
Light Magus of Deception

In the near future, people realized that they are able to harness a new type of energy, mana. Slowly, magic became prevalent in everyday life. Being the son of well established doctors, Flynn was half forced to choose healing magic. As mages become more and more powerful, Flynn wasn't happy with the way normal humans were treated. Trying to help the non-mages, he felt like he was involved with a much larger and sinister plot. Disclaimer: Flynn is not a completely good person, he can sometimes be petty and toxic. Extra chapter for every 5 power stones.

llama_god · 奇幻
26 Chs

All lay load on a willing horse.

Flynn carefully thought about whether or not he should join the competition, since the rewards were quite lavish. But before he could make up his mind, his holophone began to vibrate. It was Jasper. "How could he not know that I should be in class right now?" Flynn thought, feeling like something was slightly off. Raising his hand, he gestured to the teacher that he needed to go to the toilet. The teacher understood and nodded, giving Jim permission to leave.

"I might be gone for a while, cover me," Flynn whispered to Kevin, before he got up and leave. Leaving the classroom, he instantly accepted the phonecall. "What's wrong?" asked Flynn, in a serious tone. "Your brother, he was provoked by the eight-graders..." before Jasper could finish his sentence, Flynn asked in a grim voice, "Where?" "Sports hall, third arena," Jasper replied. Instantly hanging up the call, Flynn began to rush towards the arena. He almost ran into several different teachers and students, barely dodging them with a mage's reflex.

He had two brothers. Mike, who was in his senior year. He wasn't really skilled with mana, which was discovered very early on when their dad tried to train him. He went on a different path, joining the Imperials, basically half abandoned by their parents. The Imperials were the police and prosecutors that upheld the law. Corrupted, they were very discriminatory towards Earthlings. Flynn and Mike used to get along well, but slowly, the gap between them widened as Mike was found to be bad at mana by their parents. Mike became really bitter as he left the house out of spite.

Rick, his younger brother, was in seventh grade. Although he didn't go through the hellish training that Flynn went through, Rick was not bad at spells for his age. Rick is a bright and active kid, and was also much more considerate than Flynn. He wasn't as petty and cunning as Flynn, sometimes getting into direct conflicts because someone slandered his two brothers.

"He must have been provoked by the students because of the Element Registration incident," thought Flynn, bursting through the entrance of the sports hall. He could see Rick, who was mercilessly pummeled by several students. He lips were bleeding, bruises and cuts all over his body. His face was also pale probably because he was casting spells nonstop. Rick didn't know what type of mage he would like to become, so he basically only trained the basic spells that are used to enhance one's body.

A crowd of students were cheering outside the arena, as Rick was being ganged up on. Unleashing his mana, the aura intimidated the crowd, making them fall silent. Walking up to the arena, he passed through the thin membrane of mana. The five students that were punching Rick suddenly stopped, looking at the intruder. "Senior, you have came to tye wrong place," they said, not recognizing Flynn. Realizing the beating has stopped, Rick looked around confused. When he saw his brother, he was going to burst into tears. With his eyes, Flynn signaled Rick to keep silent. "Why are you fighting five against one? Don't you know that it's against the school's rules?" Flynn asked. "He is the brother of Flynn, that bastard who only passed the test because of his relationship with the higher ups of the union. He was the one who agreed to the fight, so technically we haven't violate any rules," one of the kids said, trying to convince Flynn that the bullying should be justified.

"Then why don't you beat up Flynn?" Flynn asked, smiling. Still not recognizing the devil in front of them, the leading kid boasted, "If that bastard was here, I'll definitely beat him up into pulp." "That's so brave! If he appeared, would all of you beat him up?" Flynn asked, grinning. "Of course!" all of five kids said simultaneously. "I admire your bravery," Flynn said, suddenly appearing in front of the leading kid. With his palm powered up with mana, he slapped the kid right in his face, sending him flying. The blood splattered on the ground, mixing with pieces of broken teeth. "I'm already here, I'm waiting for you to beat me into pulp," mocked Flynn, provoking the kids.

With an age gap of only three years, five kids could potentially win against an eleventh grader. But unfortunately, Flynn was no normal eleventh grader. With the hellish training he had to go through to became an expert healer, he could control mana with such precision that even veterans would be shocked. His enormous mana reserves was also a large mountain that couldn't be cross with sheer numbers. The four kids that were still standing rushed towards Flynn, some even conjuring some decent spells that Flynn could ignore. The leading kid struggled to get up, and he had a broken nose. "Fireball!" a short but ferocious looking student chanted, as a glowing ball of fire was launched towards Flynn. Isolating his hands with a film of mana, Flynn straight up grabbed the fireball with his bare hands, snuffing it out easily.

Powering up his limbs, he easily took out each kid with a punch. Looking at the unconscious kids that were lying on the ground, Flynn grinned. "We have just begun," he said, as a wave of mana washed over the unconscious kids. Invigorate! The mana forced the kids' bodies to overwork, completely healing them to perfect conditions. However, their bodies were sore due to the depletion of their stamina. "They are all yours," Flynn said, restore Rick to perfect health. "Let's go," Rick said, tugging Flynn's hand. "What do you mean? They are sitting ducks waiting to be hunted," Flynn said, pointing at the conscious but paralyzed kids. "I've had my revenge. I only fought them because they slandered your name," Rick said, shaking his head. "No! A tame horse is always ridden while kind men are always bullied," Flynn said, walking over towards the kids.

"You are all lucky that he decided to spare you, however, you still have to pay a hefty price for hurting my brother," Flynn said, rage overflowing from his words. "Scalpel," he casted, the spell forming on his fingertips. Crouching down besides the eight-graders, he began to cut off their fingers. Different from cutting with a real knife, there was no blood. They screamed in agony as Flynn sliced off their fingers. Looking at the crowd recording with their phones who watched his brother get beaten, Flynn said, "Think twice before laying a finger on my family again, next time it won't simply be a finger." Double-checking to make sure Rick was fully healed, Flynn patted him on his head. "Don't be such a fool, my reputation and dignity is nothing compared to your wellbeing," he said, ruffling his hair. "Tidy yourself up and return to class. Call me if this ever happens again," Flynn said, dusting off some of the sand on Rick's clothes. "I'll beat up anyone who makes fun of you!" said Rick, determined. "You silly kid, do that when you become stronger," Flynn said, patting Rick one last time before he returned to class.

Trying to sneak back into class when the teacher had her back turned on the class, Flynn unfortunately failed. "You sure took your time," the teacher said with her back turned, only relying on her keen perception skills to pinpoint Flynn's exact whereabouts. Flynn's pupils immediately shrank instinctively, he stared at the teacher. He always thought that the teacher was an ordinary mage, but he had already tried to suppress his mana. Only a well-trained mage could have such a keen mana sense. "Must be the kimchi I had for lunch," Flynn replied, trying to relax his tense muscles.

Sitting down, Flynn was suddenly handed a paper towel. Looking at Josh with a confused expression, Flynn didn't understand why. "Wipe the blood off your sleeve," Josh said, pointing at a part of Flynn's clothes which was dyed red by blood. "Gosh darn it! I'll have to wash my clothes again!" Flynn cursed in his heart. "You will be joining both of the competitions," the teacher suddenly said. "Me?" said Flynn, perplexed. "I'm a healing mage, I don't think I'm good with fighting," Flynn said, trying to refuse. "This says otherwise," said the teacher, suddenly pulling out a video of the fight that just happened a couple of minutes ago. Like death itself reaping the souls of the dammed, the camera barely managed to capture Flynn's speed. The part where Flynn cut off the fingers was edited out, probably because it was to gory to post on the forum. "Think twice before laying a finger on my family again, next time it won't simply be a finger," the threat was replayed again in front of the whole class. Nearly dying from embarrassment, Flynn didn't realize how cringey he sounded. "Sneaking out of my class to go fight a bunch of middle-schoolers. You are getting quite bold, aren't you?" the teacher said.