

After losing your powers in a battle against a demon blood, you search for answers, and you've found them. Only catch is, to restore back your abilities you must find and seduce Damien Cold, who also happens to be the man who made you lose them in the first place - your worst enemy. Fate is playing a game with you, will you succumb to fate? But as they, one can’t fight destiny. Perhaps, Damien Cold is the starting that will lead you back the road you came running from.

_KherdieB · 现代言情
80 Chs

Delightfully deceitful

"You!" Blair sneered through gritted teeth.

Damien Cold was bereft of words for the very first time, could she really be the evil masked witch he's been suspecting she was?

"What did you just say?" He had to ask again just to be clear.

"You are my enemy Damien, all of you are!" Blair responded in a serious tone, "is that not what you wish to hear? To turn me into someone I'm not? You want me to find him, I don't know how or where he might be. He could be close or far… I have no idea." She said almost yelling,

"Kill me, just go ahead and do it or throw me out, nobody is forcing you to keep me here."

She face Zion, "you said all you need is a slight mistake from my side right? Go ahead and kill me then, I've admitted to my sin, I am whoever you say I am… so KILL ME!"

She paused, relaxed, and continue in a soft tone, "or let me breathe, I cannot live like this!"

With those words, she dashed out of the bar room and sprinted to her bedroom, locking the door with a loud 'bang'

They all felt guilty for continuously blaming and doubting her.

Cara hissed, "I told you she isn't the one. I know a good person when I see one, and Blair is not evil. She can't possibly be that awful woman!"

Zion heaved a heavy sigh and ducked his head regretfully, "perhaps we went a bit too far. I've been on edge lately."

"Perhaps we've all been doubtful of her when she could perhaps just be a normal human being!" Damien sighed. "Let me handle this, it's my doing after all."

Blair lie on her back, gaze fixated on the ceiling - rhythmically humming a lovely tune. She hear footsteps approaching her room and instantly staggered up, stopped humming and, started weeping.

Someone knocks softly on her door, "Hey um, it's me Damien, are you okay? Can we talk?"

Smiling to herself, Blair faked a tearful tone, "I'm… I'm good! You can come in."

She plastered a pitiful expression as Damien opens the door and walked into the room. He settle on the sofa across her. "I know we've been rude to you, and I am sorry for what i did. Stripping you like that was stupid and unethical!"

Blair was impressed by his drastic change of attitude towards her. How can someone that is made of darkness be so kind? She wondered.

She nods, "I know how you must feel, the evil masked witch hurt you and your friends. But I can not satisfy your desire for revenge by pretending to be someone I'm not!"

"I know and I'm sorry!" He responded in a regretful tone. "I promise to do better and I will protect you from whoever he might be!"

"Thank you!" Blair smiled. "To be honest, I know her… your enemy!"

Damien sharply looked up at her, "what? How do you know her?"

"I've met her once and I know why we look alike… it's because I'm her!" She said.

His brows knits, "what are you talking about?"

"Do you believe in doppelgängers? I am the evil masked witch's other self." Blair said.

She felt a sense of pleasure when his brows lifts - clearly shocked.

"Every single one of her enemies who knew her is after me, because they think I am her!"

"I've never heard of it before, a doppelgänger? That's rare!" Damien mumbled.

"Which is why I was afraid of telling you, I was scared you might kill me in her stead. But you have checked me, I have no scar, I am not her, I am ME!" Blair cried.

Damien felt torn between what's true and what could be a fabrication. He wants to believe her but something niggles at the back of his mind whenever their eyes meet. He feels it deep within his gut that Blair is his enemy, but every attempt to prove she is the one only ends up backfiring in his face.

"You do not believe me?" Blair questioned.

Damien remained wordless.

"What can I do to prove I am not her?" Blair asked desperately.

Damien finally speaks, "there is only one way I can find out who you are, your history, your true self!"

"How?" Blair asked.

"Physical interaction grants me the ability to see ones past and even the future." He explained.

"I don't understand, you've touched me countless of times!" Blair felt confused.

"Not that kind of touch…" Damien hesitated, "something intimate, a kiss perhaps!"

Blair could not help but laugh, his words came through to her like a joke. Is this his foolish way of making a move on her? Is Damien Cold trying to seduce her?

"You want to kiss me?" She scoffed.

"No, I don't want to, I just have to!" He replied.

"Are you kidding me?" She scoffs, "I've never heard of this before, kissing someone to find out who they are, that's ridiculous and low even for someone like you!" She protested.

"I'm half demon, I can't possess you like an entity but I can see through you, beneath the lies, and find out the secret you hide!" He said.

Blair darts to her feet, "that is not happening!"

Damien stands too, "why? Are you scared I might actually find out who you are? A doppelgänger you say right? That's a stupid lie! if not, prove me otherwise! Prove that you are not…"

Before he could finish his sentence, Blair closed the distance between them and pressed her lips on his.

Taken aback by her sudden move, Damien froze on the spot and could not kiss her back.

The only thing he felt from her kiss was the warmth of her lips against his - nothing of her past or future came to him. It was like she doesn't exist. That confused him even more.

Blair had kissed countless of men, kissing Damien didn't feel any different, it was as if kissing a brother. Though she despised it, it was a 'must do' step she had to take in order to make him trust her.

She pulled away, "now what? Did you see it? Who I really am?"

Damien was quiet.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" She teased.

"Something's not right!" All of a sudden, Damien grabbed and pinned Blair against the wall.

"What… what do you think you are doing?" Blair stammered.

He was looking at her with so much curiosity. That sight of his sends her heart thundering in her chest.

Damien leaned, his lips barely an inch from hers and speaks, "In order to SEE you I must first break through the walls you put around yourself… and kiss you till you can't breathe!" He whispered.

His words echoed in her head, adrenaline rushing in, butterflies flooding her stomach.

She gulped and opened her mouth to speak but could not utter a single word.

He wasn't even touching her yet but she was already dripping with anticipation. What impressed her is how Damien never hesitates to press her against any wall she put up against him. He is confident and determined.

Damien stares into her eyes and all he sees is the same empty gaze of the evil masked witch staring back at him, he is trying to sexually exploit her into exposing her true identity.

As he touched her, sparks fly, her heart escalating into fireworks - his fingers dancing feather-light against her skin as Damien slowly trailed them up her arm.

Then he whispered softly, "You can't deceive me… Blair."