
Live My Next Life to The Fullest

With little opportunity to experience life to the fullest, Layla was born into a poor household and spent her entire life working in order to care for her basic needs. She eventually overworked herself to death. When she opened her eyes, she imagined being greeted by an angel who would accompany her to paradise and expecting to see nothing but white clouds around. Instead, she woke up in a luxurious bedroom that was ten times larger than her studio apartment. That wasn't all, either! In the mirror, she noticed a reflection that wasn't hers. She possessed a different body and eventually accept her faith. The persona she was inhabiting was Ophelia Lockhart, a socially awkward beauty who spent the most of her life in a massive mansion. An unmentioned character in a book entitled "In the Power of Love", that Layla adored. As soon as Layla entered her favorite book, she learned information that was left out of the text and that would alter the way she perceived the novel. What did she uncover, exactly?

cute_lady_Jean · 奇幻言情
295 Chs

Chapter 8: Confession

Layla was currently hibernating in her chamber as she didn't have the energy to go out. Her energy was drained from that unfortunate day, and it's been a few days since that happened.

She knew that the heroine had already recovered from her cold based on what happened a few days ago, and she bet the heroine was not at her chambers and would be at the greenhouse.

Layla doesn't want to face the heroine without her expression showing twisting into disgust. She doesn't want to risk going. She wants to rest and somehow pray that once she faces the hero and heroine, she can keep her face calm and collected.

A knock was heard from her door, and the head butler came into sight.

"Good morning, madam," the head butler said with a bow.

"Good morning too, Benidict."

Why am I feeling chills on my back?

"I have come with great news, madam."

"What would that be?"

"The master will have dinner with you tonight," the head butler said with a smile.

Layla's brain seems to have stopped working as she was startled by the news. The head butler can't help but smile at the madam's expression of surprise, completely misunderstanding something.

"The master will be waiting for you this evening. Please excuse me," the head butler said as he quickly left the room.


"Madam, I heard the master will have dinner with you this evening," Ella said with dreamy eyes.

Shit. Why so soon?

Layla's glam team of servants came into her room with the lead of Ella as they excitedly pampered her for the evening without even knowing how she really felt about the upcoming dinner with him.

She doesn't want to go but has no guts to decline it.

That's why she just went with the flow and trusted the servants about her look. Before she even knew it, she was already looking at herself in the mirror.

She was in awe of Ophelia's beauty. It was magnificent, as always. Because of that, her nervousness disappeared, and she felt confident in her own appearance.

However, when she was in front of the dining hall, reality hit her again. Her heartbeat was beating so fast that she wanted to puke.

She took a deep breath and reminded herself that she was magnificent in an attempt to calm her nerves.

The door of the dining hall opened, and Layla walked in and saw a grand table. The hall was decorated so beautifully that it took her breath away.

She didn't have a chance to visit the dining hall during her stay at the estate, as she was always eating in her chamber.

Layla walked toward the table and saw someone sitting at the head of it. Her eyes shifted to the right side of the head seat and saw someone else.

Layla frowned. All her nervousness disappeared and was replaced by something else she didn't know.

"Greetings to the master of the house," Layla said with a bow.

The master of the house looked at her, noticing her presence.

"Lia! Come have a seat. I've been waiting for you to come," the hero said with a smile on his face as he gestured towards the empty chair at the left side of the table.

Layla secretly glanced at the food on the table and saw how much food had already been touched.

Waiting my ass.

Layla mustered her sweetest smile at him." I apologize for making you wait."

She took a seat and looked at the person sitting at the other side of the table.

The hero looks at Layla and noticed her eyes was on the heroine.

"I would like you to meet Lady Claudia St. Clair. She's a powerful priestess from the church and the one I was ordered to protect," the hero said.

Layla only nodded her head. She had nothing to say.

"You might not know, but while you were in a coma, I was given a mission along with Lady Claudia to purify the tainted lands." The hero continued; his eyes fixed on Layla's, as if trying to read her thoughts.

Layla smiled. "I'm glad to hear you're doing something honorable."

"This mission is really honorable since it's for the sake of our people," the hero replied proudly.

They already started eating, but the hero seems to have no plans to touch his food anymore as he keeps blabbering and praising the heroine.

"Lady Claudia is a respectable maiden, as she has devoted her life to helping those in need," the hero continued, completely ignoring his own meal.

His eyes sparkled with admiration for the heroine. His eyes were solely on her.

Isn't he rubbing it straight on my face?

He's not even hiding from his actions that he's in love with her.

Could he be more sensitive? Can't he consider since I'm here, his wife?

"You praised me too much, Samm- Sir Archer," the heroine responded, her face tainted red.

Are they flirting in front of me?! Get a room!

"This is not the first time we meet, Miss Ophelia, right?" the heroine asked her.

"That would be the case," Layla replied with a smile. "We met a few times in the greenhouse. Too bad something happened, and we didn't have the chance to meet after that."

The hero flinched at Layla's words.

"Right? I had a cold that day. It's a good thing that Sir Archer took good care of me while I was sick," the heroine said with a smile.

Is she kidding me?

"I'm glad to hear my husband is taking care of his colleagues," Layla said with a smile.

The two smiled at each other, tension forming between them until the hero intervened.

"Lady Claudia would need to rest early as she just recovered from her cold," the hero said while supporting the heroine to stand up.

A servant came to escort the heroine.

Layla even saw the heroine give pitiful glances at the hero as she walked away.

The hero sighed.

"Lia, I have something to tell you," he said with a solemn expression on his face.

Layla looked at his face and nodded.

"Shall we change our location? I think it's best if we talk in a different location," she suggested.

The hero agreed, and they ended up going to one of the many balconies of the estate.

The cold air hit Layla's face as they stepped outside.

It was still winter, but the night was calm.

The hero took off his coat and draped it over Layla's shoulders.

"How about you?" she asked.

"I'm used to the cold, and I don't feel it as much."

A silent envelope between them as they gaze at the calm night. Cold wind hitting their skin and making their hair sway.

"What do you want to talk about? I believe we didn't come here to freeze from the cold." She breaks the silence and attempts to start a conversation.

"Lia. I wanted to say that—"

"Is this about Lady Claudia?"

The hero pauses, unsure how to respond.

He takes a deep breath and decides to be honest.

"Yes, Lia. It is about Lady Claudia."

They face each other in silence, the tension thick between them.

"The time we spent together on the mission was some of the best moments of my life," he finally admits.

Layla didn't respond and stared at him.

"I know you will be hurt and be mad at me, but I can't stop my feelings anymore. I fell in love with Claudia," the hero confessed. "I love her." he said in a soft whisper.

Layla felt a pang in her chest.

"I figured it out." She finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm telling you this since I wanted to be honest with you, and I think you deserve to know since you're my wife." he said sincerely with a sad smile on his lips.

Tears streamed down quietly from the corner of her eyes, but the hero didn't see them as the place was dim.

Layla didn't respond because she was afraid her voice would choke with emotion.

"I can't live without her," he whispered to himself, gripping his fists tightly.

Layla heard him.

His head was looking down at the ground, as if he were ashamed.

But somehow Layla can't trust his actions if he really feels guilty, since how can he feel guilty when he cheated on her and even slept with another woman?

"What are you planning now?" asked Layla after a few seconds of silence, with a stern look on her face.

The hero looked up. "I want to make Lady Claudia my concubine."

"How about making her your legal wife?" asked Layla, her voice indifferent.

The hero looked at her, his eyes wide open.

He's flabbergasted.

"Are you sure about that?" the hero asked, unsure of Layla's suggestion.

Layla smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with that," she said in an indifferent voice.

The hero's reaction was understandable.

Layla read about the laws of the country she was in and saw a law about men being permitted to have multiple women. Though it needs a permission from the first wife for the man to bring in a second wife, but most of the time, all other women that the man brings after the first wife only become concubines, never get the title of wife.

Who even wants to share their husbands?

The concubines force their way into the marriage. And the title of wife was the only one that they could never attain. The title of first wife is the highest rank among a man's women. And the titles of wife and concubine have a huge difference in status and treatment.

Now that Layla suggested that she basically permitted her husband to bring in another wife.

Maybe because Layla was not the real Ophelia, she didn't have a problem accepting the idea of her husband having a concubine or a second wife.
