
Light and Dark Magician

Reinn Vessalius was an ordinary-boy who had a dream of becoming the so-called Ascender. With the earth divided into two sides, facing invasion, mythical creatures, would he remain alive in the midst of chaos? Witness the adventure of Reinn from being ordinary into a somewhat mighty existence as he faced with many difficult enemies throughout his journey.

Avrilean_ · 奇幻
8 Chs

Yielded to Fate

Watching one after another officer entered the alley, Reinn breathed out a relief. Seeing their reaction earlier, he was sure that whoever person in that alley was a dangerous person. Fortunately, he didn't recklessly storm there. Who knows what awaits him there?




The sounds of consecutive shots reverberated within the area. The initial quiet street was now crowded by people who curious and slightly scared about what's happening.

A few minutes passed, and gunfire sounds gradually ceased, leaving the people outside worried whether something bad occurred. As their breath turned ragged, three figures of men wearing a torn uniform slowly revealed into everyone's sight. Unconsciously, they exhaled the breath they held on.

"H-help!" One of the officers asked weakly.

Instantly, the people swarmed over them and helped carried the injured one. At the same time, some people called the ambulance. Reinn, who was on the side watching this scene, couldn't help but creased his forehead, 'What creature exactly that managed to injure these three people until such extent?'

At the thought of him who called them, Reinn felt a bit guilty and decide to approach them, then spoke in an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, officers. Were it not for my call, all of you wouldn't be in this kind of state."

One of the officers who seems healthier than the rest smiled at Reinn, "It's fine. That's already the risk we expected when we choose this job."

Reinn exchanged pleasantries for a while before his phone starts ringing. Picking it up, his sister's voice could be heard from the other side, "Where are you, bro Reinn? It's been 20 minutes since you've gone. I'm currently starving, but it's lonely to eat alone."

Hearing a pampered tone from his sister, Reinn tense heart from indirectly witnessing the bloody scene gradually calmed down, "I'm on my way now. Wait for me a bit."


After hanging up the call, Reinn turned to the officer apologetically, "I'm sorry, officer. But I gotta home soon."

The man nodded at his words before said, "Be careful on the way. In addition, you should refrain from going out this late until the authorities cleaned this area."

Reinn nodded his head affirmatively while thought inwardly, 'Even without your warning, I wouldn't dare to even set my foot outside at night now.'

After that, he bid farewell to the officer and headed toward his house. What all people failed to notice is that another pair of red eyes were focused on Reinn's figure the whole time. Even after his figure disappears, those pair of red eyes still stared at the same spot before slowly vanished into the darkness.


Arriving at his home, Reinn hang his jacket and cap on the hanger as he announced his arrival, "I'm home."

"What makes you so long?" Sylvia appeared with her hands on her hips as she stared at Reinn with an inquiring gaze.

"It's a secret," Reinn smirkingly replied, causing Sylvia fumed in anger.

"Can we stop this secret game?" Sylvia said in anger as she walks into the dining room where different plates of food are lying across the table.

"Wow, so many!" Reinn exclaimed in surprise before adding, "And for your question earlier, you'll get the answer tomorrow on the TV news."

"TV news?" Sylvia asked puzzlingly. What's the relation between her brother's late arrival and TV news?

"Just wait tomorrow." Reinn vaguely replied as he rinses his hand on the sink. It's no doubt such a commotion where gunfire and mysterious creature involved would create a piece of massive news. Even if the authority decides to keep the news down, they couldn't back down from their responsibility to release a statement the cause of three officers injured. So, he estimated that news regarding that incident would be brought up tomorrow.

"Tch, you're becoming more and more secretive these days. Says, did you also hid the fact that you have a girlfriend now?"

"What nonsense are you spouting? Of course, I'm still single."


As sunlight peeked through the corner of his room windows, Reinn sleep gets disturbed due to the sudden light. Frowning his eyebrows, Reinn then covered his whole body. However, in the next second, the alarm beside him starts ringing loudly.

"Can you guys let me sleep a bit more?" Reinn complained as he reached out his hand to turn the alarm off.

Success in calming down the alarm, Reinn was about to continue his sleep when his room door gets pounded twice.

"What is it now!" Reinn mumbled in anger and groggily sauntered over his door to proceed to open it.

"Bro Reinn! I just watched over the news and saw there is an accident that happened last night. The surprising thing is, the place of the incident was only a few blocks away from us!" Sylvia said in an exhilarating manner, causing Reinn to wake up from his drowsiness state.

"So you got the answer you wanted, right? Let me continue my sleep then."

"Answer?" Sylvia asked perplexedly before realization dawned over her, "You mean, you were late coming late yesterday because of that?"

"Of course." Reinn answered obviously and about to enter his room when Sylvia tugged at his clothes harshly, "Don't leave me hanging, bro Reinn! Tell me more detailedly about it."

Realizing he had no chance to resume his sleep, Reinn yielded to his fate and replied helplessly, "Alright, alright."