

A Transmigrated Soul arrived at the Infamous Otsutsuki Clan. However, instead of following their warmonger and power hungry teachings, he made chaos all over the universe until they couldn't handle him anymore. At the final trial to decide his fate, Otsutsuki Tenma, did the unthinkable. The story will follow our Wild Horse's journey after that. -Yes, the Main Character is from Otsutsuki Clan of Naruto Universe, but I expanded it even further. -Yes, this is Harem Story. -Yes, there will be System. The Holy Trinity of Fanfic Story! #1st World: Demon Slayer A/N: I don't claim any universe or characters beside my OC. Cover Art: AI

Nine_Clouds · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Returning Home

--- Chapter 15 ---

Kawami Village. 

Tamako threw firewood into the fireplace and heated the house. 

Winter is the worst season for Kawami Village because the surrounding mountains make the temperature colder than other villages. 

Thanks to the firewood Tenma chopped and shared among the villagers, everyone can focus their worries and energy on different things. At least they could stay warm while thinking about their lives.

The villagers have stored enough food, clothes, and other necessities until winter's end.

Tamako opened a pot and watched warm steam filling the kitchen. 

"Ma-kun should come back anytime now." She poured warm into a cup, mixing ginger, honey, and orange leaves, stirring it gently.

"It could be today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow." 

Tamako sat by the side hall and watched snowflakes falling to the Wakami Village. She sipped her warm drink, enjoying the sweet-sour taste. 


Tamako noticed a black-clothed figure walking on the street toward her house. Her eyes widened as she hurriedly stood up, grabbing her winter coat to greet this person.


Before she could greet the person, the black-clothed figure was 'slowly' revealed to be Wakami Village's chief, Wakatoshi Aoba. 

'It's not Ma-kun...' Tamako was disappointed, thinking Tenma had finally returned. 

"Toshi-san, good morning." She greeted the Village Chief politely. 

The Village Chief nodded, "Morning for you too, Tamako." 

"Your son, Tenma, he hasn't returned yet? The New Year's festival was about to begin in a few days." 

Tamako helplessly sighed, "Ma-kun is still training. Sometimes, he'll send letters with his tamed crow, giving me updates on his living condition." 

"I have told him that he should celebrate New Year's Eve with me, but he hasn't sent any reply yet..." 

"Is that so? That's a shame, then. You see, my granddaughter is actually wanting to see Tenma. She has been studying in the city, and I don't want her to get influenced by those city's boys..." The Village Chief warmly explained. 

"Tenma is a good boy, and I hope they can be friends." 

Hearing the Village Chief's shameless explanation, Tamako couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Recently, the villagers have visited her house to inquire about Tenma's whereabouts.

In the past, they badmouthed Tenma for his hair.

However, Kanae's steady training made Tenma grow fast and reveal his 'handsome' prospect!

They would be blind if they couldn't see Tenma's extraordinaryness at a young age.

Become friends? Come on, Tamako isn't that naive. 

She knew these friendship invitations were 'basically' the villager's way to mingle their child with Tenma, hoping they could get close and marry him into their families.

Who doesn't want such an exceptional son-in-law? They can prosper with Tenma's help in ten years. 

Tamako is possessive of her adopted son. And she wouldn't accept any daughter-in-law anytime soon, especially from Wakami Village.

Of course, there are some exceptions, like Kanae. Tamako didn't mind the gentle young lady being close to Tenma.

After chatting with the Village Chief and sending him off, Tamako returned home in a foul mood. She sat by the side hall and grabbed her drink. "It's cold already..." 

Tamako's foul mood becomes worse. She sighed and stepped into the kitchen again, making herself another drink. 

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the front house three times, causing Tamako to frown.

Tamako placed her new warm drink on the table and walked to the front door with an 'amiable' expression.

After opening the door, she opened her mouth and said, "Sorry, we don't accept any guests today. Please return to your own home!" 

She didn't even look at the person who knocked on the door.

"But this is my home?" A youthful yet playful voice responded, making Tamako instinctively move her eyes to the person.

Tamako couldn't believe her eyes. A teenager in black entered her vision, and his sharp yet handsome face, obsidian eyes, and long white hair were something she couldn't forget.

Every day, she longed for her boy.

"Ma-kun~!" Tamako hugged Tenma tightly, not caring about the wet coat and the people he carried on his shoulders.

Tenma helplessly accepted this embrace as he couldn't move, noticing he was taller than Tamako now. Not by much, but still taller. 

He felt emotional and replied, "I'm back, Kaa-chan." 

"Mm, welcome back, Ma-kun~!" Tamako stood back, facing her now-growing son.

Although Tenma looks less cute after losing his baby fat, he has become a handsome, tall teenager who could smite a maiden's heart if he smiled at them.

When Tamako hugs Tenma, she also feels his well-developed muscles. 

Yup, there is no way those villagers get their hands on her handsome son!

Not now! Never!

Tenma showed the fainted Tsume and Eri and asked, "Can you prepare some spare futons, Kaa-chan? We have some situations here." 

"Ara, they are so cold." Tamako's eyes widened. She checked Tsume's condition and added. "I will prepare warm towels to wipe them, too."

Tenma nodded at her, putting Tsume and Eri in the living room so Tamako could tend to them. Thankfully, they only suffered some colds and did not get any frostbite.

He sat on the side hall, taking off his thick bear coat. He ruffled his hair from the snow and sighed in relief, "Phew, that only takes three fucking hours..." 

"The area around Wakami Village is much worse than I initially thought." 

"No wonder there aren't any visitors in the winter." 

"But this is good. Those annoying people from Hobemi Village can't reach Wakami Village nor connect their disappearance to me." 

At first, Tenma planned to kill the noblemen who bought Tsume and Eri and get some Good Karma. However, he decided not to because he didn't want to draw the police's attention to him.

While Tenma isn't afraid of the police, he doesn't want to disturb this peaceful village. 

"Doing an act of kindness will give me Good Karma." 

"But if I did something bad, directly or indirectly, I'd get Bad Karma."

"Well, I will do what I can do." 

"Ma-kun, what happened to them?" asked Tamako while handing him a warm drink. 

Tenma tilted his head in confusion.

Tamako sat down and continued, "When I wiped their bodies, I found red marks and bruises all over... The child didn't have as many bruises as her mother." 

"But the mother is..." 

"Her body is scarred. Some are fresh with blood. Someone must have abused her in one way or another." 

Realization hit Tenma, "I see..." 

When Tenma carried Tsume and Eri, he didn't check their condition and focused on getting to the Kawami Village as fast as possible. He thought they only suffered some cold. However, it looks like they were in more situations than he expected.

It happened just one day after they got sold to the nobleman.

Such a short time, yet it feels like their lives has fallen to abyss.

'Demons? Humans? Maybe I was wrong... I should have taken the slight risk and killed the nobleman and his family.' Tenma thought, sighing at his overthinking. 

Tenma glanced at Tamako and explained the story of Tsume and Eri, making her gasp in shock.

Of course, he didn't tell her about the 'torturing bandits' part.

"Such a disaster..." Tamako pitied Tsume and her family. 

Tsume's husband died just like hers.

Not only that, Tsume is now battered and only has her daughter left. They couldn't afford to run. 

If Tenma hadn't saved them, they might have rotted in that nobleman's house and wouldn't have lived past winter. 

"What's your plan for them, Ma-kun?" 

Tenma ruffled his hair and replied, "Let them stay in the Wakami Village permanently. When Kanae Nee-chan returns, I will discuss this matter with her. As someone from the Demon Slayer Corps, she should have some connections to deal with this matter." 

"If Kanae Nee-chan couldn't help..."

"I will deal with it myself." 

Tamako was stunned by Tenma's words. She stared at her growing son with a fascinated look, smiling and proud over his clear conscience. 

"Kaa-chan is happy. Ma-kun grows with a righteous heart." 

'Righteous heart, huh?' Tenma shook his head bitterly. He's far from being righteous.

Tamako held Tenma's hand tightly, "Kaa-chan hopes Ma-kun will save those who need can be saved. It's fine if you can't save anyone because Ma-kun must have a limit, too."

"If you can't save them, it's fine. Kaa-chan does not want Ma-kun to get hurt. Run and be stronger next time. However, please don't ignore them if you have the power to do so, okay?" 

"I understand..." Tenma replied with a faint smile. 

"Don't worry, Kaa-chan." 

Tenma never thought of himself as a Hero.

He 'simply' needs Karma. 

Tamako smiled, "Yosh~! Kaa-chan will cook your favorite food for dinner!" 

"Tonight, we will have a feast!"

"Yes, feast!" Tenma pumped his fist, excited for the dinner. 

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