

A Transmigrated Soul arrived at the Infamous Otsutsuki Clan. However, instead of following their warmonger and power hungry teachings, he made chaos all over the universe until they couldn't handle him anymore. At the final trial to decide his fate, Otsutsuki Tenma, did the unthinkable. The story will follow our Wild Horse's journey after that. -Yes, the Main Character is from Otsutsuki Clan of Naruto Universe, but I expanded it even further. -Yes, this is Harem Story. -Yes, there will be System. The Holy Trinity of Fanfic Story! #1st World: Demon Slayer A/N: I don't claim any universe or characters beside my OC. Cover Art: AI

Nine_Clouds · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Tamako's Worry and Acceptance

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--- Chapter 10 ---

The next day.

Tenma and Tamako were sending Kanae off at the east entrance of Wakami Village.

A hint of sadness hung in the misty atmosphere, making Tenma feel helpless.

Although Kanae only taught Tenma martial arts for 17 days, all those days are precious to him. After his reincarnation, only Kanae and Tamako are close enough to affect him emotionally.

Kanae donned her straw hat and smiled at Tenma teasingly, "Aww, is my cute little disciple sad seeing his nee-chan going away?"

"..." Tenma's mouth twitched.

He quickly brandished his wooden spear and harrumphed, "Return my feeling, you shameless lady!"

Kanae laughed, feeling amused by Tenma's reaction. However, she was actually hiding her sadness. She didn't want to leave Tenma here as she found joy in teaching a genius, handsome boy like him.

However, she couldn't do anything about the Demon Slayer Corps' call.

Also, bringing Tenma to the Demon Slayer Corps' headquarters isn't a viable option. Their journey will be dangerous, and she's dreading that she won't protect him in a fierce fight.

Kanae was helpless, 'Well, the situation at the main headquarters is quite rowdy now. Even if I successfully brought Tenma there, I can't take care of him.'

All of a sudden, Tenma shoved something into her hand. "Take it with you."

Kanae looked down and found a red charm made from red pine wood with a 'good luck' character written, "Did you make this, Tenma-kun?"

"Hehe, Ma-kun asked me how to make it yesterday," Tamako replied with a giggle, exposing Tenma on the spot.

Tenma gave a 'you traitor' look for his mother and vowed not to share any secret with her anymore.

"Is that so? Tenma-kun really loves me, after all." Kanae smugly smiled and patted Tenma's head before pulling him into a hug.

"Don't worry, Nee-chan will return in a few months."

"By then, I hope you never slack off in your training."

"Only those with strength can overwrite their destiny."

"I know, you don't have to remind me," Tenma replied. He felt those words were redundant, especially for him, who had changed his own destiny and possessed a Limitless Path System.

Kanae pecked Tenma's cheek and turned around, waving her hand while walking from the Kawami Village.

"That's unfair!" Tenma couldn't help but shout.

"Fufu, see you soon, Tenma-kun~!" Kanae's gentle laugh echoed in the street before disappearing into the mist.


Even though Tenma knew Kanae was no longer there, he kept staring at the empty mist with a faint smile. Tamako saw this and shook her because the only person her son ever opened his heart to was Kanae. Of course, Tamako didn't count herself.

However, Tamako also could understand why Tenma and Kanae could get along.

Kanae is such a good-natured girl with an easygoing personality. She's noble, not in a sense of oppression, but kind to others.

'Kanae-san must be from a good family.' Tamako thought to herself.

She patted Tenma's shoulder, "Let's go, Ma-kun."

Tenma nodded, following Tamako back to the village.

As the mist disappeared, the warm village entered his vision.

"Aah, Tenma. Thank you for the firewood. You're such a lifesaver." An uncle greeted Tenma with a smile on his rugged face.

Tenma smiled back calmly, "You're welcome, Uncle Taki."

"Here, take an eel I just caught this morning." Uncle Taki handed him a small wooden bucket. "Barbeque it with salt and soy sauce. I guarantee it will be delicious!"

Tenma caught the bucket, "Thank you, Uncle Taki."

It's not just Uncle Taki. The rest of the villagers also treated Tenma better after the act of kindness he did for them. They gave him food, clothes, and even some money.

After realizing Tenma is just like any other kid but with better prospects, they start treating him better. Some kids even asked Tenma to play along with them.

"What do you think, Ma-kun?" Tamako asked while carrying piles of goods in her arms. "The villagers, they are so kind to you now."

Tenma hesitated before replying, "I don't know. I felt the sudden change was unreal. However, I believe people can change if given a second chance."

Yes, unlike a 'certain' clan.

"So, I think they are good." He finished his words, humming on the street.

"Kanae nee-chan also thought the same."

"Is that so?" Tamako felt her eyes moistened slightly. Her child finally grew up.

A month ago. Tenma would stubbornly berate others without restraint and showed no look of apology. Now, he gave some restraint and talked calmly first before making his decision.

They returned to their humble home, and Tamako prepared for lunch.

Tenma climbed a tree and leaned on the tree branch, watching the clouds drift in the sky. "People are like clouds, solid one moment before changing for better or worse."

"I don't have to avoid them, but I also don't need to tolerate them like rain on a warm day..."

Tenma unconsciously meditated and felt his mind relaxed, allowing his mental strength to grow slightly. The increase wasn't mind-blowing. Still, it was a 'good' little surprise.

His obsidian eyes turned into Two-Tomoe Sharingan, but one could tell the redness was lighter now.

"A breakthrough?"

[Congratulations, You have changed your mindset in life!]

[In the process, "Eagle Eyes (Semi-rare)" has upgraded into "Heart's Eyes (Semi-Epic)"]

[Ding! Your Sharingan will also consume less stamina and energy now]


[Name: Heart's Eyes (Semi-Epic)]

[Introduction: You see things through your heart, allowing you to see further than normal eyes and even sense malice from others]


"Not bad." Tenma likes his new ability. "With Heart's Eyes, I can go to the Akamushi Mountain and find the Dragon Veins safely."

"I should probably thank Kanae nee-chan later."

"Tenma, it's time for lunch!" Tamako's voice called him.

Tenma jumped off the tree branch and landed with a soft thud. "I'm coming, Kaa-chan!"

Eating the warm lunch, Tenma couldn't help but stare at his joyful mother and hesitate to say he wanted to go out the mountain and train for weeks if not months.

Tenma doesn't want to make Tamako sad.

But he needed to grow stronger fast!

Time won't wait for him. The same goes for demons outside the village.

After filling his stomach with a mother's love-filled lunch, Tenma went to the side hall and stared at the Kawami Village. The village looks beautiful and calm this afternoon.

Tamako brought tea for Tenma and sat beside him.

They stayed in this serenity for a few minutes before Tamako opened her mouth, "You're going to leave the village, aren't you, Ma-kun?"

Tenma was stunned. He glanced at her, "Kaa-chan, how did you..."

Tamako laughed and replied, "You're my son. It would be weird if I didn't know some of your habits."

"When you feel bad about something, you always tilt your head down."

"You also don't look me in the eyes like usual when we eat lunch."

'Did I have such habits?' Tenma thought in disbelief.

"Actually... I also have been having this feeling since you spar with Kanae-san." Tamako sighed while looking at the sky. "My son is so AMAZING!!"

"You have great talents for martial arts, something I don't have."

"And when Kanae-san left, I saw longing in your once-lonely eyes."

"You wanted to go outside, too. You wanted to see the world and witness its wonder..."

"I know this will happen eventually. It's just that I didn't expect the little bird to fly earlier than I expected." 

"Ma-kun, Kaa-chan will support your dream!" Tamako looked at her son's obsidian eyes. "To Kaa-chan, nothing is more than you."

"But promise me something..."

"I promise!" Tenma replied instantly.

Tamako pinched Tenma's cheek and said, "I haven't finished my words~!"

Tenma laughed, "Does it even matter?"

"Yes, it is, little mister."

Tamako released Tenma's cheeks and hugged him, "Before you go, promise not to do anything reckless."

"If you are tired, rest."

"If you are hungry, eat till you are full."

"Prioritize your health."

"If you face danger... Run!"

"P-Promise me these, and I will let you go." Her trembling voice was 'faintly' tinged with seriousness.

"I promise," Tenma replied calmly, allowing Tamako to absorb his words with a sigh.

"Good, and remember... You can always return home." Temako wiped her teary eyes. "Kaa-chan will wait here and cook your favorite food."

"Mm." Tenma nodded.


At night, Tenma and Tamako sleep beside each other.

"When are you going to go, Tenma?" Tamako mumbled, staring at the ceiling.

Tenma also stared at the ceiling, "The faster, the better. If possible, I want to go tomorrow at noon."

"I want to get stronger faster so I can protect you... And Kanae nee-chan."

"Ara, you like her, don't you?"

"I am. Kanae nee-chan will be my girlfriend in the future."

"Fufu, Ma-kun has such a good taste. I feel a little sad. Ma-Kun might not love me anymore."

"No, Kaa-chan. I will always love you."

"Kaa-chan will always love you too, Ma-kun." Tamako pulled Tenma into a hug before drifting into a pleasant dream.

Tenma hugged Tamako's soft and warm body, "Good night, Kaa-chan."

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