
Limitless Eternity

A man who yearned for an impossible dream is reborn into the world of Nasuverse with similar abilities to the Gamer. In this cruel world where the supernatural walk amongst men, he will do anything in order to reach his goal and achieve that ever-distant dream of his. AU/Nasuverse, Angst, Dark/Antagonistic Gamer Created by Mizukume. Please do read her other works.

Virtuous_Vanity · 漫画同人
37 Chs

This World of Ours (Part 1)


At the deafening roar, the green creatures on the field panicked and their already pitiful formation broke down as they tried to escape from the field like headless chickens.

The next moment, an ash-white wyvern appeared from the cloudless sky and a beam of light was fired from its mouth. The sweeping elemental beam traveled the ground and annihilated every green creatures in its sight. A rain of light bursts followed after the photon laser and most of the survivors were killed.

A man leaped off the intimidating beast and a sea of flames swallowed the remaining ones while the dark purple sword that materialized in his hand was slashed down on the last green creature.

For killing a tribe of Goblins(67) +100,500 EXP

"Another one down." Fenric breathed out and unsummoned Arondight.

He has been training in the dungeon since his return from the Third Holy Grail War. The days were spent peacefully. His lessons at the faculty of Animusphere continued as if nothing had happened. No one asked him what he did nor did they cared too much since he had came back before even a year has passed.

Although someone has taken over his seat beside Iris, he did not care much and has kept talking to her during their free periods. He has also recovered his relationship with Charlotte and met up frequently at lunch breaks or dinner.

What about Circe and Arash? No, he has not forgotten about them. However, he wasn't going to be mentally impaired permanently just because he experienced a traumatizing event.

He's not that weak.

What's done is done. If you cannot forget it, then remember it, carve it into your mind and move forward like a man. The lessons of Arash taught him was that sacrifices had to be made... but it was not always worth it to sacrifice your closed ones for your own selfishness.

Circe taught him something he has long forgotten- No, something he has suppressed, something he has lost in his constant attempt to reach immortality.

Compassion. Sympathy. Empathy.

He knew it from the start, that immortality isn't everything. On the contrary, an everlasting life isn't something one will want if they can't even be joyful in their life.

Happiness may be limited, but the little things you see everyday can brighten your life up with the full spectrum of colors. One step at a time, and he may finally realize his true fulfillment from seeing more of this vibrant world.

So before that day, he decided to pursue his goal and observe this world as neutral as possible.

With his increased Memory Partition, he scoured the great library for every available magical tome until none were left. While leaving three rooms to process the information, he used the last to simulate their practical uses and experimented with them in the dungeon.

The dungeon is an amazing place... No, it should be called a miracle that can't be done even by Sorcerers.

The [Dungeon] option gave him access to an entirely new world. It is in fact, the Reverse Side of the World, the layer of the world that retains the laws of the Age of Gods, housing Phantasmal Species instead of people.

The world where humans currently live employing the laws of physics is like a fabric that thinly extends across the surface of the planet, and underneath this fabric exists the Reverse Side of the World, where supernatural beings have retreated to after the Age of Gods ended.

And the System had done it.

It perfectly recreated the true Reverse Side of the World while constantly generating an indefinite amount of creatures.

A map was provided to him the moment he first activated the option. It showed him the layouts of the massive world and the exact territories owned by the Phantasmal Species living there.

He felt faint and surreal the first time he opened the map.

The beings shown on the chart included ones which made him feel like an ant. The most noticeable ones were the Dragon Kind. Primeval dragons, ancient wyverns, elemental drakes, frost wyrms, elder basilisks, nine-headed hydras, thunder kirins, divine serpents, greater imoogis, limbless lindworms, dragon turtles, there are so many of them that it made his knees weak.

Of course there are other famous mythological and legendary creatures. Phoenixes, manticores, griffins, hippigriffs, unicorns, bicorns, pegasus, chimeras, trolls, ogres, demon boars, harpies, dryads, kelpies, sphinxes, fairies, centaurs, arachni, demons, and even angels.

Many of the Phantasmal Species fall into the category of Magical Beasts which is the common denomination for all creatures that do not fit in the ordinary biological classification for living beings and those that do not fall within the normal ecosystem.

The term 'beast' is a thaumaturgical term, and it does not necessarily mean quadrupedal mammals. They are true deviations from biology that cannot be explained by immature research or sudden mutations.

They can be ranked into three categories, which change as the creatures age and increase in power towards becoming higher existences. The lowest rank is Monstrous Beasts, which then change into Phantasmal Beasts, and finally become classified as Divine Beasts.

The longer the creatures live, the further away they grow from the rest of the world.

Phantasmal Beasts of the Millennium-Rank and Divine Beasts are equal to Magic, making them unable to even be harmed by Mysteries on the level of Magecraft. Medusa's Pegasus, which has grown from a Monstrous Beast to a Phantasmal Beast, has even greater resistance than Saber, who can easily negate Caster's Magecraft from the Age of Gods.

He couldn't start with the Phantasmal Beasts because of the risks, and definitely not the Divine Beasts, so he started with the lowest of low beings that can barely be considered as Monstrous Beasts.

Goblins, kobolds, and lesser undeads were the ones he started with and has been experimenting his spells on. There's also the magical snails and mushrooms, which he got tired of killing since they were even more helpless than the previously mentioned creatures.

"Let's take a break, Zeru." Fenric smiled and took out their lunch from his inventory as the wyvern cried out in delight.

One day, perhaps he can even ride a True Dragon after making it his familiar?


Heaven's Feel.

It is one of the five remaining True Magic and was originally achieved by the Einzbern family, but its secret was lost one thousand years ago.

The Third Magic is not as powerful as one might think. It can stop the soul's dispersion and grants its wielder true immortality of the soul along with an unlimited source of magical energy.

Its greatest purpose is to make the Sorcerer one of the hardest being to kill in the entire universe.

Yes, technically I can call forth every single Heroic Spirit from the Throne of Heroes. However, the materialized souls are not slaves, they are not under my absolute control- No, actually... instead of a materialized soul, it's more like they are the exact copies of the Heroic Spirits.

Additionally, when they are not summoned into a Servant container, they'd be limited by their physical vessel. It's like what happened when Ishtar housed the body of Fillia von Einzbern, she cannot use her full power because of Fillia's limits.

Summoning a Heroic Spirit has both the benefits and drawbacks. I can support them with my infinite Mana supply, but the summoned souls have their own character and personality. They are not puppet slaves to be controlled.

Then what about rewriting their soul itself?

...Do you want mama Alaya to drop her Counter Force on me and shred me into a million pieces? I already have enough potential trouble with being a Magician, and when I invade the territory of the Throne, I'd be killed before I can even blink.

Each activation of Heaven's Feel can attract Counter Guardians. The act of materializing a Heroic Spirit's soul is even more insane because I'd definitely be tagged as 'must annihilate right nao' by Alaya.

That's why despite its potential abuse, the main purpose of the Third Magic is soul immortality with zero degradation and unlimited magical energy.

No, it's not weak at all. On the contrary, it made me one of the hardest being to kill on this planet and as far as I know, this solar system. Strictly speaking, I am actually harder to kill than Type-Mercury.

The Ultimate Ones can be instantly killed by a Conceptual Weapon that targets Grains, the base component of all heavenly bodies. The closer is the connection between a life form and its mother planet the greater will be the amount of Ether in their bodies.

Ultimate Ones are the greatest example of this because they are supreme existence of each respective's planets and true avatars of their will. However, Those kind of armaments are rarer than a living god even though they can be produced by the Alchemists from Atlas Academy.

The greater the quantity of Grain, the more damage will be inflicted upon the enemy, and it is impossible to even hold it unless the body is free of such substances. As a Magician, I have long since parted from the planet- No, it's more like I have betrayed the planet and its inhabitants by transcending to a higher form of existence.

One day when I finally reach the outer space, I will be free from the cycle of life and death, and the circle of the food chain set by the forgotten goddess who created both the earth and the Root from 8,000 years ago.

So why exactly am I harder to kill compared to an Ultimate One? It's actually quite simple. It's because no one knows of my ascension to a Magician at the present. The red shadow didn't show up which indicates that Alaya and the Counter Force have no idea of my acquisition of Heaven's Feel while I also erased all my marks in Fuyuki.

The only explanation I can think of is that the Deterrent Force themselves were suppressed by the System. At first, I didn't believe that the System managed to hide such a significant event from the planet itself.

But then, I realized something.

For some unknown reason... I was no longer suppressed by Gaia. The application and evocation of Mysteries have all been triggered at full power. In fact, I have experimented a lot during the past six months.

What about the Second World War? I am simply buying out every major and minor arms manufacturer I can find. Infantry guns, military vehicles, war supplies, and even metallurgy plants.

Rather than standing in a field of war all the time, I'd rather be the merchant who obtained benefits in the dark. Though I'd definitely be present at the historical moments. Stalingrad, D-Day, Iwo Jima, Bulge, Berlin, and Moscow are just some of the ones I'd be monitoring.

I have recognized my own weakness during the Third Holy Grail War. I may be able to ambush the Masters and Servants, but I'd be easily killed when I come in direct contact with any of them.

In the end, what truly matters is your own personal strength.


"So what do you think of your first year here." I took a bite from the juicy sandwich and felt its flavor exploded in my mouth. 'Ah, bliss...'

"There's nothing much to talk about the faculty of Jigmarie. It's not like the instructors will teach their undisclosed spells to us... But I do find my foundation in the branch improving greatly." Charlotte sipped on her tea and said. "Though I'm surprised when I found out you didn't join the Department of Curses like everyone else in our family."

"I simply find Astronomy and other Celestial body branches interesting. Plus, I feel like I'd die if I throw myself into studying Curses again after all the lessons father forced into me..." I narrowed my eyes teasingly, "...but I didn't expect you to become so popular, Char."

"It's because I am competent. Unlike you, bi- brother." The blonde girl stuttered and a small blush formed on her face.

Look at how cute she is, it's no wonder she became so popular amongst the freshmen. A talented apprentice from a long lineage with stunning looks. Her Magic Circuits are of high quality, and her manners and grace are suitable for a noblewoman.

See, I am right, aren't I? I totally expected her to grow up into a beauty. "A cute Charlotte will grow into a cute and beautiful Charlotte," says the Mystic Eyes of Fenric. The pair of eyes that is impossible to have did not lie, after all-

She's the ideal wife candidate for the Mages.

No, I am not against it. She's now nineteen years old and can manage her own life. She does not need my guidance nor advice. I will merely watch over her, protect her when needed, and silently accept her choices no matter how many mistakes she's going to make.

I will take care of you when you're down, Charlotte. That was my promise. The oath I swore I will not forget.

"I'll have you know that I am quite a competent Magus... apprentice!" I declared and stuffed the last sandwich into my mouth while she giggled.

"You're such a jester, brother. It really makes me worried of your future if I am not by your side." Charlotte lowered your teacup and sighed.

"Oh?" My expression turned solemn and I moved my seat closer to hers. "Then..."

"W-Why are you getting closer." The blonde girl crossed her arms and glared at me.

"...why don't you just marry me and we'll spend our remaining life together, Char?" I whispered into her ears softly. All of a sudden, her blush turned into a deeper shade as the embarrassing red hue covered her entire face.

"Y-You..." Charlotte stammered and pointed at me.

Ah, it's so fun to tease her. What? Incest? I don't mind it, you know. Really... are you seriously talking of the wrongness of morality after all the massacres and tortures I've done?

Oh well. I'm not actually going to marry my own sister. I'm simply laying low for now. It's not like I can just march into the Clock Tower, find the higher-ups, and say something like: "Hello gais it's ya boi Fenric. You better watch out 'cause a new Magician is in the hood."

I'd get a Sealing Designation smacked on my head faster than Lorelei can say "What the fuck."

...Oh wait, it's not Lorelei but Ionna right now?

"I am just kidding, Char." I smiled teasingly and poked her cheek. However, the world seemed to be frozen over the next second as the temperature dropped to the absolute zero.

"What." The blonde girl's face turned icy and a pair of dull eyes stared at me.

"Huh, why is your face so scary, Char...?" Realizing my mistake, I quickly stood up before something can go wrong.

Alas, the karma and retribution from the crimes I have done finally came back and bite me as my hand was grasped by a tinier and softer one.

"Fenric, come to the empty classroom after your lessons are over."

Yes, this is my life now... and crap, I think my sister has a crush on me.


"Let's go to the next class together, Fenric." Iris picked up her textbooks and smiled towards me.

"Sure, Iris." I glance at her and nodded. We have gotten much closer since I returned... though nothing romantic happened. It's fine, Fenric will stay a bachelor for lif- No, wait, don't curse yourself!

Ah, it's already too late. I am a master of Curses after all.

Technically, I am already a Mage, a Magus, a Thaumaturgist, a Magician, and a Sorcerer, so adding a Wizard onto that doesn't change much, does it? Oh, can't I also be considered a Shaman, a Necromancer, a Seer, and an Enchanter thanks to my mastery over Curses, Necromancy, Divination, and Enchanting?

Still not a Wizard though.

The date is the 20th of March, 1940. The Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland has ended last week. Thinking about it, the experience of assassinating Simo Häyhä and stealing his title of the White Death is still fresh in my mind.

The nation of snow suffered from a catastrophic invasion from the Soviets because the reds wanted to create a buffer against possible German attacks... You know you can't just go around and ask for some neutral country's land, Stalin.

So of course, Finland refused 'offering' a part of their territory and an invasion was launched by Stalin. Despite being outnumbered, the Finns managed to hold their ground thanks to the favored terrain... until a new Soviet commander was appointed and a massive reinforcement arrived.

A snow-covered forest terrain. A war of modern firearms. A faction of well-trained soldiers and a faction of recruits. The Soviet Union suffered heavy losses but managed to win the war in the end.

But who do you think has the greatest advantage and kill count? Simo Häyhä had 505 confirmed kills. What about me?


As Anastasia once said: "In this eternal frozen land, salvation for the souls are not rewarded."

I picked off Soviet troops day by day with Desperate. I scared off an entire brigade of soldiers just by existing and positioning myself near them. I disabled and destroyed tanks by shooting their tiles or through their barrels. I survived heavy artillery that were aimed at me alone. I shot down planes by hitting their engines.

I have created a legend.

And I was awarded for it.

For creating a legend that will be remembered by many down the generations, you have gained the title: [The White Death]

[The White Death]

Effect: Accuracy with all firearms improves greatly, accuracy with all firearms improves drastically in snowy terrains

What did I say? Snow-covered forests are my absolute territor- Hold on, that's sounded wrong...

The good thing is that title effects are always active even if it's not equipped since I definitely won't replace my current Title with this one.

For creating a legend that will be remembered by many down the generations, you have gained the Noble Phantasm: [Desperate: Silenced Snow]

Yes, apparently you can create Noble Phantasms. Thanks System.

Well, Noble Phantasms are crystallized mysteries or powerful armaments made using the imagination of humans as their core. Though it's unfortunate that Desperate doesn't have a long history and didn't originate from Gilgamesh's treasury making it quite weak.

It's also from the modern era and as of the 21st Century of the main timeline, the most recent Heroic Spirits are from one hundred years prior. However, it is still possible for people to make contracts with the World as Counter Guardians and be summoned from the future into the current age as well.

There is less likelihood of Heroic Spirits from times where technology was much more advanced since it's far from the Age of Gods. The dwindling Mystery and magic made it harder to reach the Throne of Heroes and the minds of the modern human have transformed into one of lesser worship.

No matter how much of a hero someone is in modern times, they're not going to get that same recognition of the past ones. Simo Häyhä may have 505 kills, but no one will attribute his achievement as a superhuman feat.

Total worship is not possible anymore.

On the other hand, I am being revered by the world because I killed thousands of men alone in a single war that lasted less than half a year. A guy who killed 505 soldiers? Sure, he survived artillery strikes and armored vehicles...

But I destroyed the troops. I annihilated every tanks, planes, and infantries sent after me.

What do you think of a guy who's picking off your allies every second? Your tanks and planes were all blown up or disabled the moment they approached the sniper. Your heavy artillery barrages did nothing to him.

And more importantly, you can't find him. You can't spot him no matter how hard you tried since all your counter snipers died while trying that. The good thing about [Information Erasure] and all other Skills is that I can set their effects to the level I want.

Don't want people forgetting about me after all. The world shall forever remember the nameless and invincible sniper who fought in the Winter War.

However, even after being worshipped and feared by the Finnish and Soviet troops, the Noble Phantams I received was still weak.

[Desperate: Silenced Snow]

Rank: E

Type: Anti-Unit

Classification: Noble Phantasm

Effect: Bullet acceleration, elemental imbuement, sound and light silencing

Prerequisite: Only Fenric von Leiqritus

Description: A bolt-action rifle based on the Karabiner 98 kurz. Muzzle flashes completely disappears as all bullets fired from the gun will be muffled, accelerated by the wind, and then enchanted by ice, causing its speed to massively increase while anyone hit by it will be temporarily frozen. Its effective firing range is 25,000 meters and its maximum firing range is 75,000 meters. Its enchantment can be switched on and off through the influence of its wielder's Od.

Although it's actually just an improved Desperate, I must agree that the new white paint job looks amazing on it. However, it's quite depressing when you realized that it's around the same level of Elizabeth Báthory's joke of a Noble Phantasm...

On the bright side, it's actually a modern firearm that can damage a Heroic Spirit.

I have not forgotten about this as well.

[Aptitude for Slaughter (Tools)]

Rank: A

The skill for the slaughtering of humans.

At this rank, implements used gain a plus modifier in their damage dealt against 'humans'.

I am quite talented at killing humans. Ha. Hahaha. Hah.