
Episode 2: Welcome To Hell

"Quick get her in the ambulance!"

Mary had turned into a zombie before the ambulance came. The paramedics grabbed Mary but one of them saw the diary of Park Woo with a mental container near it. "Maybe this has a explanation to this." One of the paramedic's said.

The paramedics took Mary and the diary but Park Woo was nowhere to be seen.

Daniel charged at Harvey, Trying to bite him,but Tao chopped Daniel's head off with a knife from Robby's bag. It wasn't over though,the teachers and police in the room had already turned,luckily no child so far (Except Daniel) was hurt. "FOLLOW ME!" Shouted Robby and they did. They ran to the yard and screamed for help but it was no help A full scale zombie invasion was happening. Every second people were bit.

"I can't go on longer.. Not without Daniel" Said Prince "Daniel's dead." Robby replied. Prince burst into tears but they realised the zombies made it to the yard and were biting people

"ITS THE WALKING DEAD!" shouted Ibrahim "No way…" Tommy said

"Quick, call the police!" Said Scarlett "Good idea." Said Harvey as he took out his phone.

"999 whats your emergency?" Said the officer

"Quick there's zombies! At our school, London Doves secondary school." Replied Harvey "Zombies..Really?" The officer said as she thought she was speaking to the craziest people in London"

"YES ZOMBIES!" Harvey shouted. The police hung up and by this time the chaos period had just started

"WATCH OUT" Tao screamed as she slashed a zombie which nearly killed Alex. "Should've let him die." Yasmine said "Hey!" Alex snapped back in a frustrated temper. "Get to the roof,we might be safe there." Tao advised. A zombie leaped at Lily but Gabriella and Scarlett kicked it and Tao finished it off "Hey! I wanted any of the boys to do that for me!" Lily said

"Shut up,we saved your life" Tao replied. The group of now 11 ran into the hall. "I can't keep up,may someone please carry me? Specifically a boy like Robby or Tommy?" Lily said while running to the roof "Okay Lily!" Alex shouted "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Lily shouted while trying to push Alex, Alex saw a zombie behind Lily which nearly bited her,so he pushed Lily away from the zombies and ran off with the rest of the group

"SHIT! WE CANT GO TO THE ROOF BECAUSE THE ZOMBIES ARE BLOCKING IT! Gabriella exclaimed. "STOP SHOUTING DUMBSHIT!" Ibrahim shouted "you're shouting idiot." Tommy said.

Harvey found an empty classroom "In here guys!" Harvey said. "We'll be safe in here" he said. "Okay what the fuck is going on I cant be arsed for all this running" Scarlett said with a sigh "Its a zombie out break!" Alex said. "Shutup Batty boy." Scarlett replied.

"What did you call me?" Alex said "I'm tired of listening to you cry,shutup or i'll make you." Scarlett said. "Fine,Come fight me then." Alex said as he threw his glasses away

Alex then ran to Scarlett and punched her.

"WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ASSHOLE!" Robby said as he kicked Alex in the face. "That should teach him a lesson." he said.

"Prince..You alright?" Asked Ibrahim "No. We are all going to die,theres no point." He said.

With the paramedics

A Doctor called Dr. Smith showed a detective named Steven Hughes the diary. "Park Yong Woo, we need information on him! He probably did that to the woman we found in the house where the diary was!" Dr Smith said. A Loud bang could be heard

"Hello." A man who was once normal stood menacingly. "You have my diary. Give it back!" The man said. "It's him, Park Yong Woo" The Detective slowly said.

"It's God to you."

Everyone in the building had turned into zombies and Park had some sort of power. He was able to control the zombies meaning he was The Zombie King. "HELP ME FUCK!" Dr Smith's last words were before his screams became muffled by the hungry zombies. "Hey Detective, I'll ask again."

"Give me the goddamn diary."

"Take it! Just please don't hurt me!" The poor man cried. "Oh you PUSSY!" Park said before hundreds of zombies leaped onto Steven,eating him alive.

In the school, the group boarded up the door with chairs and tables. "You gonna help?" Gabriella asked Alex "Leave me alone" He replied.

"Aight guys i'm going to sleep see you in the morning." Ibrahim said "Cut the crap Ibby" Tommy said as Harvey laughed. "Alright guys, we're going to get into pairs so each person in a pair will have each other's back and keep everyone alive. This way everyone will have a higher chance of living if someone is always helping you. Of course we will all help eachother but this is only for extreme measures." Harvey said.

Hours went and everyone went to sleep, slowly when everyone was asleep Alex stood up and broke the barricade of doors and walls and opened the door. "IN HERE! THERES PEOPLE IN HERE!" Alex shouted. Zombies sprinted in the direction of the shouts

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Ibrahim woke up from the shouts and strangled Alex. Everyone woke up and were confused "THE DOOR CLOSE IT!" Tao shouted,but it was too late. The zombies had made it in. Ibrahim threw Alex into the zombies causing Alex to turn into one of them.

Alex had a flashback like everyone else did

"Stop it!" Alex said as he was getting punched in the stomach by a boy named Kai. "Gonna cry dipshit?" Kai said as he pulled out a knife. "Please.. Dont hurt me." Alex slowly said. Kai robbed Alex and took his wallet and phone. "Meet you at school pussy" as Kai punched Alex in the face one last time. When Alex got home his parents were fighting and Alex ran into his room and cried. Cried alot.