

Lies, well they are most definitely roaring nowadays, but let's focus on the ones that are causing good people, unfavourable burden.

Anna followed along by Silvia, entered the building where that lie of an article was written.

It was easy to determine which company supported her cause once reaching the end of the article, it's this company called 'Mondragon updates'.

"I'm looking for Hazel Gunter." Anna spoke out swiftly after Silvia banged the door shut.

The lady behind administration, simply asks. "Do you have an appointment with her?" While trying to remember who Hazel is.

"No, but she has written lies about me ln a viral article, I need to talk to her eye to eye." Anna expresses, trying to be as calm as a raging lady can be.

Understanding the set of rage, the lady behind administration interjects. "I see, well we can't let you in without an appointment."

"This is no time to follow procedures, I will sue this whole building if you don't let me meet her. You'll be out of a job." Afterwards Anna slides her lawyer's license underneath.

Picking it up, the lady's eyes open wide after checking the level Anna is at in her profession. She is a barrister that can most definitely drag these people into higher court.

"What's going on here?" A male tone shone quietly behind them, thankfully not yelling.

"This lawyer wants to talk to this journalist called Hazel Gunter, here it says she was hired a few days ago." The lady behind administration species, saving Anna a breath.

"I know her, but what is this about? I'm the manager here." The man specifies, he looks short by length and black by skin.

"Stephan Mondragon." The manager specifies while reaching out for a handshake.

"Your employee has been spreading lies about me, she's describing me through articles as a slut! I can open multiple cases by that alone." Well, this is the part where she gives a scare, although not at all lying about the law procedures.

"Oh then follow me, talk to her and settle this. Feel sure that she will get fired as well, we have nothing to do with people like her." The manager explained as the two followed.

Well, this went better than expected, a little scare can go a long way once dominance is asserted.


"The hell are you posting about those lies for?" Anna shouted after it was pointed out which journalist did it.

Well they are in a room full of people, each have their own computers although they don't have a seperate office.

"I don't recall posting any lies." Hazel answers, carrying a smirk on her face and calm by tone.

Slamming her palms on the computer table, Anna pitches. "Delete that article right now or I'll open two cases. One against you and one against this entire building, you'll be in debt for decades and this place will go bankrupt!"

"That won't lead you anywhere, I only wrote about the truth. Fact that it's against you, doesn't make it a lie." Well her confidence is astonishing, she hasn't yelled once.

Hazel looks like she's in her late twenties, 27 maybe? The lady's a bit too slim and has dark hair, freckles and this blank look on her face.

Anna has to be fair, she does feel a bit intimidated because if the manager of this building nudged, then a newcomer should have broken the moment Anna entered the room.

Using reasoning for a second Anna states a clear fact. "You don't live in the same house, you don't know what happened."

Adding a part that can be a pain in the ass to contradict and go against, Hazel reminds. "Ma'am, there are several eye witnesses who saw Ronny come out of your apartment at 5am, that can't be just made up."

Knowing best what happens in her own house, the well known lawyer slightly yells after rubbing her temples. "Which is another lie that either you or Ronny made up. Either way I won't be dealing with any of you, expect a call soon."

Sliding her license across the table firmly with one hand, Anna specifies. "It's your word against mine, I have enough evidence. You and this company will be paying a fine for discrediting me, causing an emotional hastle and spreading lies."

Dragging her license back after Hazel took a peek, Anna walks away and adds. "I hope you have 100,000 dollars lying around."

At that second, she hears Hazel's tone hollering. "Stop!"

Turning around, she hears Hazel questioning. "What do you want?"

Loving that this battle finally started streaming her way, Anna walks closer and demands. "Delete that article and create a new one, apologizing. You clearly were misinformed and did your job horribly, aim for the truth instead of posting about it first or second."

This lady has for sure forced everyone here to stand up. There are about 20 people here and they all have stopped their work and are listening or looking at the debate. Perhaps it's a good learning opportunity for them here.

Standing up, Hazel opens her arms wide, signifying to drag the lady into a hug. Not wanting to refuse a kind gesture, Anna walks closer and hugs this little liar.

Right after, Hazel specifies. "I'm sorry. Ronny's my boyfriend, well at least I thought he was. I wanted revenge but now I realize that this was all Ronny's fault, you didn't steal no man."

Shocked because of this but expecting it from Ronny, Anna comforts. "He isn't behind bars for nothing you know, it's not like I would put innocent people in jail."

Pointing at Silvia, the lawyer lady explains. "She was almost raped in my own living room if I didn't walk in, all because she was wearing pyjamas."

Reaching to hug Silvia as well, the journalist lady utters. "I'm sorry."

"Aye!!" Was heard from the crowd, breaking into a cheer once these ladies reached into an agreement.

It's nice when ladies cooperate, but apparently most here are just happy about keeping their jobs. The company getting sued would most definitely damage the budget.