
Sleeping Princess In Devil's Castle Part 3 Demon King's Power

Whatever was going on started to peel away. Tempering with Dimensions was not really a good thing for any Champion involved. The options were destroy if it was going to get rid of everything in the area or threaten the Pantheons.

Fix if you have the power to do so. Patch or mend to allow changes to take place and strengthen the place. Considering how the Goddess Jiutian had helped bring countless souls from Kakarot's Earth to be reborn here, it would suck to fail at that.

Kakarot shook away his headache as the situation changed right before his eyes. The kid Goku and Krillin vanish on the spot. What they were doing there was something to discuss later, but the Life signature of Launch was something to look into further at this point in time.

"Let's move!" He shouted to Yamacha. "Someone I know is now in a spot she shouldn't be in!"

Taken to a Citadel of sorts, Launch was getting her wits about her finally. Igor, who was damn near a good match for the assistant from the Frankenstein novel he was based off, and another demon had her sit down in a chair. The last thing she rembered was sneaking in and trying to steal the Sleeping Princess Jewel.

'A saw a duplicate of me tied down.. now I am tied down. Am I losing my mind?' The blonde mercenary was at a loss, and her captors looked fierce. Even with small numbers they were still demons in every shape of the word. 'Who the hell is this pasty face bastard?'

Lucifer and his remaining demons were largely unaffected by what happened. The count looked at the human captured and smiled. Something about the blonde caused his desire to rise.

"A needle for you; we were hoping to borrow some blood for a toast later!" Count Lucifer said in twisted glee. Stabbing her himself, he gasped at the magic inside. 'I need to take this for a test quickly!'

"Let me go!" Fear awakened in Launch. Her danger sense alerting to the difference in strength was minimal. But danger telling her otherwise not to break out just yet until the pasty face Lucifer left. 'Dammit! I don't want to die just yet with the little time I have left to live!'

The mercenary cursed herself mentally for not trying to escape before when seeing all the demons. Not to mention the thought of getting the Sleeping Princess Jewel to live the high life was just to appealing, it was also to stupid to risk coming here.

The blood drawn had the count excitied as he let a bit drip on his tongue. It was the most exquisite he tasted in a very long time. Feverishly, he thought about if it was time to change another to join his ranks.

Or dare he say it, taking a bride.

"Just sit tight and enjoy yourself until the time is right!" Count Lucifer walked off boasting. Years of preparation were finally done. The thought of the intruders pushed to the back of his mind. "Soon, I will have enough power to use the Sleeping Princess to charge the laser and destroy the Cursed Sun!"

The destruction of the sun.. this Demon was nuts. With out the sun, the entire planet would turn to crap. Not even the demons themselves could live. The destruction of the sun would wipe the closes planets from existence.

'Maybe that little blue kid was right.. maybe I have a death wish.' Launch looked down at the ground, not even resisting the needle that went into her neck. As she lost consciousness, she thought she saw a monkey-tailed person drop down in front of her. "Seeing things... already."

*Tap!* Yamacha dropped next to Kakarot but faced the demons in the room. Finding it odd, he waited until after Lucifer left the room to act. But then again, it was smart to analyze the situation before making a hasty move.

"This.. is a difficult situation we are in." Yamacha dealt with the scrubs as Kakarot stood in front of Launch still. Looking away to knock out to demons briefly, the next time he looked back, she was completely gone as well as the chair that held the woman in place. 'What the heck did he do!? Did he vaporize her somehow!?'

*Fizzle!* Smoke left the spot as the place was pretty old.

Kakarot didn't waste time freeing her from the chair, just put the whole thing in his Internal Space once it was free. The Multiforms of himself was heading back to him with the various demons following behind. The distance was pretty far as they rampaged pretty far.

Seeing the giant laser, he was not risking the chance of obtaining pieces of it in a fight. A Moon Cannon and old Demon technology was not something that could be passed up given the chance.

"Grr!" Gritting his teeth, he pulled it from the ground then stashed it in a Dynocap. Ones designed to Anazlyed items placed inside that may deteriorate when removed from its source. "Ha.. this is going to be a tough one, I think."

The damage to the place had, of course, caused Lucifer to come charging back in. He was worried for his precious Devil Castle Cannon. He even brought the Sleeping Princess Jewel with him.

The jewel shined a dim red but contained a large amount of Moon Light inside.

"Where is it?" The Demon looked on in horror at the vacant spot. His eyes were zeroing in, and fangs were coming out. "Incompetents fools! Why have you taken care of them.." The magic the creature had was off the charts. His overall power was nothing, however. ".. oof!"

*Bam!* Kakarot delivered a punch at high speed directly to the face, knocking Lucifer into a wall. Immediately delivering punch after punch that sent the Demon further into the wall and breaking bones after some time.

He still needed to finish here and head to the Furnance to deal with what was going on there.

"Woah!" Yamacha looked on amazed as he barely paid attention to those he was fighting. They were not even threatening with their weak power and the overall morale that dropped from seeing their master knocked into a wall. "He doesn't seem to be holding back at all!"

Each strike by Kakarot contained every bit of his strength he had left. Fist glowing red and black every few seconds with magic just to help. A push to his stomach by the count's foot was not enough to seperate the two.

'Go thing I strengthen my tail so much!' Stabbed into the floor, it curled enough to help anchor him as the count was knocked further down. 'Ugh! This bastard has heels on!?' The dress shoes were close enough to it.

"You filthy mongrel!" Lucifer raised his hand up and fired a ball of violent Red Ki out. His fury was felt in waves through the vicinity. "Blood Bomber!"

*Pew!* The blast hit Kakarot in the chest and carried him faster than anyone could blink all the way through the castle in one go. Ticking the Demon King off had more than made sure he wouldn't take him lightly.

Dazed, Yamacha watched from the side as the armored Saiyan sailed through the air like a missle.

'Yamacha, spam him with the Solar Flare!' Kakarot shouted out with his Telepathy to the daze former bandit. "Kuff!" Coughing up blood was a good wake-up call on how devastating and fast a situation could turn. Despite having energy, he was worn out from everything.

*Schup!* The six multiforms returned to him by flying. Getting shot out of the castle was not to bad after all. Well, he had to pull a piece of metal out of his backside from something or another.

"Hurry up!" Shouting again, he didn't care what the bandit was doing, he needed to attack. But there was no response. "Screw it then!" Hands placed over his head, he focused his Ki. 'This better work right!'

*Doom!* Black Red ki gathered at his overlapped palms. More of his Intuitive Adaptability had given information of skills taken from the Dragonballs getting siphoned. The Multiform had put in work.

'MASENKO HAH!' The enormous energy wave rammed into the castle, widening the hole he had already come out of. Hitting Lucifer point-blank and burying him in the rubble. "To little!" Cursing, he knew it would take more power.

Spotting the Sleeping Princess Jewel, he had one of the faster demons grab it and through it towards him. Catching it, the energy inside already affected his hands. He had stop the partial transformation from taking place.

Yamacha shot out of a window perfectly fine as he flew up.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Kakarot snapped at the bandit. Absorbing the energy in the Sleeping Princess was more than beneficial to energy recovery. "Why didn't you use the Solar Flare on him?!"

"I .. froze.." Yamacha looked away from him. It was mostly because he didn't like the use of Telepathy on him. "You could have just told me to use it instead of speaking to my mind."

*Grip!* Kakarot grabbed him by the collar tightly. Eyes radiating malice as he barely controlled himself.

"Are you fucking stupid!? You wanted me to shout those words out.. against a vampire.. are you fucking retarded man!?" They were here to stop the crazed Demon from destroying the sun, and he was upset about his personal space getting intruded upon. "Priorities should be against the threat! What the hell have you been learning with Chichi!?"

The demons under his control were gathered around the outside of the castle. At this point, Kakarot was just going to bury the whole place and start from scratch.

"She at least respects boundaries." Yamacha bit back bitterly.

"You know what.. I do not care enough. Do what ever you want." Kakarot raised his hand up, creating a Power Ball. Flinging it into the air he exploded it on the spot. "Grraaa!"

As he started to transform, Lucifer came out of the rubble. Clothes tore up, and a few burn marks on his face. Seeing the giant Demonic Great Ape causes a trickle of fear to pass over the old Demon.

"A fellow demon.. I won't let you have your way!" Lucifer flew at him, fangs and claws at the ready. "You look like a large oaf! I bet you are slow as can be!" Zipping pass a few chunks of castle debris, his castle was just another reason to kill the intruder.

*Bam!* Kakarot punched hard enough to produce a giant shockwave on impact. Yamacha was flung to the side, with the demons having to hold onto the ground to keep from flying away.

Stopping his fist took a lot out of Lucifer. His fist was breaking apart as a corrosive black, and red ki invaded him. Pushing his own magic out, the energy was stopped but not gone. Even burning the vampire's very flesh from the inside.

"Not bad monster.." Lucifer threw the damaged arm away and grew a new one on the spot. Looking a little peckish, a vial of blood was pulled out to help him refill. "Its a good thing I took some from that woman earlier."

"Hah!" Kakarot let out a Ki Shout destroying the vial of blood. No way would he let the vampire drink Launch's blood. His fist came down in a hammer swing to crush him. "Grrooo!"

Taking a que from the original Broly, he stomped on the down Vampire. Raising up and stomped again and again before jumping on his body madly. The ground started to rhythmically shake as he continued to do so.

"You.." Lucifer managed some words out as Kakarot had jumped up high, coming back down. "..stupid..." His body was mangled but still there. "..monkey.." Another stomp pulverized the remaining magic shielding the Demon.

"More of an Ape." Kakarot landed next to the spot. Looking at him with a fierce grin that sent shivers down the Demons and Yamachas spine. "A Demonic Great Ape." He started wailing on him using a ground pound. Basically slapping the surface area continuously.

Not stopping until he no longer felt the Ki, Magic, or any trace left of his opponent. Feeling the place for under his influence, Kakarot started banging on his chest howling. He gained another qualification to use the Dark King Aura.

That, and Bulma informed him the situation at the Furnance was taken care of. The news continued to get better as he absorbed a good bit of Lucifer's magic when wailing on him. A new skill and a new ability had been acquired for use.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 4,936,312 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 2,364

Magic: 103,421

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense II, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Imperfect Multi-Form, Masenko, Blood Bomber

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting, Vampirism

Transformation: Dark King Aura 2/3, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Gurumes, Fungus Town, Village of Nam, Devil's Hand

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, 3,254 Demons

Magmatidecreators' thoughts