
Life She Hate

A teenage girl. She always wanted a fairytale life, but her life is turned upside down. How will she deal with her problems?

Black_roseie · 青春言情
6 Chs

I Hate You

I walked home angrily, not caring if my mother would see me. I pushed the front door and walked in. I was frozen in my place seeing my mom.

Damn it! Mom is at home. God, she will kill me now!! Ugh! I should have been careful.

"Where have you been, young lady?" Mom asked as she stood up. I couldn't open my mouth. "I... I..."

"Wait, let me guess." Mom came in front of me and looked at me suspiciously. I was so scared she'd find out.

"You were with that Jude boy and you tried to get his money, but it didn't work out, so... You were angry, am I right?" she smirked at me. I couldn't form words. I couldn't believe she thought that of me.

No! I don't use Jude... He is my friend. I would never do that!! Right?

My eyes were filled with tears. I felt disgusted with her and myself. I'm not her! I have some dignity.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll teach you how to get a man, okay?" Mom hugged me. She thinks she makes me feel good. I was sad and angry and now I'm numb. I couldn't say anything.

I pushed her away. "I know how to live my life." I plucked up the courage to tell her and walked to my room.

"Don't worry, dear. It's okay. We're same blood. You'll be like your mother someday. Work harder!" my mom shouted from behind.

I don't want to be like her. Mom, I hate you!!

I locked the door and sat on the bed.

"We are same blood. You'll be like your mother someday." The words repeated over and over again in my head.

I was angry with myself. Will I be like her? Am I using Jude?

I started crying thinking about what happened today. How Jude didn't come behind me and say sorry or anything else. He have never done that. But do he hate me now?

Thinking about it made me cry even more.


"Ava wa-" I tried to shout behind her, but Daniel blocked me. "Let her go, man. She's crazy!" he rolled his eyes. "Never say that about Ava, OK?" I shouted at him.

I know she's angry. I didn't follow her. Ugh!! She would think it worst.

"Do you know what you've done? She's sensitive, man!" I pulled my hair out of frustration. Daniel laughed.

"Look jade, these girls are all one of a kind. They only use you. She's behind your money, not you," he told me with a serious face. I hit him in the face, hardly.

"Don't you dare speak about her like that!" I shouted at him and ran to Ava's house.

I have to apologize to her! I am so sorry, love...


"Wait, you saying I'm not getting paid." She shouted at him.

"You didn't even sell them. I can't do anything, you whore!" he shouted at her. "But I may have an idea..." he smirked at her.

"What's that?" Her eyes sparkled. "You can send your daughter to the boss. She's beautiful and sexy, you know. You'll get a lot of money." He whispered to me.

Why didn't I think of that? Yes! I can do it! I'll get a lot of money.

Ava, my child. I thought you were useless. But you'll make a lot of money for me. The money i used to raise you didn't went waste afterall.

"Mrs. Fallon! The boss wants to see you."



I cried and cried...

I'm exhausted...

I was about to stand up and go down to drink water. I heard my mother leave with her old car. I can go down now.

Then I heard a noise in my room. I froze at my place. I slowly turned back and just to saw Jude struggling to climb up my window.

"Jude! What the hell?!" I ran to the window and opened it. And I helped him. He was breathing heavily like he came running here. I didn't do anything. What my mother told me lingered in my head.

"I'm sorry, Ava," Jude took my hand. I didn't say anything and just looked at our hands. "I know you're mad at me, Ava. I'm sorry, look--"

"Jude, am i using you?" I asked suddenly.

He was confused. Of course everyone will.

"What are you talking about?" he asked me. I told about my conversation with my mom. He was boiling with anger.

"Hell!! Ava, why would you think that?!!" he yelled at me. I cried again. I don't know what to say. Yeah, I'm as crazy as his friend said.

He sat next to me and hugged me. I didn't say anything. I was just crying. "Ava, I never thought of you like that and you're not your mother, okay?" he whispered. I didn't answer.

"We are friends, remember? Don't you remember how we met?" he asked me, looking at my face.

I laughed at the memory. I stopped crying. That's why I hate this boy. He can make me stop crying with one word.

"I'm sorry, Jude. I shouldn't have walked away like that." I told him. "It's all right. It's was Daniel's fault." he assured me.

"You know what! I beat him in his beautiful face." Jude laughed.

"What the!" I was shocked. "No way..."

"Yeah, I couldn't stand him talking nonsense about you. Even if he's my friend. Remember that, you always have me." he told me. I couldn't speak.

"Did you beat your best friend for me?" I saw him.

"Don't worry, it's okay. He deserves it. And don't take his words seriously. He just hates women. It's not your fault."

"Why? Why does he hate women?" I suddenly got interested. "It's a long story, I'll tell you one day." he said. I nodded.

"Actually, I hate him. The donkey-faced man said my Jude was short. How dare he!!" I put on a silly face and Jude laughed.

I can't get mad at this cute boy. He's my best friend after all. He hit his best friend because of me. Can I get someone as precious as him as my friend?