

"Here, have some water." The white furred, smaller werewolf offers, tossing a plastic bottle at Tim.

Happy but still having an urge to run his mouth, Timothy answers. "Thanks, I love being pitied by my kidnappers."

Tad sassy and most definitely direct, the lady answers. "It's no petty, why do you think I would care about you?"

Liking that he has a reason to offend now, Tim expresses. "No reason and I like it that way because neither of you are my family, I will never believe it."

"You'll believe it sooner or later, you have time to think." Another tone echoed but at this point it's becoming familiar.

They see the bigger werewolf walk in, specifically the one that's level 7 and 4 meters tall in size.

Wanting to be tad friendlier, she deciphers. "I'm Medea by the way, but you can call me mom."

"I'll stick to Medea, stranger." Well it's certain that the young werewolf is sticking to his point.

Not liking any of these people but still tad curious, Tim questions. "What's this girls name and can you ask her to go away?"

"That's Elena, she's your sister." Medea reveals, noticing how that answer made Timothy flinch.

And saying something that breaks the repetitive, Tim sighs and slowly contradicts. "Nah she ain't, all of you are crazy. Family wouldn't put family on a silver chain."

"We're here!" A manly tone outshone whatever comotion was in this den.

Aluring gazes towards the entrance, they see two black werewolves burst in with dead deer on their shoulder, carrying about 3 of them all together.

The same brother who seems to have 2 golden lines on his chest, yells out with a signified bliss on his tone, joyful. "Dinner is served."

And then the two brothers toss the deer on the ground, almost near Tim.

Timothy is used to stalking animals but he never actually killed one, it didn't befit him. And that considered, he can't help coldly expressing. "I'm not eating that, it's raw."

Carrying a dead serious look on his face a split second after, the jolly brother rips a chunk of meat from one of the deer with his powerful claws, leaps near Tim and offers it. "Are you a werewolf or a cat?"

Although no cuss language here, it sure feels like a heavy offense so Timothy yanks it off the werewolves hand and takes a bite.

At that same second, a large laughter breaks from the werewolves, apart Tim of course who doesn't understand what's going on.

Breaking the confusion, the werewolf in front of him deciphers. "We're not animals, Lines. Well kinda but we do cook our food over a fire."

"Oh so now you're mocking the prisoner ha, that's nice." Well that's Tim's way of fighting off embarrassment.

Confused by what this human is saying, the werewolf answers. "Prisoner? Nah. Dad used this a lot on me when I pulled pranks, he should let you go in a week or something."

Reaching out his claw, trying to do a hand shake, the werewolf speaks out. "I'm Philon by the way, and that one over there is your brother, Krino."

Giving a glance at Krino, well he does look more powerful. A level 3 werewolf judging from the golden lines, he looks a bit taller than Tim.

Respecting the hospitality, Tim has at least a motive to be calmer towards Philon. "Oh so you believe your father ha, sorry to break it to you but I'm not your brother."

Rubbing Tim's hair as softly as possible, he contradicts. "Sure you are, I remember your scent. I was like 18 years old when you went missing little bro."

"And you went missing because of me." Krino adds, his interference forcing the den cold.

Walking closer, he gives a deeper intel of what happened that day. "I was fighting a werewolf off from our den and when I got back, you were gone."

His werewolf form shifting towards human, but thankfully this one has old torn blue jeans on, Krino reveals his youthful face to Timmy and requests. "So I hope you can forgive me, your doubts right now are all because of me."

Krino has interesting characteristics indeed. He carries brown hair, blue eyes and a round face, the only edge is on his chin.

He's well built, a lot of muscles and stands 5.10 feet tall now in his human form, he looks young for someone who's level 3.

"I'm sorry but I don't believe any of this, all of you are kidnappers." Insisting to his points most definitely, Tim sits down and spits the bad taste out.

"That's my fault." Krino murmurs, starts switching back to his werewolf form and heads for the deer.

While the rest ran through this portion of the life story, Elena has already made efforts to start a campfire and is succeeding, using flint against her claws to cause sparks.

They have to cook the meat anyway so this is just a step to hurry everything up, it isn't easy to get a meal where so many predators run wild.

A large werewolf breaks through the entrance a second after and thankfully it's no stranger. This is Ulsik, the dad of this family and he's carrying a big black plastic bag on his shoulder.

Happily, he reveals. "I got the pill things for you, Lines. Didn't realize antidotes have become so small, like did they put honey in these things?"

"It has a ton of substances, would take a chemist to explain them." Tim explains, having read about pills before.

Walking towards Tim, the father explains a bit of his trip. "Well the lady said these should last you for years, drink an antidote or eat it or whatever there has to be done."

Getting a grip of the plastic bag, Tim expresses. "Those are a lot of pills, did you rob the pharmacy or something?"

Ripping off his own blue jeans, Hulsik rushes through a few sentences. "No, that lady there was nice. If she was a werewolf I would ask her hand in marriage for you. I got tons of wallets, scared campers leave everything behind."

Tim takes a pill immediately, his thoughts have been rampaging especially since last night he didn't take one of these pills before rushing to the woods.

Letting the boy calm down, the rest of the family give their contribute into skinning, chopping and cooking the meals, trying to make it a meal that doesn't torture the stomach.

An hour after, they take some of the cooked meat and circle near Tim so he can join the family feast. In the meantime they've left another portion of the food fry.

Taking a few bites, Hulsik breaks in. "Lines, it's time you figure out why I'm so insistent to keep you here."

"Do tell." Tim answers, not sure what to expect.

Tad hesitant but fighting off emotion, the father of the family deciphers. "I've lost many of my kids before and I want the remaining ones here, but the family isn't complete yet."

Getting tad sad about this, understanding how traumatizing it is to lose a child, Tim stays silent and hears the man explain. "Two of my sons are captured and I need you to reach level 2 if we are ever to get them back!"