

A Transmigrated Soul arrived at the Infamous Otsutsuki Clan. However, instead of following their warmonger and power hungry teachings, he made chaos all over the universe until they couldn't handle him anymore. At the final trial to decide his fate, Otsutsuki Tenma, did the unthinkable. The story will follow our Wild Horse's journey after that. -Yes, the Main Character is from Otsutsuki Clan of Naruto Universe, but I expanded it even further. -Yes, this is Harem Story. -Yes, there will be System. The Holy Trinity of Fanfic Story! #1st World: Demon Slayer A/N: I don't claim any universe or characters beside my OC. Cover Art: AI

Nine_Clouds · 漫画同人
32 Chs

A Huge Improvement, New Spear

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--- Chapter 13 ---

Four Months Later!

Tenma was doing a push-up near a small waterfall, huffing and puffing warm vapor in this snow-blanketed area. The sweat bounced off his muscular body every time he moved.






Nature Energy in the area was absorbed into Tenma's body, increasing his recovery speed and growth. Before reaching Mt. Akamushi, he was only 1.3 meters tall and still had some baby fat on his face, but now he is 0.4 meters taller with the strikingly handsome face of a youth.

That's Otsutsuki Genes for you!

It is also thanks to Dragon Veins.

Dragon veins or dragon's lines/tracks are a concept in Feng Shui. It refers to channels of energy flowing through mountain ranges.

They are underground channels of Qi.

But this concept is a bit flawed.

Dragon Veins are accumulations of the "Nature Energy" concentrated on a single spot, spreading like wires.

After altering these wires with the help of Flickering Candlelight, Tenma could harness Dragon Veins and its energy.

In fact, Tenma has added many inconspicuous markings throughout Mt. Akamushi. They were Fuinjutsu Seals Tenma used to direct heat into the center of Mount Akamushi.

The cost? Three litters of demonic beast's blood he exchanged with the Karmic Exchange.

Killing Demons are really profitable.

Anyway, back to the grind.

After realizing he can utilize Dragon Veins finely, Tenme has another project in his mind.

An energy cultivation he could use in this world.

Yes, Tao!

Tao or Waves/Ki is the life force energy. One can find it in every living and non-living thing. One can manifest "Tao" through rigorous training and wield it to increase the being's abilities, giving them powers similar to cultivators once fully mastered.

Of course, one shouldn't compare Tao with 'True' Cultivations.

Those who trained True Cultivations can blow up mountains, stir the ocean, and break heaven with their bullshit overpowered technique.


Tenma sat down and drank a mouthful of water. "Since my Star Force Manual has reached 7th Layers. I have integrated both Solar and Lunar Forces, wielding minor Yang and Yin Natures..."

"But this is not enough."

"Manipulating Inner Energy and Life Force is complicated without a clear path, but I can manifest Tao easily. I must finish the Yin-Yang Cycle first and then combine them in my heart, where they would clash and mix my physical prowess (physical energy) and mental power (spiritual prowess)."

"While the result won't be Chakra due to the lack of "Heavenly Energy" from the Chakra Fruit, Tao itself isn't bad."

"I will use Total Concentration and Enhanced Recovery, guiding them slowly like a snail..." Tenma closed his eyes, huffing air strongly.

His body warmed up, becoming bright red under the morning sun.

After a while, Tenma felt something.

It was a newfound sensation spreading from his heart and circulating in his bloodstream.

However, Tenma knew this was just the beginning.

So, Tenma focused on meditating and guiding the opposite energies in his body.



Tenma's eyes widened as he felt bone cracking and coughed a mouthful of blood. "Damn it."

"This is much harder than I expected."

"Recover first, recover first!" Tenma was stubborn.

He'll try until he succeeds!

"I should probably detach myself from reality..."

"Hmm, maybe I can use that..." Tenma clapped his hand and meditated, entering Karmic Exchange Space.

Although faint, Tenma could still control his body from here. He grinned and began working on his Tao's Awakening.

Slowly but surely, Tenma felt his body changing.

His Internal Energy stirred quickly.

At the same time, his Life Force is burning vibrantly.


[Ding! You have successfully awakened your Tao!]

[You have started your Energy Cultivation]

[Ding! Your Sharingan has gotten purer due to energy feedback and gained another Tomoe]

[Your Status Page has gotten updated]

Tenma opened his eyes and checked his status page.


[Name: Nakiri (Otsutsuki) Tenma]

[Race: Human/Celestial Being(2% Awakening)]

[Age: 5 years old]

[Talent: Broken Blade (S), Karmic Exchange (EX)]

[Bloodline Ability: Kama (Sealed), Sharingan - Three Tomoe]

[Ability: God's Tongue, Demon-Sensing Nose, Heart's Eyes, Extreme Recovery]

[Skill: Cooking, Arato Family's Medicinal Cooking, Skilled Crafting, Novice Fuinjutsu, Polearm Mastery, Spear Mastery, Throwing Mastery, Taijutsu Mastery]

[Equipment: Maguro Kiri, Heavy Wooden Spears, Peebles, Bear's Hide Coat, Rushing Claw]

[Cultivation Technique: Star Force Manual (7th Layer)]

[Cultivated Energy: Tao (Life Force)]

[Tao's Attributes: Flower, Wood, Fire]

[Martial Technique: Spear Breathing, Gentle Fist, Strong Fist, Body Flicker, Earthen Spear Art (Maxed), Total Concentration, Enhanced Recovery]

[Description: A monstrous child who could slay any low-level Demon and some strong mid-level Demon on his path. Once a feared Wild Horse who stirred many universes!]


"Hehe, not bad. Not bad at all!" Tenma nodded his head in satisfaction. His status page wasn't too shabby.

He stood up and walked to the frozen pond near him. He wanted to see if there was any change in his appearance.

Disappointingly, Tenma didn't see any difference in his reflection. He's still handsome, though!

However, once Tenma activated his Sharingan, he could see a vibrant green aura coming from his body. He also noticed strange markings on his collarbones, like silver thunderbolts.

"These markings..."

"Is this what I think it is?"

"I can't confirm it unless I join the Demon Slayer Corps. Well, that's for later."

Tenma rubbed his chin and mumbled, "I can't wait to see Kanae Nee-chan's surprised Pikachu face."

"Hehe, hehehe~!"

Caw! Caw!

"Oops, stay humble, Tenma. Stay humble." Tenma stopped laughing, but a smile was still on his face. He looked up and saw a crow coming in his direction.

He recognized this crow as he tamed it four months ago to send a letter back to Wakami Village. From time to time, this fellow would also bring snacks from Tamako.

Tenma rubbed the crow's head and took the small compartment in its leg, opening it to reveal letters from his mother.

"Ma-kun, Kaa-chan missed you a lot. You will come back for New Year's Eve, right?"

"By the way, Kanae-san also sent some gifts for you today. Hehe, I bet you're curious what her gifts were."

"Love you... From your beloved Kaa-chan!"

Tenma helplessly shook his head after reading this message. His mother is definitely joking around, but she's right. It's been months of training, and he should return and celebrate New Year with her.

He needed time to relax, too.

But not yet!

Tenma glanced at the constantly burning rocks near the Dragon Veins' center and said, "It's time to make a new spear."

"I have prepared every material..."

"Low-quality Seastones, Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand, Scarlet Crimson Ore, and..."

"Petrification Monster's Heart. Worth 30k Bad Karma." Tenma pulled a unique black gem from his inventory. The gem's shape is abstract, like a bunch of spikes.

Tenma sat down by the bonfire, burning over Dragon Veins' energy.

He grabbed low-quality Seastones and infused Tao into them. Although Saestones are as durable as diamonds, the low-quality one contained flaws he could exploit and manipulate!

Using Tao to break its structural integrity, Tenma saw Seastones slowly melting in his hand.

He grabbed a handful of Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand, mixing it into the melting Seastones.

After that, Tenma clenched his hand and smoothened the mix into a long, pale-white pole.

Next, Tenma mixed Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand, Scarlet Crimson Ore, and leftover Seastones, condensing and refining them into a straight spear blade.

He's careful with this process because Broken Blade might destroy the spearhead. A gleaming spearhead formed, attached to the pale-white pole.

Far from over, Tenma picked the Petrification Monster's Core and gripped his hand tight, making it bleed profusely.

[Tao's Technique: Convergence of Wood and Fire!]

Intense heat appeared from Tenma's bleeding hand and rapidly melted the core into black liquid, almost tar-like quality.

Tenma slowly brushed the black liquid onto the new spear like writing on a book, enhancing it with mystical ability.

"Phew..." Tenma exhaled, waving his bleeding, scorching right hand and watching it recover instantly thanks to Flower Tao and Wood Tao.

"The last step is to let the spear absorb Dragon Veins' energy."

"Flickering Candlelight, I must abuse you for a bit, buddy."

Tenma rubbed the flint and directed the Dragon Veins' heat into the new spear, causing the whole spear to lit up with brilliant white light.

"Hiss..." Tenma hissed in pain, feeling his skin burning from the excessive heat. After all, this is not a fire element that Fire Tao is resistant to, but a pure heat from the Dragon Veins.

"Come on, Baby! Come ON!"

Tenma shouted and felt a connection between him and the spear before pulling it from the ground and rising to the sky.

A mighty spear was born! It has a pale-white body and a gleaming silver spearhead.

When standing beside Tenma, the spear is a bit taller than him.

[Ding! You have crafted your first "Genuine" weapon]

[Skilled Crafting has become Expert Crafting (Rare)]

[You have gained a new skill: Novice Blacksmith (Common)]

[You have achieved the impossible by crafting this spiritual weapon]

[Novice Blacksmith has become Skilled Blacksmith (Semi-rare)]

[You have unlocked sub-skills: Raw Material Knowledge, Fire Control, and Skilled Metallurgy]

[Due to your achievement, you have 10,000 Good Karma]

[Ding! Please name your weapon]

Tenma balanced his spear on his right hand and smiled, "Let's call it..."

"White Night Spear!"

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