
The end of the tour, finally

Arriving in the lobby, I walk with Mina, Fiona, Mandy, and Luke towards the bus and get on. The four keep their promise and never leave my side. One of them is always close to me. The ride over to the venue is uneventful, and I retreat into one of the many memories that comfort me. 

The show itself runs flawlessly and before I know we're sitting on the bus back to the hotel. It's the last night, and I just want to go to sleep. The sooner it is Saturday, the sooner I can go home. 

Sexy will text tonight, but I'll keep it short. I think I can persuade him to leave it short. We get off the bus, and I follow Mina and Fiona towards the elevators. We enter and as I turn around, Asswipe scurries towards the elevators. I jab the button for the doors to close, but it's too slow. 

At the last moment, Mina darts between the doors and pushes him away from the elevators. The doors close and I sigh in relief. I'm Mina, eternally grateful for sacrificing herself for my sake. Fiona and I enter our room and I sink on my bed. This entire week has me emotionally drained and I can feel the effect. Just one more show tomorrow and then I get two weeks off.

The next show is on my birthday, but that is okay. I don't need a party. Or gifts. I've got everything I want. Anything material, that is. Mina enters and comes into the room. "Thanks, Mina, you helped me a lot just now."

She smiles and nods, before grabbing her clothes and entering the bathroom. Fiona is watching TV, but it doesn't pique my interest. Instead, I check my phone, but Sexy hasn't texted me yet. When Mina leaves the bathroom and gets into bed, I get up and take a quick shower, finishing with my nighttime routine.

Leaving the bathroom, Fiona passes me and wishes me a good night's sleep. I smile in return and climb into bed. I check my phone again, but still no texts. I put my phone on the nightstand and get comfortable. I'm a little worried, to be honest. Out of all of them, I thought Sexy would be the most eager to text me. Maybe I have it wrong and I feel more than he does. I know I do, I just thought he felt something at least, with the way he talks to me when we're alone.

I fall asleep and know no more. As the sun shines through the curtains, I wake up. The rays are shining right into my face. It's what woke me up, and I groan. I wanted to sleep longer, but it still is the next day and tonight I get to go home, finally. I've missed my bed, and my freedom, and the excellent company I keep at home.

I get up and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. When I get back out, Mina and Fiona are getting up. Mina is first to leave the bed, and she is next in the bathroom. I check my phone again, but no texts. I text Tiger but get nothing back. 

Fiona is next as Mina walks out of the bathroom. Ten more minutes of silence and we can leave for breakfast. I don't mind the silence. I prefer it, The events of yesterday have me close off more and more. I don't trust anyone here. Breakfast is peaceful, Asswipe is not here, and my mood gets a little better. After finishing breakfast, I get up and deposit the dirty dishes and the others follow me. We all go towards the lobby to get out of the hotel and onto the bus. The ride back will take a while, and I think I'll take a nap.

The bus ride takes about five hours, and for four hours I sleep. For the last hour, I'm watching the scenery fly by outside of the bus. With still 20 minutes to go, the seat next to me gets taken by Chester. "How are you doing? I notice you don't interact with anyone." He asks me, concern shining through his green orbs. 

I shrug, "I'm fine, don't worry. This week was emotionally draining and I just can't wait to go home tonight." He smiles and I turn my head away again. He gets the hint I don't want to talk, but he stays where he is, comforting me in silence. Arriving at the venue for tonight, we get off the bus and head inside. 

The dress rehearsal rushes today, because of the later start. And right after we can hear the people who came to watch. The show starts and like all the other shows, it runs smoothly. Mandy made a minor mistake in her second dance but nobody, except us, notices it.  

I gather all of my belongings after the show, Chester is waiting beside me, so he can walk me to my car. We say goodbye and I hug him in thanks for his help these last two days. I get in my car and drive away. I put on some music and prepare myself mentally for the long drive home. At the second red light, I need to stop, I glance in my mirror and see a black car behind me. I think the silhouette of the person is familiar, but I can't see any features, so I'm not sure.

The light turns to green and I stomp on the pedal, and the car speeds away. I watch the car behind me closely and I take a right turn, even though I don't need to go right. The car follows. I repeat it a few times and every time the car follows. The blood in my veins runs cold with fear, and I suddenly don't want to go home. If it's Asswipe, I don't want to lead him to where I live.

The fear flowing through me reminds me of back then, and I hyperventilate. The memories come crashing back, and I'm eight years old again. I drive into a McDonald's parking lot. I don't want to cause an accident. The memories take my complete focus, so I don't see the black car drive on and disappear from my view. 

Once I'm calm, I get out for some fresh air, and to check if the black car is anywhere nearby. After a thorough inspection of my surroundings, I can breathe a little easier. Not seeing the car makes me relax my shoulders and I get into my car. I resume the drive back home and two hours later I park the car in my driveway.

One of the members POV.

I hear a car door slam, and I sit up straighter on the step I'm sitting on. I'm extremely happy I get to see Nadja first. The circumstances aren't the best, though. The others are already asleep for three hours after getting home from the hospital. Waiting that long is worth it, though. I can hear her behind the door and I jump up and wrench it open. She is standing there, key in hand, at the height of the lock. She was about to put the key in.

"Nadja," I whisper with longing, and she drops her bag and jumps into my arms. She buries her head in my neck and I bend down and pick up her bag. I carry her into the house and go up to her room. She doesn't talk, and she doesn't need to, I'm content just holding her. She clings to me like a koala. 

"Should I call you Koala from now on?" I ask her, whispering into her ear. She shakes her head in the crook of my neck, "no I like Gem."

I chuckle and put her down in front of the shower. I strip her and push her under the water. I strip myself and join her, gathering her in my arms. I can feel her exhaustion, so I wash her. Lathering her body up with soap. After rinsing, I repeat it for her hair, and it's a little difficult. I have to hold her upright and wash all of that long hair. In the end, I succeed and turn the shower off. 

She has said nothing and I suspect her of sleeping. I wanted to do more to her tonight, but it looks like all I get to do is hold her as she sleeps. I don't mind that, it's just that I'm a little horny now, seeing and feeling her naked body. I dry her off. And steer her to her bed. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead. She is asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow. 

I go back to the bathroom and dry myself. I then crawl next to her and gather her against my chest. "I love you," I whisper into her hair. She stirs a little and my heart jumps into my throat. Did she hear me? 

I kiss her head again before succumbing to sleep myself. 

The curtains aren't closed, so the light shines into the room as soon as the sun rises. It wakes me up. I stare up at the ceiling and let last night play through my head. I hope it isn't so, but there is a possibility she heard me say I love you. It's too soon. We've never talked about feelings, it's all just sex and pleasure. I desperately want to tell her, I'm just scared to push away with the words. 

Her head is lying on my chest and her hand rests over the soul mark. The warmth radiating through my body because it feels nice, and I want to feel it always. She just fits perfectly. 

I bask in the warmth, but eventually, I get up. She doesn't wake up and I tuck her in more. She needs her sleep, so I quietly leave her room and walk down to my own. My roommate is awake and dressing. 

"Good morning. How was Quinn? Bummed he had to stay in the hospital?" I ask as soon as I sit on my bed. He turns to me and sits down too. 

"Good morning. Quinn is fine. He dehydrated himself, and that's why he collapsed yesterday. We can pick him up this afternoon. They just wanted to make sure he is fine before dismissing him." He tells me, a big smile on his face. I snicker, imagining Quinn grumbling in the hospital. He joins me. 

"He was whining until we left him alone, and I bet he hasn't slept at all," he adds as he gets up to go down for breakfast. I'm hungry, but I need a fresh change of clothes. I undress and grab some clean clothes. 

"I'll see you downstairs," and he leaves me alone. I quickly pull the t-shirt over my head and put the pants on next. Socks and shoes follow, and I walk out of the room. Walking towards the bathroom. Entering, I can hear the shower and quickly close the door to keep the heat inside. 

"Good morning, it's just me," I tell the shower and he hums back. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. It's getting long. I'm not sure what to do. Cut it? Die it? Keep it? Maybe the others can help me decide. I slip through the door and go down. 

Arriving in the kitchen, I grab some cereal and sit down at the dining table. "Good morning, everyone," and I dig into my cereal. 

"Good morning," all say. "And how is she?" Xavier asks me. I look up and shrug my shoulders. "Exhausted, so I let her sleep. She slept through the shower last night." I tell after swallowing. 

"So no cheerful welcome?" Yoongi asks me, a devilish grin all over his face. I shake my head, "no we just slept."  The others snicker and I look around. "What?" I ask. Did I say something weird? 

"The look on your face just now," and Jay chuckles, "you're sad nothing happened."

Shock flows through me. Was I that transparent? It looks like I was, and my mood sours more. They all laugh seeing me, and I put my head down and scarf my breakfast down. The sooner I can leave, the better I will feel. After I finish, I clean up and plant my behind on one couch. Playing some video games definitely will help me cheer up. Vere joins me and together we play for a couple of hours.

Jay comes up behind us just as my head got blown off by Vere and it's game over for me. "Mike is here to take us to Quinn. You guys staying?" I put the controller down and get up. Maybe a change of scenery will get me in a better mood. I mean, playing games made me feel better, but there is still something nagging in the back of my mind. I just can't put my finger on it.  

Vere shuts all of it off and joins Jay and me. We walk out of the house and get into the car. Everyone is going, so Nadja is alone in the house. The drive to the hospital is short and in no time we walk through the entrance. Mike asks the receptionist and after getting the information walks towards the elevators. The ride up is a little cramped, the seven of us, a bed with a patient and three nurses all in one elevator. We need to get off first, and when the door opens I gladly leave. 

Mike tells us the room number and I walk into the hallway looking at every door. When I spot it, I open the door and walk in. The others follow. Quinn is sitting up in bed, looking fine. He just finished breakfast and is looking outside the window. A bored look on his face. 

"Quinn!!! How do you feel?" Xavier happily enquires as he moves next to the bed. We all stand around the bed and Quinn looks around. A look of sadness passes over his face, and I know what he's thinking.

"Where is Nadja?" is the first thing he asks, and I look at the others. Some don't like Quinn ignoring them, so I quickly say, "She's at home sleeping."

"Oh" is all he says and slumps down into the bed. "To be completely honest. She doesn't know you're in the hospital. She was practically sleeping last night." I tell Quinn. He looks down at his hands, "oh" is all I get again. 

"You can see her when we get home. None of us saw her last night, well except for him," Xavier chuckles, "So tell us? How do you feel? Ready to get out of here?"

"I'm fine and hell yes. Can we go?" Quinn asks hope lighting up his entire face. We all laugh at how eager he is to get out of here.

"We need to consult the doctor first," Adam says as he walks to the door, "I'll go find him."

I get restless waiting for Adam and look outside the window. The others try to get more out of Quinn, but he is sullen and doesn't respond much. Finally, after fifteen minutes, Adam comes back into the room. Seeing the big smile on Adam's face, Quinn jumps out of the bed and puts his clothes on. Once he wears all of his clothes, we leave the room and walk towards the parking lot and the car.

The drive back is silent. Quinn is brooding beside me and I can't blame him. I would've hated it too if it had happened to me. "You need to take better care of yourself," I whisper to him and he hums in agreement. I'll let it go for now, but I'm keeping my eye on him. This can't happen again. 

Mike drops us off, and we walk towards the front door. I expected Nadja to open the door for us, a big smile radiating her entire face like the sun. She isn't though, and Jay opens the door with the key. We all go in, but the house feels eerily quiet. I quickly walk around, but she isn't there. Back in the hallway, I tell the others.

"I'll go up to her room. I think I know what is wrong. I'll get her down here, don't worry"