
Chapter 361 Ransom of 800,000

Joseph and Bertier exchanged glances once again.

Although neither of them understood exactly what was happening, they almost simultaneously said, "Your Highness, I suggest launching an immediate attack!"

"I think we should launch a strong attack in conjunction with Major Lacoste."

Bertier then bowed slightly and said, "Yes, Your Highness!"

Soon, the scattered soldiers of the Guard Corps began to converge toward Ogquenna village. At the same time, the cannons roared as they tore through the thin infantry lines of the Hanoverian defense with their shells.

Bertier looked at Joseph with some concern and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, could it be that the Mounted Artillery didn't manage to intercept in time, and the enemy's reinforcements have already joined up with their rear guard?"

He furrowed his brows forcefully and added, "Or perhaps they were defeated by the enemy's reinforcements?"