the tent, and the Thai girl placed a picnic blanket on a cut tree stump. Polly hopped around, gathering firewood off the forest floor.
Frank, on the other hand, was messing with his phone.
Holding it up and with his arm out, he pressed record. "Oye, mamá y papá. It's me, Frank. So…uh, it's been a while since we talked. I know this isn't how you wanted to see me. Being stuck in another world," he said into the phone. "Hop Pop said that pretending to talk to you could help with my problems. So, here we are. On our way to Newtopia to figure out a way home. I know that my, uh, scars might be scaring you, máma, but I can assure you that I'm doing fine.
"In fact, I'm doing better than fine. This entire adventure in Amphibia has been so… therapeutic—healing for me. I-I'm starting to feel like the old me more and more. And it all thanks to someone very special to me."
Frank walked over to Anne and wrapped an arm around her. Initially surprised, Anne smiled and blushed when she realized it was her BFF.
"I think you know this lovely lady, Mom. She's a giant pain in your ass and has been the best friend and partner I could ask for. Give it up for Anne Boonchuy!" He stepped back to allow the Thai girl to be the only one in the video.
"Hey, Ramirez family!" she said, smiling and waving to the camera. "It's your girl, Anne! First, please let my family know that I'm okay. Second, we're doing just great. We'll be home before you know it. Also, sorry for being a bad student, Mrs. Ramirez."
Frank then turned the phone back to himself. "And then, of course, we have the Plantars. The frog family that's been caring for us since coming here. First, we have Sprig," he said. Frank turned the camera to his best froggy friend.
"Hey!" Sprig waved to the camera. However, he was still holding the wooden mallet in his hand. The little frog wasn't paying attention and hit his eye with the tool. "Ow!"
"Polly." Frank pointed the camera at the little tadpole.
Polly waved her flipper. "Hi!"
"And Hop Pop." Frank aimed the phone over to Hop Pop. The old orange frog was cooking the family's meal inside a boiling pot. He'd told the kids that he was going to surprise the kids with dinner, exciting the grandkids and two teenagers. "You guys can thank this old frog for caring for us and feeding me and Anne."
"And speaking of feeding, dinner's ready," Hop Pop said, smiling. After pulling the food out of the pot, he placed it on a tray. Covering it with a metal cover, he carried the dish to Frank, Anne, Polly, and Sprig.
The five of them have been traveling for a few days. The trip had led to them having to ration their food. However, they were instantly excited when Hop Pop promised them a surprise meal. The kids cheered as they ran over to the tree stump and sat down. Ready to have a proper meal for the first time since leaving the valley.
"Now, hold onto your butts." Hop Pop then took off the lid in a dramatic fashion. "Bam! Stick surprise!"
Frank, Anne, Sprig, and Polly looked at what was supposed to be their food. They're unable to hide their disappointment. Just as the old frog said, he had served them a stick as food. Nothing was added to it when he was boiling it in the pot. It was just a little stick that he got from the ground.
"Eh, sólo un momento," Frank said into the phone. Saying in Spanish to give him a moment. Stopping the recording, he turned back to the orange frog. "What the hell, Hop Pop? This isn't food."
"But I didn't tell you what the surprise is," Hop Pop said with a smile, getting the kids all excited. But then he came clean. "All right, there's no surprise. Sorry, kids. This journey's been longer than expected, and we're out of food."
"No food, huh," Polly asked quietly as she sneakily took out a biscuit from her bow. "That's what you plebes think." She took a bite of the biscuit and put it back in her bow.
Anne grunted in frustration and guilt. "This is all our fault," she said, referring to herself and Frank as the two humans sat beside each other. "We dragged you guys out here to figure out how to get me home, and now we're all gonna starve to death."
To the surprise of her and her best friend, Sprig, Polly, and Hop Pop laughed. However, they weren't laughing at them. They were laughing at the idea that they would die of starvation. "We're not gonna starve to death," the little pink frog said. "This is our chance to find food the way nature intended... as hunters."
Upon hearing that, Anne touched her chin with her finger and thought about it. "Hunters, eh?"
The Thai girl could just imagine right now. Anne wouldn't just be a hunter. She'd be the best hunter Amphibia's ever seen. Armed with her bow, Anne would run through the forest, eyes open, scanning the area for anything to eat. That's when she stops and spots a roasted chicken running from her. Clucking as it tried to get away.
But Anne wasn't having any of it. Determined to feed herself and her friends, she jumped up and used her bow to shoot an arrow at the roasted chicken. On the end of the arrow was a small stick of dynamite.
The arrow would hit the chicken, and there would be a big-ass explosion. And when Anne's friends are on the ground, starving to death, Anne would fall next to them, bringing a large leg of the roasted chicken. Proving them the food they need to live. They would feed on that leg, with those that were starving munching on it as if their lives depended on it. Somewhat amused, Anne would then put a big pot of ranch sauce next to them. Enjoying a job well done and delighting in the fact she saved her friends.
Yes, this was how Anne fantasized about her hunting experience.
"Don't worry, guys. I'll go get the food," Frank said, standing up.
"Wait!" Anne stopped him, grabbing his arm before standing up herself. With a confident smile, the teenager pointed to herself with her thumb. "No need to do that, Frank. Leave the hunting to me."
"¿Qué?" Needless to say, Frank was baffled.
"That came out of nowhere," Polly commented, just as confused.
"Anne, are you sure? You do remember the last time you went hunting, right?" Frank raised her a cautious eyebrow. He was, of course, thinking back to their hunt for the elephant beetle. They could barely bring the behemoth down, let alone survive the hunt.
Not to mention how it caused the herd to attack the house.
"That's exactly why I need to do this, Frank," Anne said, looking at her friend pleadingly. Still ashamed about how she treated him that day, the Thai girl explained herself to her best friend. "Back then, you were the one who protected me from the beetle. And it's not just the beetle. You and the Plantars do so much for me. Let me do something for you for a change."
Surprised by her conviction and genuine desire, Frank was uncertain about letting Anne go alone in an unfamiliar forest. However, before he could object and voice his concerns to his crush, Sprig interrupted. "Ooh! I can teach her to hunt the Plantar way, Hop Pop. Just like you taught me."
Hop Pop thought about it for a moment. "Hmm, okay, but you two need to be careful. We're not in the valley anymore," He said, warning the two before they could go off to find food. "Who knows what dangerous predators could be lurking about? They could be poisonous, or they could be psychic. They could be poisonous and psychic. You don't know!"
"Dude, seriously, not helping." Frank frowned at the old frog. He then turned to his best friend, worried about letting her go, while she smiled at him with assurance. Knowing there was no way to talk Anne out of going on the hunt, Frank reached behind his back and pulled out something. "At least take this."
Anne reached out her hand and was surprised to see Frank place his knife on her.
"Every hunter worth their salt needs a knife," Frank said. The Hispanic boy gently closed her fingers around the handle of the knife. Blushing as he felt how soft Anne's fingers were.
Anne blushed with him and looked at the Hispanic boy. Smiling, she said, "Thanks, Frank." She equipped the knife and its sheath to her waist.
She stepped away from Frank as Sprig hopped over to her. "Anne, you ready to hunt?"
With an excited smile, she grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows. "I'm so pumped. This is gonna be awesome," she said. Together, they ran off into the jungle.
Leaving Frank with Hop Pop and Polly. He was still very concerned about his best friend and crush going into the wild alone, without him watching her back. But he shook off the feeling, believing that he was being protective of Anne after discovering his feelings for the girl.
"If they come back with nothing, I'm gonna strangle them," Polly exclaimed, holding up her arms.
Frank looked at her for a moment. "But you don't even have fingers."
Polly looked at her flippers and turned her eyes back to frown at the Hispanic boy. "How dare you?"
As it turned out, reality is not how we always fantasize it to be.
"Okay, this is not awesome," she said, picking herself up and wiping off the mud on her face. What was thought to be the start of an extraordinary quest for food started with Anne tripping and landing face-first in the mud.
Next to her, Sprig dove into the mud and started munching on it, much to Anne's disgust.
"Ugh! I thought hunting was supposed to be cool. Conquering nature and stuff. Not eating mud."
Sprig was tasting the mud when Anne said that. Causing him to spit it out. "Conquering nature?" He asked, mud covering his face. "Oh, no, no. Hunting is about becoming one with nature."
"What? Uh, we're here to get food. Not learn to be hippies," Anne said, growing impatient. She pulled out Frank's knife and stood up. "Alright, let's get this over with.
"Weapons are for barbarians!" Sprig snatched the knife from Anne.
He was about to throw it away, but Anne gripped his wrist tightly. "If you throw Frank's knife away, I swear I will shove an arrow up your ass!" Anne growled at the pink frog. Frank gave her his grandfather's knife, and she'll be damned if she loses it.
Nervous, Sprig slowly placed the knife back into her hand.
"Now then, hunting the Plantar Way involves three main steps. First, track your prey." Sprig demonstrated this by grabbing a bit of mud with his hand. "The soil is a buffet of clues," he said, eating the mud. "Oh, oh! I think I'm getting something. This way."
With little enthusiasm, Anne followed Sprig while the pink frog walked ahead of the Thai girl through the forest. Along the way, he started eating things, including leaves and mushrooms.
For about a minute, they just seemed to wander through the forest. That is until they suddenly saw something moving in a bush. Caution about what will come out of it, Anne pulled out her bow and notched an arrow. She pulled back on the string and aimed it for the bush.
However, instead of a horrifying monster, a worm-like creature came out of it. It looked like an eclair. It was similar in color and even had dollops of cream-like bumps along its back.
The worm squealed and snorted like a pig as it fell out of the bush. It landed on its head and wiggled its legs around. Trying to get back upright.
"See, Anne? Nature provides. We found some grubbles. They're supposed to be delicious," Sprig said.
"Alright, time for dinner." Anne aimed the bow at the grubble.
"Nope." Sprig pushed her arrow away, much to Anne's annoyance. "Step two, use your surroundings."
Walking over to the grubble, he pondered for a moment. Then, Sprig dug a foot-deep hole next to the bush. With his hole read, he ripped some bark from a tree and put one end in the hole. Leaning it against the bush to act as a ramp.
"Perfect," he said. While the frog boy was looking at his work with a proud smile, Anne stood behind him. Confused about what her friend was doing. "And now it's time for the final and most important step... the dance. "
Sprig prepared himself to dance as Anne asked, "Dance? What do you mean da—Oh, my God!" Anne groaned as she covered her eyes. Sprig had bent over and started shaking his butt in her general direction. "You gotta be kidding me."
"This dance has been in our family for generations," Sprig said as he continued dancing. Thankfully not shaking his butt at Anne anymore. "Watch me closely. It's designed to both entice and disorient."
Some worms emerged from the bush as he danced and slapped his knees. They started dancing with him, before throwing themselves into the hole Sprig dug out. Anne watched in confusion as the pink frog continued dancing, and the worms popped out of the bush.
Puffing out and slapping his cheeks to create a hollow drumming sound. This was followed by flopping down on the ground like a fish, which preceded smacking face-first into the ground repeatedly.
Anne rolled her eyes. "Oh, boy. Okay, that's enough," she said, stopping Sprig from beating up his face even more than it already was. "I think I can hunt just fine without a funny little dance."
"There's nothing funny about the sacred Plantar hunting dance, Anne." Sprig crossed his arms. "Besides, I thought you loved dancing."
"Well, yeah, when there's music and a dance floor. I mean, is this even necessary?" Anne questioned her friend. She reached into the bush and pulled out a grubble. "These little guys seem pretty easy to catch. I don't even think they have brains."
The grubble squealed.
"Not all prey will be as easy as grubbles. But that's not the point," said Sprig as he gave a speech. "Hunting is about connecting to the harmony of nature. Let its rhythm flow through you. Can you hear the drums, Anne? Can you hear them playing the beat of the hunt?" By the end, Sprig was grinning brightly as he raised his arms and had flowers in his eyes.
"No," Anne said. "Now, let's split up and catch double the grubble. Don't worry about me. I've got the eyes of a hawk." She said with confidence as Anne started walking off with her eyes closed. Not paying attention to where she was going.
"Anne!" Sprig quickly grabbed Anne from her shirt, stopping her before she fell off a cliff and into the abyss below.
"Totally saw that." Anne smiled.
Sighing exasperatedly, Sprig picked up the grumbles he had just caught. "All right. Just be careful, okay?" he told his friend and started walking away. Heading back towards the camp. "We still don't know what's out here."
They split up and left the place. However, neither of them noticed a drop of water falling down from above and landing on a large leaf. This turned out to be saliva from a creature that was watching Anne and Sprig behind them. Shrouded in the shadows, the beast sat on a branch above the forest floor. Observing the pink frog with its infrared vision.
"Oh, man, are we gonna feast tonight," said Sprig.
As the moon started climbing into the sky, Anne returned to the bush with the grubbles. Seeing that more of them were coming out of it and how her efforts to find food were unsuccessful, the Thai girl decided to get more worms from the vegetation.
She chuckled to herself. "'The dance, Anne.' Ha! You know what's better than a ridiculous dance? An arrow to the face." She pulled out her bow and an arrow. "One grubble-on-a-stick coming up!"
Anne gasped in fear and shock when she heard Frank's scream of pain. "FRANK!" She screamed and made a b-line back to the camp. Panting as she ran through the forest.
Returning to the camp, she stopped. Anne's eyes widened when she saw the thrashed state of the camp. The Plantars were there and appeared to be okay. They were gathered around Frank's body as he lay on the ground.
He was not moving.
"Frank!" Anne cried out to him. Instantly worried for his well-being.
"Anne, look out!" Sprig shouted, pointing to something. Anne turned her head in the same direction, and her eyes widened at the monster standing on a large rock.
In the legends of Amphibia, it's called a Scorpileo. Mostly feline in appearance, it had a muscular body covered in gray fur with four glowing yellow eyes set on the front of its head. The Scorpileo possessed red mandibles with a pair of expandable jaws lined with sharp teeth that could retract, resembling those of a scorpion. It also has a long scorpion tail ending with a hooked stinger which it used to deliver poison to prey.
"What the hell is that?!" Anne yelled as she aimed an arrow at the Scorpileo.
"It came out of nowhere!" Sprig shouted. "It poisoned Frank!"
"Careful, Anne. It can be psychic as well," said Hop Pop.
"I'm too young to die!" Polly screamed in fear.
The monster opened its mouth and roared at Anne. "Stay back!" She yelled at it and pulled back the string of her bow. However, the Scorpileo raised its stinger. Ready to attack and kill Anne.
Anne released her arrow and shot at the predator. The Scorpileo jumped over the arrow and came straight for Anne as it roared. Front paws out with claws deployed. Ready to kill the Thai girl where she stood helplessly. Anne put up her arms to shield herself, but it was futile. Knowing that her journey to get back home was over.
Suddenly, an unholy shrieking roar came out of nowhere…
And the Scorpileo's body was destroyed in an explosion of blood as something powerful and very fast rushed through it in a blur.
A pool of blood splashed all over Anne before she heard something hit the ground with a sickening thud. "Is it over? Am I dead?" she asked, too afraid to look for herself.
The Plantars were utterly silent. Too shocked and horrified to respond. As the smell of death grew stronger, Anne lowered her arms and opened her eyes.
Anne gasped, and her eyes widened. "My…God…."
The once fearsome monster was lying on the ground in front of Anne. Dead .
The animal's body had been ripped apart in a way Anne had never thought possible. Not even roadkill was this gruesome. It wasn't just disemboweled. It was utterly eviscerated. Scattering organs everywhere. Bones were smashed and broken. The lower jaw was lying on the ground, a foot away from the head, with a mandible smashed off. Two legs were separated from the body, the tail and stinger were ripped out, and an eyeball was lying on the ground.
The Thai girl quickly tried suppressing the urge to vomit. Anne's seen death in this world. Having faced it hundreds of times and has had to kill the animals of Amphibia to survive. Nothing that she's seen so far could ever have been able to do what was done to this Scorpileo. At least not that fast.
"What could have done this?" Anne asked as she looked over the animal. A groan from the Hispanic boy brought her attention back to Frank. Realizing he was still poisoned, the Thai girl rushed over to him and the family around him. "Frank!"
The boy was far from looking okay. He was writhing in pain on the ground, the sting wound on his left arm. Frank clenched it as green veins appeared on the skin. Growing out from the wound as he panted with gritting teeth.
"I got sloppy…my bad," he said through the agony.
Anne's fears grew as she saw the veins inching up his arms. "Just hang in there, buddy," she said. To comfort him, she placed her hands on him. "Hop Pop, please tell me you've gotta cure."
"Yes, but it'll take some time to prepare," he said. Hop Pop looked at Frank grimly. "He'll have until morning. If we don't give it to him tonight, he'll—"
"No!" Anne said. Glaring at the old frog firmly and determined. "He's not going to die! I will not lose Frank!"
"Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let's get our bum-bums out of here!" Polly threw up her arms.
"Uh, and let's before that thing comes back," Sprig said, nervous.
"Right. Come on, kids! Let's get Frank into the wagon!" Hop Pop exclaimed.
The family worked quickly to get Frank out of the open. Polly bounced over to the wagon's back door and swung it open. As Frank groaned in agony, Anne picked him up. "I know it hurts, dude, but please keep with me," she pleaded.
Nodding his head, Frank threw his arm around Anne's shoulder. Together, they strolled to the wagon. Every movement of his limbs felt like needles stabbing his body. But somehow, Frank mustered the will to climb to the wagon. As the frogs grabbed everyone's weapons and supplies, he climbed inside before Hop Pop closed the doors. Locking them shut and turning on all the lights.
"Alright, put him on the couch!" Hop Pop ordered the kids. "Someone will have to drive Bessie out of here."
"I'll do it," Anne said, pointing to herself.
Opening the hack to the roof, Anne pulled herself out and sat in the front seat with a lantern with a small fire burning brightly inside.
"Alright, Bessie, let's get out of here," she told the snail. Bessie chirped and started pulling the wagon down the road. Eager to get away from the area.
No one could imagine the horror following them from a distance.
The Night Feeder kept its distance away from the wagon. Not daring to come closer to kill the passengers when the lights were on.
It growled furiously but still stayed away. However, it heard the sound of another animal. It was in another direction, far from the wagon.
And there was more than one.
The Feeder bolted into the woods. Running at insanely fast speeds as it rushed past trees and rocks.
When it came to a stop, the Feeder hid behind a tree and peaked around the corner. The monster saw a herd of wild long-horned cowipedes, cow-like centipedes with massive horns. The cowipedes marched through the forest, mooing as they stayed together. Mothers stayed with their babies in the center of the herd, while the bulls stayed on the outskirts.
The Feeder followed the herd, waiting for the perfect time to strike. And that time came when an old bull stopped at a nearby river. The cowipede lowered its head and took a drink of water. Quenching its thirst after a long migration.
It didn't even have time to react when the Night Feeder rushed and swung its yardstick-long claws into it.
Anne gasped and snapped her head up. Whipping her head around to look back. More terrified moos from the cowipedes echoed from the trees, only to be cut off by the Feeder, ending their lives. She didn't know what was killing those poor animals but knew that it was the same creature from before.
Inside the wagon, Sprig and Polly huddled together in fear. Terrified of whatever was going on outside. It brought back the painful memories of the night their parents died at the jaws of herons. They were locked in the basement when it happened, so they weren't there to see it. But even though they were young, they could hear the screams they made when their deaths came.
Hop Pop was terrified too, but tried keeping himself calm as he boiled the ingredients for the cure in the pot. Working as fast as Frank groaned and moaned on the bed. Finally, he was finished and used a spoon to pour the potion into a bow.
"Okay, Frank, this will fix you right up," Hop Pop said, walking up to the boy. "Now, I don't know the exact effect this stuff will have, but it'll make you feel better."
Panting, Frank nodded. Weakly, he grabbed the bowl and put the edge to his lips. Tilting his head back, he drinks the cure.
Meanwhile, up on top, Anne's grip on the reins tightened. The death cries continued as the Feeder massacred the cowipedes. The males, females, and their offspring were killed without mercy. No matter how much she tried to stop herself, Anne's mind conjured images of the animals being slaughtered. Knowing that it could happen to her and the others.
She wanted to make Bessie run. She wanted to whip on the reins and make the giant snail get the hell out of there. But doing so risked attracting the attention of the Night Feeder. And with the rough and bumpy road, there was a risk of unintentionally hurting an already sick Frank. All she could do was try and keep focus on the road.
"Please don't come here. Please stay away." Anne pleaded in a whisper. Flinching at the sound of another cowipede baby getting murdered. "Please don't come here. Please stay away. Please don't come here. Please stay away."
Anne chanted this over and over again. Until the screaming finally stopped.
By the time the sun came up the next day, Bessie was still pulling the wagon down the road and was passing by a flowing river. It was still in the forest, but the area was no longer as dense.
After having pulled the wagon all, the snail was tired and thirsty. Bessie stopped and pulled over. Lowering her head, she started drinking water from the river. Quenching her thirst.
Meanwhile, Anne was asleep in the seat. Having lost herself to exhaustion and anxiety over the night. There were dark spots under her eyes as she snored, sleeping while sitting upright.
Suddenly, the trap door opened, and Sprig popped his head out. "Hey, Anne!"
"AAAAH!" Anne screamed and fell off the set. Landing on the ground, she groaned in pain. "Morning, Sprig."
"Anne! Frank's awake!" Sprig exclaimed.
Anne instantly stood up. "Really?! How is he?!"
Sprig averted his eyes and looked away. "Well…."
Anne didn't wait for him to finish. She rushed around the wagon and opened the door.
The first thing she was greeted with was giggling. Then she saw Frank on the floor, with dark spots under his eyes. Wiggling his arms around in the air. "Whooooa, it's like I have rubber arms. Oh my god…I have no bones!" He shouted, freaking out.
"Uh, what's with him," Anne asked Hop Pop, weirded out by how Frank acted all weird.
"Well, remember what happened when I drank your energy drink, and you drank my special tea?" Hop Pop started explaining to the young girl. Referring to the time they dared each other. "Well, I guess it's the same with frog cures."
"I'm like an animal!" Frank suddenly stood up, nearly losing balance.
"I like him like this," Polly said, smiling.
"I'm a King Kong!" Frank hit his chest. He then collapsed on the couch. "Why is the basement so much nicer? Did you guys decorate?"
Anne slowly turned back to Hop Pop. "So, how long will it last?"
The old frog shrugged. "Likely until tomorrow. Until then, we'll have to keep Frank in the wagon."
Frowning when she heard that, Anne looked back in the direction they came from. "We better keep moving then. I don't want to stay in this forest any longer," she said.
With that said, Sprig closed all the doors, and Hop Pop hopped onto the roof. He sat in the seat and pulled Bessie away from the river after she'd gotten her fill. Then, he drove the snail down the road.
Soon, the family was out of the dense forest and was passing through a large open field of tall grass. The wind was picking up, making the grass rustle. Anne sat next to Hop Pop and scanned the area with binoculars. Afraid of the return of whatever the creature was last night.
As she looked behind the wagon, through the binoculars, she saw a committee of vultures flying in a circle over the trees. There were at least 20 of them, and there were more coming. All were diving down to one spot in the forest. Anne had a pretty good idea of what they would be feasting on.
Anne turned to the old frog and asked, "Hop Pop, what was that thing?"
"The Night Feeder," he said.
"The wha…?"
"No one has ever laid eyes on it before. Some don't even believe that it exists. But those that have seen its carnage know its name," Hop Pop explained to the young girl.
Anne felt a drop of sweat run down her face. Why the Night Feeder didn't attack them last night was a mystery to her, but she was thankful it didn't. With Frank unable to stand up and think clearly, they couldn't rely on his powers to help him kill the Feeder. Meaning that they would be on their own if it hunted them.
She looked ahead of Bessie, seeing large rocky mountains covered in ruby-red foliage. Anne gulped as her gut told her their troubles were only getting started.
Later in the day, the wind suddenly became much more violent and intense. As the fwagon entered another forest, the unexpected change in the weather hit the family, and the kids locked themselves inside. Seemingly endless gales hammered against the wagon's body, making the walls creak and groan. Bessie struggled to pull the wagon as the winds pelted her with leaves and branches. Hop Pop had to shield his face with his arms despite knowing it was futile.
"It's no use, girl! We'll stop here until the weather lightens up!" He told his snail.
Bessie chirped and stopped before retracting back into her shell for a much-needed rest.
Hop Pop opened the trap door and climbed down into the cabin. Anne was sitting on the couch, gently petting Frank's hair while he laid his head on her lap. Sprig and Polly sat at the table, looking out the windows for any danger.
"Sorry, kids," Hop Pop said. "Looks like we'll be hunkering down here for a while."
"It's cool, HP," Anne said, waving a hand. "So, what do you guys wanna do?"
"Let's ask Loopy-Frank some questions," Polly said, hopping over to the couch. The tadpole cleared her throat, getting Frank to look at her with a smile and half-closed eyes. "Frank, what's your favorite food?"
Frank picked up Polly and widened his eyes to their limit as he pressed his forehead against the right side of her face. "Children."
"Nah! I like pie!" Frank exclaimed. Giggling hysterically as he dropped Polly on the ground.
"Guys, stop it. Frank needs all the rest he can get," Anne told the other sternly. However, Frank's hand reached up from under her, and his thumb and pointer fingers were placed on her lips.
"You were good, kid, real good," he said in a mobster's voice. Opening and closing her lips while acting like a ventriloquist. "But so long as I'm around, you'll always be second best, see?"
He laughed to himself.
"Frank, come on," Anne said, pushing his hand away from her lips. "You need to rest,"
"Alright," Frank said.
He sighed as he wiggled his body, getting comfortable as he smiled lovingly at her.
"Can I have another kiss, Anne?"
Anne stared at her best friend with wide eyes while a massive blush spread across her face.
"Uh, Frank, um…." She had no idea how to respond to that.
The truth was that kiss that she gave him at the Frog of the Year party had been plaguing her mind. Every time she glanced at her friend, Anne would be reminded of how she had kissed him, which would embarrass her. Anne's never done something like that to any boy she was interested in. But for it to be Frank, her best friend in the world? A boy with whom she's been having growing feelings? That fact alone only made the embarrassment worse.
For a moment, Anne was so deep in her thoughts and blushing over the question that she didn't note Frank had already fallen asleep. Not until she heard him snoring on her lap.
He was peacefully sleeping as Anne looked at him and patted his forehead. She smiled at him before looking up….
Only to see that the Plantars were looking at her.
Anne pointed at them. "You didn't see anything!"
Night came, and the family made significant progress along the trail. Believing they'd put enough distance between themselves and the Night Feeder, Hop Pop pulled over Bessie. It was time for all of them to get some sleep.
An hour into the night, all was surprisingly peaceful. Anne, Sprig, and Polly were lying on the ground together. Tucked inside their sleeping bags around the burning fire.
Anne stared at the night sky, sighing as she felt her back getting used to the hard ground. She tried to stay awake, not wanting to fall asleep in case of an emergency. But it was proving to be challenging to keep her eyes open. Anne hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night.
Turning to the frog kids, Anne saw they were already asleep. Cloaking as they snored.
What was the point of staying up? Frank was safe inside the wagon with Hop Pop. Anne had nothing to worry about.
With a deep breath, she crossed her arms and turned on her side. However, she felt something tugging on her skirt. She reached down to grab whatever it was.
Anne's eyes widened before she pulled out Frank's knife. That's right; he'd given it to the Thai girl yesterday.
Smiling at the weapon, she placed it beside her pillow and closed her eyes. Promising herself to return it first thing in the morning.
As she fell asleep, the fire started to die down. Within a minute, its flame was extinguished entirely by the night's wind.
All was peaceful…
…Until the night's silence was shattered by a shrieking roar coming out of nowhere.
Anne's eyes instantly shot open. Sitting up in a jolt, she heard the sound of branches snapping in the distance.
"No!" she whispered.
The Night Feeder had followed them.
"Huh?" Polly woke up groggy.
"What's going on?" Sprig asked, sitting up and looking around.
Anne didn't have time to explain. She quickly grabbed a long branch off the ground and tied the knife to it. With her makeshift spear, she stood in a ready stance.
"The Night Feeder. It followed us," Anne said, profusely sweating as she stared into the forest. Her heart was pounding so hard it could be heard by anyone standing close enough.
The back of the wagon opened, and Hop Pop yelled to the kids. "Come on, kids! Get inside!"
Sprig and Polly rushed inside. However, the pink frog stopped when he noticed someone wasn't with them. He turned around and saw Anne was still standing where she was. Almost unable to move after hearing the fear-inducing shriek.
"Anne! Come inside, quick!" Sprig shouted.
His voice snapped Anne out of it. She ran to the wagon and was about to jump inside when another screeching roar from inside the dense forest made her heart nearly jump out of her throat.
Anne stopped and turned around in the direction the shriek was coming from.
For a moment, there was silence.
That moment was broken when she and everyone in the wagon heard the sound of wood creaking and breaking. It wasn't the sound of branching being stepped on. It was trees breaking. Whatever the Night Feeder was, it was either extensively large or extremely strong.
"Hop Pop, get us out of here!!" Anne shouted, grabbing onto open door hands with her feet on the barrel.
Hopping into the driver's seat and grabbing the reins, Hop Pop shouted, "Bessie! Things are getting messy!"
Instantly waking up, Bessie chirped and took off. Pulling the wagon across the forest at high speeds.
The wagon rattled and shook as it was driven through the forest. Frank lay on the couch, unconscious, with a blanket over his body.
Hop Pop looked ahead with a look of panic. He had to get his family away from the Night Feeder. But how?
Thankfully for the old frog, a mist started to set in on the forest, Covering the entire region in a fog that was so thick it was hard for him to see past Bessie.
Hop Pop pressed on, thinking it was their best hope of escaping. Disappearing into the thick mist.
"Do you see it?" Sprig yelled.
Anne looked over her shoulder as the tree rushed past. She couldn't see anything past the mist. The rattle made it impossible for her to hear anything.
"I-I can't see it—" Suddenly, the wagon hit a rock on the ground. The vehicle jumped, throwing Anne off.
"Anne!" Sprig and Polly screamed. They watched Anne bounce off the ground and roll.
Looking back once he heard his grandkids, Hop Pop quickly pulled on the reins. Bringing Bessie to a stop.
As for the Thai girl, Anne groaned in pain as she picked herself up. Whipping a streak of blood from her mouth. Her body was covered in cuts and bruises from the fall. It was amazing that she didn't break anything. But the burning pain in her side was making Anne doubt that thought.
"Okay…ow," she said, holding her side. Winching as she stood on her feet. Another roar from the Night Feeder made her gasp in terror. Realizing she was off the wagon and now in more danger than ever.
Anne turned around and, through the fog, saw the wagon had stopped. Sprig and Polly were waving to her. "Come on, girl!" The tadpole shouted.
Looking down at the spear she'd dropped, Anne quickly picked it up and fled to the wagon. She ran as fast as she could. Every step got her closer and closer to salvation, yet simultaneously felt like the wagon was miles away.
Anne smiled as she was just a few feet away from the wagon.
However, out of nowhere, the Night Feeder shrieked as it lunged at her for the side. Making Anne stop to jump back and avoid getting killed. At the same time, Bessie freaked out and ran forward with the wagon.
Having both of its prey dodge its strike, the Night Feeder's claws ripped into a tree standing between the girl and the wagon. Sending shards of wood in all directions as Anne's eyes widened upon catching a glimpse of the beast.
The giant tree the Feeder slashed into crumbled under its weight and started to topple over.
Anne stood up and was about to make another run for the wagon after Hop Pop brought it to a halt. However, the plan was ruined when the tree crashed onto the ground between her and the frog family. Cutting off her escape
"Guys!" She yelled. However, this got the attention of the Night Feeder.
The beast rushed at her.
Anne's screaming awakened Frank. The moment she screamed, his eyes shot open, and he sat upright.
Anne groaned in pain as she ran through the forest with all the strength in her legs. Running faster than she'd ever run before. Even with blood running down her left arm from three bad cuts given to her by the Night Feeder. She would have lost her arm if she hadn't dodged it sooner.
"I wanted to be a hunter, but now I'm the hunted! Oh, the irony!" Anne exclaimed. That's when she heard the Night Feeder running behind her. Bringing her focus back on getting the hell out of here.
The Night Feeder stayed right on her tail. Slowly gaining on her. However, just before it could attack, another tree fell out of nowhere and landed in front of the Night Feeder. The monster slashed at it and cut right through it.
As they ran into a much denser part of the forest, Anne tried using the trees to throw off the Night Feeder. But as she ran behind one, the Feeder slashed through it. Anne tried again, but the same thing happened. There was no stopping it. The Night Feeder was fully intent on killing the girl.
Hearing the trees being destroyed, Frank rushed out of the wagon, Hellcat's Claw in hand. "Frank, wait!" said Hop Pop as he rushed outside. "You need rest! You just got—"
"I'll rest when Anne's safe and that thing is dead!" Frank snapped. Walking up to the tree, he started climbing it.
After reaching the top, he stood up and looked through the mist. Gritting his teeth, he looked around, trying desperately to find his crush.
Luckily, he was about to spot another tree being slashed and destroyed before the fog covered it up. Frank jumped down and rushed into the mist, now having a better idea of Anne's location.
As he ran, he caught a glimpse of Anne running through the forest, dodging attacks as they came. The Night Feeder was in hot pursuit.
"Anne!" Frank yelled.
Still running, Anne looked to the left and gasped when she saw her best friend. "Frank!" She called out to him when another tree fell victim to the Night Feeder's claws.
Seeing this, Frank was able to guess where the creature was. With his scythe in hand, the Hispanic boy turned towards the Night Feeder. Jumping into the air, he yelled a battle cry and swung the weapon down on the creature.
However, he missed. The Night Feeder shrieked, startled, and rushed off into the forest.
After scaring off the monster, Frank picked himself back up. However, he realized his body was covered in a black liquid resembling tar. "Ew! What the hell is this stuff?" He asked, trying to shake off the stuff.
"Frank! You're okay!" Anne exclaimed, rushing over to her friend with a big smile of relief. However, the reunion was cut short by the Feeder. It uttered another ear-piercing shriek as it rushed back toward the two humans.
"Split up!" Frank exclaimed. He then started running in the opposite direction. "Hey, ugly! Come and get me!"
"No, no! Eat me!" Anne yelled, running the other way. The Night Feeder started running after her.
"No way! I'm more delicious! Come and get me," Frank yelled from meters away, getting the Feeder's attention. Seeing it looking at him, the boy ran and disappeared into the fog.
The Night Feeder followed him for a moment before stopping. It had lost track of both of its prey. The monster started letting out more shrieking, enraged by Frank and Anne's deception.
Hearing its shrieks brought Anne to her knees. She couldn't take it anymore. It was maddening. She tried covering her ears to drown out the Night Feeder. But her efforts were futile.
This wasn't supposed to happen, Anne thought to herself. She was supposed to find Marcy. She was supposed to patch things up between Sasha and Frank. She was supposed to go home, reunite with her family, and leave this world behind.
But because of the Night Feeder, she was going to die, along with her friends. They were out here, away from home, because she and Frank wanted to go home. It's their fault that they were all going to die.
"AAARGH! Just leave us alone!" The Thai girl screamed into the forest. Attracting the attention of the Feeder.
The beast charged in her direction.
As the screeching grew louder, Anne could no longer hear her thoughts. With her good arm, she feels around the ground, trying to find the spear with Frank's knife on the end of it. When her palm landed on the spear, she grasped it and stood up.
"COME ON, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Anne screamed with all the anger and frustration she had in her lungs. Swinging the spear around like a mad woman with her eyes closed. "COME AND GET ME!"
When Frank heard her, he gasped and rushed towards her. "Anne, NO!"
But it was too late to stop the Night Feeder. The monster raced toward Anne at breakneck speeds. Claws out and ready to kill the girl.
But then, Anne swung the spear lower to the ground and hit the knife's blade against a rock. Creating some sparks.
The Night Feeder let out a started shriek and quickly backed up.
Frank and Anne saw this and gasped. The Night Feeder stared at the Thai girl momentarily. Then it rushed at her again.
Anne quickly hit the rock again. This time the sparks that came from it created a small fire in front of her feet.
The Night Feeder let out another, louder shriek of fear as it rushed back into the forest.
Silence returned to the forest. Only the sound of Anne's panting and the fire crackling was heard. Looking at the fire, she came to a realization. "It's afraid of fire."
"Anne!" Frank over to her. The Plantar's running behind him. When he reached her, the Hispanic boy hugged the girl tightly. Making her yelp in pain. "Oh, right, sorry."
Anne chuckled as she held her bloodied arm after being let go. "It's cool," she said.
"Anne, what happened? How did you survive?" Sprig asked his best friend, absolutely confused about why the Night Feeder let her live. He was carrying Anne's bow and quiver and handed them to her.
"I…I think I scared it off," Anne said, equipping her quiver. Looking back at the fire. Anne pulled out one of her arrows and dipped the tip into the flame. Pulling it out, she brought the flaming arrow tip to eye level and stared at it. "But I know how we can kill it."
As the sun rose over the horizon, Anne knew they had an advantage over the Night Feeder. The sun's light will cover the forest like a tsunami flooding the land. If the beast didn't like light, the group knew which direction the Feeder should be heading to avoid the sun's rays. So, they took up positions further in the forest.
With the trap all set, Anne took her place. Stand in the open with a bandage tied around her wounds.
"Remember Anne!" Sprig called out from a branch in one of the nearby trees. "You have to believe! You have to feel the music!"
"What music? What is he talking about?" Frank asked, hiding behind some undergrowth.
"He's right. I have to do this," Anne said, filled with determination and resolve. She will end the Night Feeder's reign of terror once and for all.
First, she invited her prey to come to her.
Anne let out a loud scream that echoed all over the forest.
Then she waited.
The Night Feeder let out a loud shriek. It had heard her call.
Second, Anne got ready to dance. Sliding her left foot outwards against the ground, she bent down on all fours and closed her eyes. Then, the young Thai girl started listening. Her ears twitched with every sound she heard in the surrounding foliage. Listening as the sound of nature sang to her. From every drop of water that landed on a mushroom. To the woodpecker bugs hitting the trunks of the trees. And small insects were hitting wood, creating drums beating in rhythm.
Now she heard the rhyme of nature, Anne started to dance by shaking her rump.
When he saw her shaking her butt, Frank's cheeks blushed brightly in confusion and embarrassment. He continued watching as Anne stood back up, shuffling while shaking her hands right to left. "What the hell…."
When the Night Feeder approached Anne, it stopped and stood in the shadows of the trees. It watched as Anne continued dancing, confused about what she was doing. But while staring at its prey, the Feeder started to become hypnotized by her dancing.
"I am the leaves. I am the morning dew. I am…" Anne slammed her fists to the ground, completely entranced with the rhythm of nature. "The Hunter!"
This is followed by flopping down on the ground like a fish. She then jumped back up and hopped back and forth. Anne then looked at the Night Feeder, puffed out her cheeks, and slapped them. Creating a hollow drumming sound. Anne danced some more and then repeatedly smacked her face with her bow.
"Yes, you're doing it! It's so beautiful," Sprig said with sparkling eyes.
The monster came out of the trees and approached Anne. It watched her do her dance quietly, wondering what the heck she was doing and why it was so enticing.
Then it roared and raised its arm to slash at her.
"NOW!" Frank shouted, standing up from his hiding spot. With Hellcat's Claw, he struck at a rock beside him. Creating sparks that landed on a trail of tar. The liquid caught fire, and started to spread.
The Night Feeder shrieked and tried running away. However, Hop Pop used Frank's sword to do the same thing. Hitting it against a large rock. Creating a fire that spread in front of the Night Feeder. Sending it running in another direction.
However, Polly was there with an arrow to hit a stone and make sparks. The fire that came from those sparks spread and joined the two that had already started. Sending the Night Feeder turning around and running around.
But Sprig used Frank's knife to make another fire that spread. The trees in the surrounding area went up in a blaze as a ring of fire formed around the Night Feeder. Thanks to the family pouring out the tar in a circle.
The Night Feeder frantically looked around, trying to find a way to escape.
And where was Anne? She had jumped out of the ring of fire when the other ignited it. Separating herself from the monster that had been hunting her down.
Glaring at the Night Feeder, Anne calmly pulled another arrow from her quiver and placed it in the fire. Once a flame was built up on it, she notched it and pulled back on the string, aiming at the Feeder.
Anne then let the arrow fly. Hit it in the heart.
The Night Feeder shrieked in agony as its body went up in flames. As the arrow stuck out of its chest, the monster tried using its large claws to swap at it. But it was no use. The fire built up and consumed the Feeder in a column of fire. Killing it as it burnt alive.
Anne sighed in relief, seeing the Night Feeder dead. The others joined her as they watched their enemy die before them. As a bright light shone down on them, they saw the sun rising higher into the sky.
Bringing an end to the night and to the hunt.