
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · 现代言情
29 Chs


Naveah looked around on the 6th floor while waiting for Nick to bring some papers!

"It seems like a decent office building. Why does the officer want me to keep an eye on it?" She thought to herself.

"Hey! Navee I got the papers, let's go!" Nick said while running towards her.

As soon as the elevator door slid open, she faced a tall woman wearing a long ash coat, her hands in her pockets and her light blue eyes looking at Naveah with a cold gaze. She was looking at her as if time stopped.

"Please get in!" The graceful looking secretary girl with silver glasses standing behind her said with her faint voice.

"Ahh yes!" Naveah said with an awkward smile.

"So you're the new undercover agent?" The person with the ash coat asked!

"Pardon?" Naveah glanced with confusion.

"This is Ms Tiffany Juvia The CEO of this company. She is aware of your identity!"(secretary)

"Ah! I apologize! Yes, Ms CEO I'm the new agent." Naveah glanced at Nick to see His eyes bowling out from shock.

"Just call me Ms Juvia. Then… I'll see you around a lot, Naveah!" Her words lingered in Naveah's ear while Juvia looked at her with a cornered glance and smile! Her ash coat and long black ponytail twirled in the air while she walked out of the elevator! Naveah froze! She felt nostalgic and her cheeks turned red.

She came back to her senses when Nick flicked her head "Navee you're spacing out again. Are you that shocked to see the CEO?"

"No...I just felt like I'd met her somewhere. She looks similar to one of my friends. But Miss Juvia is taller." Naveah said while caressing her forehead.

"You're daydreaming! She isn't even from our country." Nick said with a scoff.

"Really?" Naveah said while walking along with him.

"Yeah! I saw her for the first time today. Although, I heard a lot about her in This area. Let's go get something to eat! we'll start working on that brutal murder case from tomorrow "(Nick)

"Yeah! let's go!" (Naveah)



In the food shop-

"Did you ever date anyone?" Nick suddenly asked.

"Ahh! Not really! But I had a lot of relationships that didn't last long since I got bored! Why are you asking me this suddenly? Are you drunk?" Naveah laughed.

"Not really! You seem like the type who has 0 dating experience, who's always serious about work!" (Nick)

"Second one is right. I am always serious about work!" Naveah took a sip from the noodle bowl..



A middle school girl and 12 years old Naveah sitting on the bed while painting and laughing. The small girl took Naveah's hand and said with a smile "We'll always be together! You're my only best friend! So whenever you need ne I'll be right by your side."

The alarm ringtone woke Naveah!!

"Ahh!! I dreamt of her again, huh? 'Always be together' my ass. You're the one who vanished!" Naveah mumbled while getting up from bed.

"Oh, yeah! I have a small mission to complete today! Why didn't Samantha call me yet?" (Naveah)

The phone started ringing! "I'm on my way!" Naveah said while closing the door.

A man wearing a brown t-shirt and ripped jeans standing near the lamppost!

"Oh! He must be the one!" "Hii!! Did you wait long?" Naveah appeared wearing A beautiful midi dress! Her brown eyes and long black hair looked so mesmerizing that any man would fall for her!

"No! I just arrived! let's go to the XXX restaurant I've booked for you!" The man in the brown Shirt said while taking off his sunglasses. He looked gentle and smart!

"So Mr Leo right?" (Naveah)

"Just call me Leo sweetheart!" The man in the brown shirt winked.

"Ahahah! I'll just go with Mr Leo! So what do you do for a living?" (Naveah)

"Straight up to work? C'mon dear! order some food and wine first!" (Leo)

"Ah! ok sure!" (Naveah)

"You look really beautiful today. Every man would drool over you, do you know?" Leo said while brushing his finger on her hand.

"Ahahah! really? I didn't notice. Haha! you're really good at Jokes." She withdrew her hands from the table.

"I'm not joking!" He glanced at her with a straight face.

"I see! Thank you then," Naveah said with a forced smile. " I'm keeping up with this jerk just 'cause of work!! hold it in Navee!!" She kept controlling herself mentally.

After they finished eating, Leo suggested going to a hotel room to rest and Naveah agreed.

"Woah! This is one huge room! it's quite pr- " before she could finish she felt super dizzy all of a sudden! She couldn't see clearly and collapsed in Leo's hand!

"Ahh! such a pretty naive girl! well, this is how I tasted every one of them!" He took her onto the bed and sat on top of her!

"Don't worry dear I'll make you feel the pleasure! You'll feel good by the mo-" He got interrupted

"Oh really?? That's too bad!" Naveah hit his neck with her elbow! and kicked him in his crotch!!

"Argh, you bitch!" He was yelping and cursing in pain! Suddenly Samantha and other police members burst into the room!

"You're under arrest for sexual harassment and rape!!"

"You ok, Navee?" Samantha said while checking Naveah!

"I'm fine thanks to the antidote you handed me! " she said while taking off her black wig!" Step aside a little!" saying this Naveah started kicking Leo in the middle of his legs !! The room is filled with Leo's scream!

"Stop!!! NAVEE!! YOU'RE GONNA SMASH HIS BALLS! STOP!" Samantha pulled her from the back!

"You Shithole jerk! Fucker!! huff I feel better!

I have work to do! I'll just go have some coffee! then see you later!" Naveah left!



"One latte please!" Naveah said while texting Nick!

She turned around and saw those black wolf-cut hair with the thin long ponytail and light blue eyes again!

"Oh!! Ms Juvia!!!"