
Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)

Follow Michael on his journey, as he goes from some kid from Pallet Town, to the very best, like no one ever w- WHAT DO YOU MEAN COPYRIGHT!?

Gtopia · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 1 - Meet Ted- I mean, Michael!


Michael had been in the Pokemon world for most of his new life now, and the one thing that stuck out, ahead of the other things at least, was how calm life was.

Life was almost Idyllic. Wake up and start the day with breakfast made by a woman you had come to see as your mother, along with an older brother and toddling sister. Go to school, mess around with the other kids, wind up the teacher a bit, then come home and waste the day away by doing pretty much whatever you wanted.Research for the upcoming journeys kids are encouraged to take, perhaps just read up on some of the wacky fiction books the Pokemon world produces, or even just waste the day away with your family as if life was easy and it always would be. The life some might call it, I'm starting to think of it as the calm before the storm. Then again, I've never felt more relaxed than in a torrential thunder storm, so we'll see what happens later.

My older brother Adam didn't partake too much with the morning hustle and bustle, though he would still offer gentle greetings, along with light conversation while he caught up on local news. His brown, spiked back hair, longer than mine was something we inherited from our father. Along with the golden tan skin of our mother, we could be twins, if it wasn't for the 8 year age gap.

He was definitely the most patient member of the family, calm, soft spoken, and unfailingly kind. He'd never once looked at me weird, or been anything less than kind and accepting of his younger brother. A brother with the habit of creeping people out, or pissing them off, depending on who I was talking to of course.

Jaime-Lee would spend most of the morning loudly talking, with all the new words she's been able to master recently, even while not having mastered the art of eating without spilling food over herself and the table. Jaime-Lee while still having the sun kissed skin of the rest of the family, had golden hair in a wild mess, something she got from her father. Cute as a button she was, and no doubt the family's spoiled princess, but somehow it wasn't as annoying as I always imagined it would be, having no younger siblings in my previous life.

Of course, given just how little most things tended to effect me, that wasn't very telling. While I didn't really feel things too strongly, I still felt all the metaphorical colours of the Ho-Oh rainbow. While the spoiled younger sibling always grated in tv shows, games and books, Jaime-Lee wasn't a complete brat about the whole thing. Probably also helped that she was my sister and not someone else's.

Mom was the only obvious thing that hinted that this life wasn't as picture perfect as it presented itself as, both in this life and the show. The house tended to have a slight presence of melancholy. sometimes it would barely be there, other times, during key family moments or important days, you could practically feel its weight bearing down. Mom's eyes, usually bland and closed off, would occasionally go sad, hinting at loneliness. Given the love of her life died in the war, that was obviously to be expected. She wasn't an overtly kind or gentle woman, and that bled into her mothering style as well.

Though it was obvious she loved all her children, and took her role as carer, protector and provider very seriously. While mom's always been more of a rough, hardened presence, she still liked to tease her kids.

Case in point, the look she's giving me right now. The ol' raised single eyebrow with the bored, almost amused eyes. A mom look if I've ever seen one.


Her second eyebrow raises.


Now she's smirking. That's never a good sign.

Mom lets out a slight chuckle, even as she scooped up the mashed fruit pudding off the table from where Jaime-Lee was missing her mouth... somehow.

"You've saved up every dollar you had for months in order to buy a few poke-balls, and now that you finally have them, you're not racing out into the wilds?"

I give her an affronted look, even while knowing she has a point. I'd been harping on about finally getting my own Pokémon for the past few months, scraping together all the allowances and earnings from odd jobs, just for this very day. I cant blame her for thinking I'd rush out the door first thing in the morning.

"I'm not that stupid! Besides, I'll need to take Macka with me, just in case, and you know the lazy bum doesn't listen to a thing I say, well most of the time anyway."

Adam gives a quiet chuckle over his paper, while still not getting involved in the conversation, as is his wont. While Jaime-Lee is now chanting bum while mashing her pulped up food. Lovely child, she's going to be a world-leader that one.

"So I did manage to instill some common sense into that head of yours, good." She goes back to doing what she was doing originally, before I arrived at the table. Which was working on a graph on a compressed PC. Kinda like a chunky mix between a laptop and a tablet. Technology in this world was fucking weird as shit. Advanced in one area, while being as shit as a 3rd world country in another. I Chalked that nonsense up to Arceus and anime-land shenanigans when I was a kid. Well, a younger kid.

I simply roll my eyes while finishing off my breakfast.

Afterwards, I leave my boring brother and wild sister behind with the mean lady as I stroll into the back garden.

Sucks to be them!

While we have a regular family sized house in Pallet town, the one thing this town does really well is the back gardens. Twice as long as they are across, they tended to be lush grassy areas with picture perfect tress to cast long shadows of shade, and our own back garden was no different. Though ours had something no one else's did, Macka relaxing on a hammock. A hammock that while triply supported, I still didn't understand how it supported his weight.

As I walked up to the grouchy old bastard, I took note of his body. Even while seeing him everyday of my life near enough, the amount of scars on display are always eye catching. If you only went by his lazy lay about ways then you'd be forgiven for not believing that this is a veteran of the war, and one of the more deadly versions of its kind. Then again, given just how much of a frontline Pokemon Machoke tended to be, along with how gritty a lot of the battles were, especially during the tail end of the war, not many Machoke made it back, but the ones who did made it back for a reason. They were scary motherfuckers, who put everyone who came across them into the ground.

"Oi! Wake up ya hobo! It's time to get going!"

One irritated eye opened up, before he snorted and went back to trying to get some sleep.

"Nope! Not happening! Wakey wakey eggs and backey!"

Still not moving, but now releasing a tired, almost whining sigh, Macka finally started leaning listlessly out of the hammock.

"You know the deal old timer, you're the only one mom will trust to look after me when I head into the forest so you gotta come. I decided today is the day I'm finding my own Pokemon, so lets get to it". While mom did have a few other Pokemon, Lieba was currently at Professor Oak's, apparently so the old man could show her off to some of the kids, and Davey spent near enough all his time in the pond further out back behind the gardens which most of the houses in this area shared.

There wasn't a special reason for going out today, besides the fact that it was the day immediately after I got my poke-balls. I doubt I'd be able to wait any longer even if I wanted too. I'd more than likely prove mom right and race off half cocked.

"Mack, Machoke".

"Yeah yeah, the sooner this is done with, the sooner you get to go back to lazing about".

Given the sigh that basically spelled out 'Oh, if only', I'm gonna say Macka's on board!


"Well, this is fucking boring".

After saying bye to mom and Adam, with a tearful and frustrated Jaime-Lee upset that she cant come with me into the forest to see the cute Pokemon, I'd set off. Pallet town was actually really fucking nice. Almost too nice. Everyone here was happy for the most part, and while I wouldn't say everyone were close friends given there are too many people for that, there's few enough that everybody pretty much knew everybody.

A bunch of greetings, with even a few inquiries followed by cautious well wishing from the neighbours, and I was on my way out of Pallet and into the great unknown! Of course, by the great unknown I meant the relatively peaceful and only slightly dangerous forest that basically everyone knows the ins and outs of.

While not my actual journey, this is almost like a mini adventure, a taste of what's to come, and what person on the planet didn't have dreams of going on their own Pokemon adventure? Heathens that's who. People who also wear socks and sandals as well probably, but are those really even people?

An hour later, and I was honestly contemplating heading back. While I'll never knock a Pidgey, that's not really what I want my starter to be, yet for the most part I'm just seeing Pidgey's in the trees, with some Rattata's scurrying in the bushes. Some Metapod dangling from a tree every now and then. 'Huh, given in the game the best way to level them up is by insta switching, how would one even go about using their Metapod in actual fights?' Though if I'm remembering correctly you can actually have a Metapod that knows a few moves from what it learnt pre-evolution, and attack like that.

I also spotted a few Zigzagoons scurrying around. Given HM slaves aren't really a thing, I didn't give them a second look. Ok, that's a lie, they were pretty cute.

As I imagine a Metapod hopping over to another Pokemon to hit them with a tackle like an absolute madman, another sigh left me with shoulders just slightly slumped. Macka of course was finding this whole thing hilarious, as while he's not a very active Pokemon, at least not anymore, he can still do basic traveling without any problems, while my feet are already starting to hurt.

"Yh yh laugh it up, we'll see how you like it when my partner reveals themselves and this whole slog was proven worth it". Macka of course just raises an amused eye-brow, while still looking mostly bored. It's honestly freaky how alike he and mom are. A lot of Pokemon, at least those with especially strong bonds, tend to mimic, or take on certain aspects of their trainers. With even some trainers taking on aspects of their Pokemon as-well. While interesting it still doesn't stop it from being creepy seeing a huge, muscled behemoth like Macka making the same expressions as mom.

It doesn't help that the forest, while not dark, lets in a surprisingly little light. So watching my footing has become rather necessary, so there are no more accidents that Macka can snort at. He doesn't need anymore reasons to do so, he doesn't take me seriously enough as is!

Now while I can certainly make any of the Pokemon I'm coming across my starter, and even make them work, I have my eye out for one in particular, and it's one that I've given a fair amount of thought to. While it's final evolution is certainly powerful, the rule of cool is obviously something that comes into play, and there were very few Pokemon in Kanto as awesome as this one. At least, again, It's final form anyway. Though given the world here is more... realistic, there are plenty more Pokemon here than the standard Kanto fare.

Suddenly, I hear what can only be described as a light continuous squeak from ahead of me. I give a quick look to Macka, who while still mostly bored and relaxed, now has a sharper look to his eyes. Mainly due to the sound being new, and not the noise of a Pokemon we've heard in the time we've been here.

I move slowly, though with a certain confidence from having an absolute Juggernaut like Macka looking out for me, and hear the noise getting louder. I can already tell It's coming from something small, which starts getting my hopes up.

'Come on RNJesus... Arceus, RNArceus. Show me the the luck of the obvious protagonist!'

As I come to the thicket separating me from the Pokemon, I'm sure the noise I'm hearing is in fact crying. While more confused than cautious now, I slowly shuffle through the bushes before finally opening the foliage and coming through on the other side.

'Show me Nidoran!'

"Ursa! Teddy Teddy Urs!"

As I take stock of the small bear-like Pokemon, I also have to take stock of the huge corpse of what is no doubt an Ursaring. Obviously the baby bear Pokémon's mother.

'Huh, didn't see that coming'.

The little guy spots me and instantly starts growling, a surprisingly deep reverberation considering it's small size and high pitch crying. It gets into a guarding position in front of it's mother, and glares me down, even with tears in it's eyes.

'If I'm remembering correctly aren't the baby bear versions supposed to be really skittish, and scare easy? Id of assumed without the protection of it's mother that would be doubly so'.

Though given how recent the death is, the lil guy probably hasn't adapted yet. Besides, going from the glare this dude is giving off, he's probably too angry to care.

I give a look back to Macka only to see him standing back, he doesn't look as bored as he's been so far, more like reserved. Then again, it's not everyday you come across an orphan crying over it's dead parent.

I slowly squat down, low enough to try and seem non threatening, yet on the balls of my toes in case I need to spring. While the Teddiursa looks young, It's still a Pokemon and therefore dangerous.

"Hey there Mate".

It still growls at me, not that I'm surprised of course. I'm an intruder that showed up right at the most vulnerable It's ever been, along with a strange Pokemon at my back, I'd be wary too.

"I'm not here to hurt you little guy, I promise, I just came over to see whats wrong". While most Pokemon learn to pick up on what humans are saying,he might be young enough that he still hasn't developed to the point of being able to pick up on human language.

"Your mom's been hurt real bad huh". Giving by the more tears welling up in his angry eyes, he might be able to pick up more of the human language than I initially thought.

"I think we need to put her to rest little guy, that way she can be at peace".

Still in a hostile stance, but his lil arms are coming down slowly at least. I'm not sure if I'm getting through to him or he's just too tired to care at the moment.

I give him a slow nod, before rising up again.

"We'll need to dig up a resting place for her, that way she can rest, is that okay?"

He just slowly turned around and went back to holding his mother, though this time there was no crying, or attempts to wake her up. He was just gently holding her arm. Like he knew this was the last chance he'd get to hold her.

I gave a nod to Macka while I moved a bit further into the clearing. It was a pretty wide open space, with a break in the trees to give the area a brighter backdrop that the rest of the forest.

AsI pulled out my hand shovel from my small emergency pack around my waist, I looked to Macka. "Give me a hand digging up the ground?"

He gave a silent nod then got to work.

After we had finished, I slowly walked back over to the Teddiursa, Macka not far behind me. I didn't crouch this time, but I did give him some space.After a while he turned his head to look at me.

"Now's the time lil guy, she'll be at peace soon enough". He just gave an upwards nod, though he had to bite down on his lip. Pokemon are strange in the way they're both very intelligent, yet also instinctive creatures. While a human child, even one who was equivelantly older, would still be a breakdown having mess, yet this Teddiursa, while clearly emotional, is still capable of understanding mature concepts like letting go. Any child in his place would be holding on to the mother till they were pulled off.

While I would of liked to help move her, I am just a 10 year old kid, and the Ursarings corpse must way upwards of 130Kg (A/N: around 300 pounds).

Macka gently lifted the shoulders of the mother bear then gently pulled her along. As she went by, I could see just how much damage she had taken, and it was a lot. Her body was pierced several times over with plenty of deep cuts, with even some chunks missing out of her. The most of the wounds appear to have been on her back, no doubt from where she was keeping her back to her attacker to protect her baby.

Macka slowly and with great care put her body in the hole in the ground. Teddiursa came to stand next to me, before Macka started filling up the hole. The entire time, Teddiursa not taking his eyes off his mother. When the last of the dirt was finally thrown back over the quickly made grave, I went around the clearing picking up all the stones I could, placing them over the mother bears grave.

"So you'll always know where she is, and you can come see her". The Teddiursa looked at me, before tilting its head a little, then giving a sad nod.

We stayed side by side next to the grave site for a little while longer, before I decided it was time to start talking.

"Your going to be on your own now, I know how scary that can be. I was alone once too, and it made me really sad, then it made me angry". Teddiursa looked up at me, with a confused look on it's saddened face.

"If you want, you can come with me. When your feeling alone, It's best to have people you can turn to, for when you want to let your feelings out, or just to feel happy and light. I know right now you're sad, and that's fine too, but if you want I'd like to help you through this moment, if you'll let me?"

The Teddiursa just continued to look at me, like it was thinking heavily, then It looked towards the newly made grave with a look of confusion, almost like it was scared, though it had plenty of reasons to be both right now.

It then pointed at It's mothers resting place. "Urs, Teddy Ursa!"

I give him a nod with a small smile on my face, though it was no doubt tinged with a little sadness and melancholy.

"We'll visit her whenever you want little buddy, and if we're ever on an adventure, I promise you well take stops and come back when you want to say hello again."

He looks back to the grave, before his face sets firmly. He quickly rubs his eyes, getting rid of any remaining tears, before with clear resolution, giving me a firm nod.

I give him a nod of my own, before looking to Macka to make sure everything that needs to be taken care of has been. With a quick confirmation from Macka, I start to turn in place, looking in the direction of home.

"Lets go little buddy. There's a whole world waiting for us out there, and I promise you, It's going to be amazing!"


A/N: You may now proceed to shit talk my shit writing. I promise I wont cry. *Crosses fingers behind back*

Joking aside, Ive never really written anything before, at least not since Highschool, and even then I was never particularly good. Yet I do love me some stories!

I constantly have ideas as well, stories of my own making in my head, for a whole bunch of fandoms, yet I've never tried writing anything down cuz I figured I'd never get anywhere with them.

However, of all the fandoms running around in my head, Pokemon seems like the easiest to write about, or at least keep track of what the hell is going on. I've already got the first arc planned out, and just need to put words to the page. Figured I'll release a chapter every other day, see if anyone is interested. Even if nobody is, at the very least I wanna prove that I can actually write something, even if It's not done very well. If It's a dead story, Ill just get past the first arc, then see what else I can write about. If people are actually interested I'll plan out further arcs and stick with it.

No doubt there are plenty of spelling mistakes, I haven't been to sleep yet, and It's 11am. Why do I do this to myself? Should I stay up and power through, or just go to sleep? Ah, fuck it. We'll see what happens XD

Also I'm pretty sure I got my speech marks mixed up a few times on where to put them on the end of the sentence, my bad. Again, tired.

Also, also... whatever. If the MC or the actual intention of the story looks a little skin and bones like, I did notice that, and will be sure to provide information on what's going to happen in future chapters.