
Life with my Mystery Guy

What happens when a wrong phone call leads you to meet your forever after? Meet the story of Krista a young office worker and Andrew a young handsome man with a passion for books that changes her boring life into one full of love and excitement.

tanyka · 现代言情
10 Chs

Who are you ?

Let me introduce myself: I'm Krista Lewis, 23 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5'5 not to tall but not to short either, love purple and green, cats and everything that's cute and a major fan of criminal mind and ncis. Oh and i'm a bit of a clutz sometimes....there you go, that's me, all summed up in a phrase.

Ding ding ding....

I raise my hand from under the cover and stop the alarm of my phone from destroying my brain. I turn on my back and try, like really try to open my eyes and look at the clock.

7:30 am ...

"What.... aaargghhh i'm so gonna be late for work". Yup ...that's me. Every single monday morning, I hate Mondays !!!

I dash out of bed with the speed of light, brush my teeth, take a quick shower and get dressed for work. I tie my hair in a ponytail put on my pencil skirt dress , light blue blouse and a black jacket, blue sandals and speed off to work with my bag in tow and a croissant in my mouth. I hop in my car, a dark green vw beetle and arrived at work just in time, only 1 minute before 8.

'Phew' almost late. definitely a close call. I strode to my desk , saying hello to a few familiar faces on the way.

I put my bag on the desk and prepare for work, taking a few glances at the clock to see how much time I have to live without coffee. Just then a cup of coffee lands on my desk, right under my nose. 'Ahhh...heaven' I think to myself when I smell the familiar and heavenly scent.

I look up to se a pair of black eyes , thin mouth, small and pointy nose and a head full of brown hair. 'Ryan'

"Hey Ryan " I say to him and give him my best smile. A reward for the coffee.

"Morning Krista. I brought you a coffee to help you wake up" he says to me and smiles back at me with those white teeth and cute dimple on his left cheek.

"Thank you Ryan. You're my savior" I say back eyes full of gratitude.

" Don't mention it. I know you're not a Monday person. "He say chuckling a little. " I'll leave you to your work. Bye." And off he goes.

"Bye bye" i wave at Ryan and take a sip from my coffee and sigh contentedly to myself.

That's Ryan, one of my colleagues from work. I work in the secretarial department and he's from finance. We both work at an architectural firm called New Age and Development ( NAD on short). He started talking to me a few months back during a dinner party the firm held for the employee's for the success of winning a bid for the new residential area. He's sweet and very attentive but unfortunately not my type. I'm pretty sure Mindy from finance will kill me if I would dare go out with him, not that I'm interested.

Anyway, here I am doing my job, a boring job but at least it pays the bills, rent, food and clothes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining but I literary have no life since I started working 2 years ago. I'm 23 and have no boyfriend, 1 best friend Anna and no life. I'm boring I know.....sigh. Nothing interesting ever happens to me anyway, might as well just do my job well and then go home and match my favorite show 'Criminal minds' and 'NCIS' .

When the clock strikes 5 I gather my things and head for the exit. I take my phone and decide to call Anna to see if she wants to join me for movie night and ice cream. Right when I pressed dial I remember she told me she changed her number so I search my bag for that tiny peace of paper she gave me with her new phone number and after I found it I dial the number and press call. After a few rings it finally connects.

"Hey Anna it's me your best friend in the whole world, you know the cute and funny one that feeds you ice cream every other day. Come at my place tonight for movie and ice cream?" I say all in one go without taking a pause. I wait a few seconds and nothing, I look at my phone and see that the call is still on so I put it back at my ear and say :

" Hello...Anna? You still there? Are you mad at me? What's with the silent treatment? Are you on your period or something? "

Still nothing...

"Fine....I'll throw in a pizza...your favorite,pineapple and lots of cheese. What do you say?"

While I'm thinking how to improve my monologue I suddenly hear a deep and husky voice say:

" I actually prefer ham, sausages and corn on it."

"What?" I say a little perplexed not expecting to hear a male voice from the phone. "WHO ARE YOU? " I say with a bit too much force.