
romantic dance/" I love you angelica"

Angelica said with a crooked smile "Jack sir don't worry I also love only you and as far as Edward is concerned he is my childhood friend I don't know when he started loving me and I don't love him everyone knows I just want to pass time with him simple otherwise I love only you".

Jack angrily held Aditi's hair tightly and said "Angelica don't even think about cheating on me otherwise you don't know what I can do to you".

Angelica puts her lips on his lips, Jack's next words remain in his mouth he also starts kissing Angelica with passion.

Class room

Edward comes to the class and his eyes run around the classroom but he doesn't see Jennifer anywhere then someone puts a hand on his shoulder, Edward turns his head and looks around, it was his friend Loy he was also very handsome. He put his hand on Edward's shoulder and said "What happened my lion who are you looking for, your lover or Angelica".

Edward looked around and said "Little Heart".

Loy said laughing "I don't understand one thing about you, you love Angelica and call Jeni your lover, you can live without Angelica but without Jeni you don't even feel like coming to college, then why do you feel that you love Angelica and not Jeni, listen to me I feel that you love Jeni and not Angelica".

Edward slapped Loy on his chest with his left hand and said, "No friend, don't say that. Jeni and I are very good friends since childhood and I don't think anything like that about her. Now tell me where is my Jeni?"

Looking at his phone, Loy said, "I got a message from her. She said that she won't come right now. She will come directly to the party at night."

Edward said with some anger, "Couldn't she tell me this by messaging me which she told you?"

Loy just shrugged his shoulders. Edward's eyes went to Angelica coming in front of him. Angelica came near Edward and put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Hello Edward."

Edward also says hello to her. Edward held Angelica's hand and said, "Angelica, come to the party tonight well prepared. I have a surprise for you."

Angelica also nods her head happily and Edward goes away from there. Angelica said with a crooked smile "Edward you are my friend, I know I should not do this, but what can I do, I am enjoying all these things very much" She goes inside the class with smirk

Night time

Paradise Hotel

Edward and all his friends were going to party here. Everyone had come to this hotel. Angelica had also come. She was just waiting for Edward.

On the other side, the door bell of Jennifer's apartment rings. Jennifer who was getting ready screams, "Hey, Edward has come here. What was the need to come here? He was coming to pick me up."

"What is the problem if I came to pick you up. And you didn't even come to college today. I was calling you but you were not receiving. You didn't even reply to any message. What happened to you? Are you feeling well? Are you angry with me?" Edward's harsh voice echoes there.

Jennifer looks back and Edward keeps staring at her for a few moments and Jennifer's eyes were also fixed on Edward. Edward was wearing a black colour party wear suit in which he looked very handsome. His hair which was slightly scattered on his forehead was giving him a more attractive look. Edward bowed his head and said to Jennifer, "Answer, why were you not receiving the call?"

Jennifer quickly turned her eyes away from him and said "I don't know why I fell asleep and then I went to the market to get some things so we couldn't talk. How did you come inside?"

Edward showed her the keys and said "I have the second key of this apartment so I can come anytime. I don't need your permission for this."

He stood behind Jennifer and looked at her in the mirror. Jennifer was wearing a red colored gown in which she was looking very beautiful. She had curled her long hair and left it open and some strands of it were coming on her face which was making her more beautiful.

Edward held her hand and went outside and said "You are ready so let's go now. Angelica must have also come."

On hearing Angelica's name, Jennifer immediately looks at Edward but she doesn't say anything and they leave from there.

Paradise Hotel

Edward and Jennifer both get out of the car together. All the girls' eyes were always on Edward because he was very handsome and rich. Edward's father was the trustee of this college. Some people did not like seeing Edward and Jennifer together and some people believed that Edward and Jennifer were made for each other.

When Angelica's eyes fall on Edward and Jennifer, she raises her hand in front of them. Both of them reach directly to Angelica. Angelica hugs Jennifer and says "You are looking very beautiful".

Jennifer also praises her. Edward looks at them and says "You both are looking very beautiful".

Both of them say thank you to him with a smile.

Then a song starts playing there and everyone starts dancing by making their own moves.

On every page of my destiny

While I am alive, after I die

In every tomorrow and every moment of mine

You write about him

On every page of my destiny

While I am alive and after I die

In every tomorrow and every moment of mine

You write about me to him

In every story and every tale

In the true relationships of the world of heart

In all parts of life

You write about me to him

Everyone was in pairs, Angelica and Edward, Loy, Jennifer and all his other friends. Edward had put his hand around Angelica's waist and had brought her very close to him. Angelica had put one of her hands on Edward's chest and the other around his neck. There was a sweet smile on her face. Edward was staring at her face.

Jennifer's eyes were going towards both of them even though she didn't want them to. Loy, who was watching her expressions, bent down and said in her ear, "If you love Edward, then tell him why are you hiding it from him. Edward is intelligent, he will understand that he loves you and not Angelica." Jennifer shook her head and said "No Edward loves Angelica not me and I am happy for him I don't want to be a third person in his life and you should never say this to him".

Loy shakes his head and says no and they change their partners.

Oh God Oh God

When it was made it was made for him

Oh God Oh God

When it was made for him

I am his, I am in him

Let it be his

I am thirsty, he is the river

That means of living for me

Give me a house, give me a street, give me a city

In his name

Whether these steps move or stop now it is for him

Give me my heart if it hurts me but

Let it be his laughter which echoes in my house

Loy deliberately pushed Jennifer towards Edward while spinning her around due to which Jennifer fell straight into Edward's chest. Edward held her properly and said "Are you okay little heart?"

Jennifer holds him tightly and nods her head in yes. Edward holds her hand, puts his hand on her waist and starts dancing with her, smiling. Jennifer is lovingly looking at Edward's handsome face. Jennifer's hand is around Edward's neck and she is caressing his neck slowly with her thumb. Oh God Oh God

When it was made, it was his

Oh God Oh God

When it was made, it was his

My share of happiness and laughter

You may reduce it to half

You may take my life

Promise me this

On his tears, his sorrows and his griefs

On his every wound

I have the right everywhere, every moment, yes, for the whole life

Now, only this should happen that he stays in me

He may come together, but may never get separated

Oh God Oh God

When it was made, it was his

Oh God Oh God

When it was made, it was his

On every page of my destiny

While I am alive, after I die

In every tomorrow and every moment of mine

You write about me

Oh God Oh God

Oh God Oh God

The song ends and a spotlight is put on Angelica. Angelica already knew about all this, but she was pretending to be surprised. It was not that she was bad at heart but she enjoyed doing all this. She did not think bad for Jennifer either but she felt that she was the most beautiful girl in the world and every boy should love only her, that is why she tried to attract boys and she did the same thing with Edward too.

Edward was sitting on his knees in front of her, he took out the ring from his pocket and keeping it in front of Angelica said "I love you Angelica, I love you very much, I love you very much and want to spend my life with you, so will you become my life partner".

Jennifer was not able to see all this, her eyes were moist but she was still happy for Edward that he is going to get his love, the smile on Angelica's face suddenly disappeared and she looked at Edward and made a poor face and said "What are you saying Edward, do you know what you are saying".

Edward nodded his head and said, "Yes Angelica, I know what I am saying and I am very serious about you."


what will Angelica say on Edward's question who is Jack, we will know later and rest of the romantic parts are going to come ahead so stay tuned with me bye ☺️. . . . . . . .