
Light and Dark Magician

Reinn Vessalius was an ordinary-boy who had a dream of becoming the so-called Ascender. With the earth divided into two sides, facing invasion, mythical creatures, would he remain alive in the midst of chaos? Witness the adventure of Reinn from being ordinary into a somewhat mighty existence as he faced with many difficult enemies throughout his journey.

Avrilean_ · 奇幻
8 Chs


As he entered, an enormous room with many bookshelves registered in his sight. On the centre corner, a spacious desk was present with pens and paper neatly placed. Behind it was a bow-shaped window with curtains on each edge packed. Closing the door, Reinn walked to one of the bookshelves and picked up a book with an image of various herbs. Stroking its rough surface lightly, he made his way to the chair just behind the desk and sat on it.

Although he previously chided his sister for watching too many fairytales, he also loved to read such books that consist of things beyond the humans' mind. When he was a child, he never thought of existence such as Unicorns, Mermaid, Kraken has even existed in the first place. But that mindset was completely destroyed when his father displaying a magical performance. It turns out humans can acquire a super-power through a special method.

Instead of practicing martial arts for countless years, humans were required to just consume a potion to be granted by a super-power. For now, there are few fixed potion recipes with the different abilities it's provided. For instance, a potion that grants a fire ability required 7 Dry Baco Leaves, 2 Volcano Beads, Two litres of Fire Lizard blood, etc. Those who have consumed the potion and gained an ability would be called Ascender.

As he ventured through the reading deeper, the room gradually dimmed, indicating night about to come. Closing the book, Reinn leaned back against the chair rest and gently massaged his forehead. He closed his eyes for a couple of minutes before opening them and stood up to close the curtains. When he turned around, his eyes fell on the safebox precisely below his father's desk.

"Father said I only allowed to open it when my age reached 18. Thus, I would be able to see what's inside soon since my birthday is arriving in two days." Reinn mumbled as he gazed at the safebox.

He already knew the password because his father already told him before his one-way departure. Throughout the days he visited this room, he always gets temptation to break the rules his father made and open the safebox earlier. However, the moment he touched the safebox, it was like a bucket full of water poured over his head, causing his mind to become clear with no longer any vile thinking remain.

Thus, from then on, he never tried to pry what's inside that thing before he reached the required age. Stepping out from his father's study room, Reinn lightened up the house and went to the second floor and knocked on his sister's room that has a name tag "Slyia" attached to it, "Syl, you still sleeping?"

No response...

Hearing no response, Reinn concluding she was still asleep and immediately headed to his room.

His room wall was coloured in black and decorated with almost nothing. Directly behind his room door was a normal-sized wardrobe that could fit a month-application of clothes. On the right side was his bed facing horizontally to the door. Just a little distance on left from his bed was a glass door that led into a small terrace. Beside the glass door was a study desk glued to the wall.

Changing his clothes into comfortable ones, Reinn walked out and sat directly on the couch that facing up the television. Turning on the TV, news regarding the entrance exam of five academies specializing in nurturing Ascender was broadcasted.

Thinking enviously about the people who could afford potions and go there, Reinn shook his head and changed the channels. The potion ingredients were rare, expensive and hard to buy even if you managed to find one. Just by relying on the government's monthly money, he barely enough to sustain his and his sister's lives. Hence, unless he sold the house, he'll never get a chance to become an Ascender.

'I'll just go to a normal college then.' Reinn thought to himself before getting engrossed on the television. A few minutes flew by, Reinn eyes slowly dropped as drowsiness slowly take over his body.


When he woke up, the television was already switched off, while a faint delicious aroma spreading from downstairs. Rubbing his eyes, Reinn walked downstairs and saw his sister in the middle of cooking something. Placing his hand over the kitchen counter, Reinn asked yawningly, "What are you cooking?"

"It's a secret! Payback for the last time~" Sylvia turned and stuck out her tongue at Reinn.

Amused by her answer, Reinn laughed a little, "You brat!" he then glanced at the clock, which shows 8 o'clock before saying, "You finish your cooking. I'm going to the minimarket first to buy some snacks and drinks."

"Okay, be careful!" Sylvia answered without turning.

Grabbing a jacket and cap from the hanger, Reinn then exits the house.


Since the winter is coming, the wind is getting chillier each day and Reinn had to wear a jacket every time he travels. Rubbing his palm to keep them warm, Reinn ears perked up at someone's shout, "Help! Thief! Thief!"

Without hesitation, he turned his head to the voice direction and realized the voice came from one of the dark alleys. If it happened in broad daylight, Reinn wouldn't probably hesitate and entered it without any worry. But it's already night. And who knows how many people are waiting for him in that alley. Hence, he didn't dare barge recklessly into the man's help, considering that nowadays thugs were creative and used various methods to lure their prey into their palms.

Therefore, he dialled the police number and explained that there might be a criminal attempt on the place he currently stayed. After confirming they'll arrive in few minutes, Reinn hanged up the call and pressed the record button to show the police evidence he's not lying, just in case the criminal run away the moment they heard the siren sounds.

As expected, a few minutes later, when the police arrived. The yell of asking for help gradually faded away. As the police officers approach him, Reinn directly pointed to the alley where the voice of yell sounded before, "There officers. I heard someone asking for help."

One of the officers nodded his head before starts walking to the alley Reinn pointed at while holding his gun on the side of his waist warily.

"Anyone here?" The officer bellowed as he ventured deeper.

"Maybe they already fled away," The officer mumbling and about to turn around when a pair of red eyes flickering under the darkness.

With a rapid movement, the officer pulled out his gun and shot straight in the red eye's direction.

Hearing the sound of a gun being shot, another two officers quickly pulled their handgun as a hurried voice came from their handy talky, "Report, Case Level D, required back up soon, change!"

Without dilly dally, the two officers charged to the alley upon hearing that.