
Light Above The Horizon

When Jun Zihan met her first, she was within his reach . He could have reach her with a single step from his side. But he just saw her as a perfect chess piece for his plans. But when he really want to catch-up with her will she be there? was she just a chess piece in his game or was he?who was she originally? .................. later she became aware of the existence of his moonlight , she went back into her own life.Afterall it was just a mission. Shi Anxin's disappearance from his life was sudden. Whe he saw her few years after she was laughing and talking with a most respected old general of their country who was her grandfather.

chainhouse · 现代言情
2 Chs

First meeting

Sun was scorching above head. Shi Anxin raised her head and look towards the skyscraper building. After taking a deap breath she walked towards the reception.

The receptionist asked in a very standardized way " Good morning , what can I do for you?"

" hi, I have an appointment with your CEO "

" ok. Wait a minute. let me confirm it. "

As the receptionist got instructions, she allowed Shi Anxin to go to the top floor. She was welcomed into the conferance room by a secretary. As she entered , she saw that at the head seat someone was sitting with his back against her.

She took a deep breath and said

"excuse me. I am shi Anxin. I would like to accept you offer"

The chair turned around showing the man sitting on it. He was very handsome with straight nose , long narrow eyes with the colour as dark as night , sharp eyebrows .Even though he was sitting she could tell he is very tall.

Shi Anxin observed the man as he was also observing her. She had long black slightly wavy hair and her sparkling eyes were dark brown.

As their eye collided with each other Jun Zihan spoke up first.

" I hope my secretary explained every details to you"

" yeah. He explained the details but I would like to confirm , there will be no marriage in the clause right? "

Jun Zihan pushed a document towards her and said

" yes there will be no marriage. If you are ok with it you can sign the contract"

Shi Anxin once again checked the contract and signed it.

Actually the contract was simple. Jun Zihan just taken over the Jun family's buisness empire . His grandfather want him to settle down in a marriage but he doesn't want to. by some coincidence the last time he was hospitalized he saw Shi Anxin who was a nurse . And he forced Jun Zihan to marry her. As grandpa Jun needed to undergo a surgery for his heart disease, he coerced Jun Zihan by saying , without Jun Zihan get together with someone he won't undergo for the operation. After the coercion Jun Zihan decided to ask Shi Anxin to act with him as a couple for six months until then his grandfather would undergo the surgery.

When his secretary first approached her she doesn't agree, later he used some methods to make her career difficult in the hospital , she had no choice but agree with it after all it was only for six months.

After putting the contract aside he asked with a serious expression,

" So from now on you are my girlfriend. Do you want to stay with me and leave together ?"

Shi Anxin felt very flustered. they just signed the contract and here he acting like a proper boyfriend. she quickly rejected the offer

" No, no. I , I have my duty shift. I better go back now."

"When are you getting off? You can call me I will pick you up"

" No I can go back by myself"

" Are you denying my rights of a boyfriend?"

She was stunned for a minute then quickly said,

" Ok I will call you"