
Life of a Lazy Gaming Ninja

how will the life of a lazy ninja will change if he had a gaming system. it's going to be heram, it's going to be lazy , and I write for fun maybe a chapter a week. I don't own Naruto or anything really. this is Shikamaru Gamer fic, don't like, don't read . their will be a lot of mistakes and typos. the fic is me thinking what will happen if Shikamaru had the game . some time I will age up or down characters .

mask95 · 漫画同人
3 Chs

A Lazy Start

Somewhere in the multiverse a being was bored at the moment, he was The gamer ( a nod to dark wolf shiro) he had conquered his original multiverse and created many others, now he could create a universe on a whim, so he did, he created a Naruto Universe and then created a version of the game that will be bound by that universe .

He looked at all the characters thinking of who should he gave the game to, then he settled with a lottery and the name that came up was Shikamaru Nara, he sighed " why am I having such a bad day." and put the matter out of his mind and went to see if Neo had any ideas .

{ Year 77 Hidden Leaf Village, Nara Clan Main House}

Shikamaru Nara, was laying on his bed thinking of the troublesome days that were coming, he had six months until the end of the school year and then of to be a shinobi , a Genin to be exact the lowest form of a shinobi .

Shikamaru knew that the next shinobi war was near, he was to smart not to realize that, the big five hidden villages had fourteen years of peace to recover from the last war, so there will be a war in the next seven years.

And the hidden leaf village is not as strong as it was. so the next war will be brutal and he had a high chance of dieing so he will sleep while he can, because even if he train day and night, one man can't change the tides of war, at least not a Naras . his clan were strategists, that means personal strength is not important.

On the other hand he is the heir to the clan and he was expected to be a Jounin. that is why his dream is to be a Chuunin , an improbable dream but who said dreams have to come true. Shikamaru knew who his teammates would likely be , his best friend Chōji Akimich and his annoying classmates Ino Yamanaka.

He was fine with Ino although she is a crazy fangirl who is obsessed with Sasuke like most of the female school population, their clan techniques are compatible , especially inGenin and Chuunin stages, that is why both clans are teamed up for capture and interrogation, his clan techniques are excellent at none lethal capturing of the enemies, and the Yamanaka clan anr experts at interrogation and mind reading.

The third member of the team will be his best friend Chōji Akimich, the best men all around, he is the nice guy, an he hope that he always will be , his big boned friend is not ready to take a life, he is kind to everyone happy to sit with him and do nothing but eat his snacks . The Akimich clan is Taijutsu specialists, their job is to protect both the Yamanaka and the Nara in the team .

And finally me the Nara, I'm not a particularly a nice guy, actually most of the Naras are assholes, we are the brains of the team, usually we are the leaders but not always. The Nara job is to catch the enemy in our shadow Jutsu, that can be done in secret before the battle truly starts, or while they are engaged in battle with the Akimich, we don't have strong bodies or a lot of Chakra, we usually fight smarter not harder kind of people.

So the formation is simple, The Nara catch, The Akimich bound and The Yamanaka interrogate, it's a simple enough idea thay even a child would understand, but in the real world it never that simple, sometimes when facing a large force, the job will change to The Akimich tie down the leader for as long as possible, by any means necessary, while the Nara and the Yamanaka will eliminate the other combatant permanently if need be, then provide support to the Akimich.

All the thinking is hurting my head, that's why cloud watching is the best way to shut off the brain for a bit, that is another downside of being a Nara, always overthinking shit like that, for no apparent reason what so ever. As my brain began to work over time thinking of the likely scenarios in which I would probably die, I used the strongest technique in my clan arsenal [ Instantaneous sleep Jutsu] .

{ Hidden Labradorite, The Hidden Sound Village}

Orochimaru was finishing up one of his experiments, and thinking about how to fuck over the Hidden Leaf and his old teacher and mentor. As Orochimaru went to his office and started reading the various reports je came across on from one of his spies in the Leaf Mizuki, he is a teacher always reporting a promising young Genin to eliminate or recruit, right now he is reporting that Sasuke is the top of his class but not that strong with very little attachment to the village, the rest of the class was absolutely average, no one of real not, and the jinchūriki is the dead last in his class with no real talent to speak of , or the work ethic to cover his lack of talent.

Orochimaru read through the report and suddenly found that he didn't want to wait for Sasuke to be a Genin to mark him( Author ex machina), so he sent an order to Mizuki to kidnappe Sasuke in three days and another one to xxxx to make sure that Mizuki can run from the Leaf Village without being detected for a couple of hours and then he can meet him close to the border and take his new body from him.

His original idea was to mark Sasuke then make him train for a while, so when he takes over there will not be an overall drop in his combat effectiveness, but now he thinks that it will be better to take over his body and train it himself, the boy is too slow for his taste, after that he can attack the Leaf with the body of the last Uchiha, he would love to see his old sensei when he kills him with the sharingan .

{The Hidden Leaf Village, The Nara Clan}

Shikamaru suddenly woke up from his sleep with a strange noise, opening his eyes thinking it's his mother waking him up, it took him a minute to get his bearing.

(ding... welcome new gamer , you are in for an adventure of life time. XXXXX gave you this tool to reach the top of this universe)

Shikamaru heard and saw this message thinking that it was an illusion he did what he was trained to do. [kai] sending Chakra through out his system to get rid of any and all foreign Chakra, but the message was still there, then the voice spoke again.

( This is not an illusion, this is reality and you are the lucky reasipiant of the Shinobi Gaming System , a Game designed by XXXXX , the game function by making life into a game and you are the only player, everyone else is NPC or a non-player character. With the game you can rule the world, or become powerful enough that no one can mess with you )

Shikamaru was listening to the voice and trying to break the illusion, at the same time he was thinking of the possibility that this is real and what the implications are, after sending Chakra through out his system and double checking that their was no foreign Chakra, he is now 40% sure that this is real .

( the game is now bonding with the player, the process will be finished in the morning.) .

Shikamaru didn't know what to do, because the voice stopped and their was 50% chance that this was all a dream , so he did the Nara thing and used the sleep no Jutsu.

Shikamaru woke up from some weird dream, and he is surprised that he woke up refreshed, he usually doesn't wake up until his mother shout at him the threaten him for tem minutes straight .

(ding.... good morning gamer, welcome to the Shinobi Game, you will be happy to hear that their was no problems with the bonding process, you are now the proud owner of the Shinobi Game. The tutorial will begin now, please pay attention.

The game first job is a tool to make you reach the top of the current universe. And in order to do that you will live your life as a game, now for your stats.

Name: Shikamaru Nara.

Age: 13

Title(s): The Nara Clan Heir, The Lazy Genius, Academy Student.

Level: 18.

Class: None.

HP: 160/160 ( regenerate 1 points per hour under normal circumstances)

Chakra Reserves Points(CRP): 150/150 . ( regenerate 5 points per hour under normal conditions)

STR: 13. STR is the numerical representation of physical strength, the higher the number the stronger you are.

VIT: 16. VIT is the numerical representation of vitality, the higher the number the faster you will heal.

END: 11. END is the numerical representation of endurance, the higher the number the less tired you will get.

DEX: 12. DEX is the numerical representation of dexterity, speed and precipitation, the higher the number, the faster and more nimble you will be.

INT: 27. INT is the numerical representation of intelligence, the higher the number the more information you'll be able to retain ( help you learn new skills faster)

WIS: 25. WIS is the numerical representation wisdom, the higher the number the more easy it is for you to use your available information ( help you master the skills you've learned)

CHA: 11. CHA is the numerical representation of charisma and charm , the higher the number the easier it's for you to influence others( all leaders need high CHA) .

LUK: 18. LUK is luck, you get the idea the higher the number the luckier you will become.

CHK: 15. CHK is the numerical representation of Chakra. the higher the number the more Chakra you have.

Chakra Control: 69%

Chakra Nature : Earth . earth Jutsus come easier to you, you can train in other natures but it will take time and effort.

Stats Points: 0

Skills And Techniques:

Basic Techniques. Techniques that are required to be a shinobi.

Substitution Techniques: lvl 8/20 . Allows the user to substitute anything with another if you master the technique. current mastery allows the user to substitute his body with a log of wood near by. Cost: 15 CRP. the range is 20 meters and the cost goes up by 1 CRP for every meter beyond that.

Clone technique: lvl 12/20. Allows the user to create intangible clones, usually used to confuse the enemy. Current mastery allows the user to create 3 clones. Cost: 10 CRP and 5 more for every clone you add .

Transformation technique: lvl 11/20. Allows the user to transform into other people and things if mastered. Current mastery allows the user to transform into other people but any shinobi worth his salt will be able to tell the difference. Cost 10 CRP and 3 per minute to maintain.

Body flicker technique: lvl 4/20. you can move short distance in an incredible speed, but you can't use it in a fight because your precipitation is low. current mastery allows the user to travel in 70 meters radius and cost 15 per use.

Practice Techniques.

Leaf concentration practice: lvl max 10/10. This training method is done by placing a leaf over an individual's forehead and having them direct all their Chakra  onto the leaf, using it as a focal point, it helps with concentration and rises the Chakra Control. for every Level the user get 1% Chakra Control. Cost 1 CRP and requires 1 CRP per hour.

Tree Climbing Practice: lvl 9/10. This training method used to gain more skills with Chakra control. This training involves focusing a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of one's feet, and using that to climb a tree without using one's hands. Cost 6 CRP per hour.

Shadow Techniques ( because you are edgy like that).

Shadow Possession technique: lvl 5/20. The user extends their shadow on any surface to merge with the targets shadow, then forcing the target to imitate the movements of the user. Cost 25 CRP and 5 more per minute.

Taijutsu ( body techniques or close quarter combat techniques). Taijutsu is basically any physical technique and weapons also fall under Taijutsu.

Basic Academy technique: lvl 14/20. you can't use Chakra to enhance your technique. that means you can beat the shit out of civilians, but against trained opponents, you can do jack shit .

Shurikenjutsu( weapons throwing technique) lvl 12/20. you can hit stationary and slow moving targets with 100% accuracy. in higher levels you can apply elemental Chakra to the weapons to make them more deadly, now it can be used to confuse enemies or kill civyys .

Genjutsu ( illusionary techniques). used to make and break illusions.

Illusion breaking technique: lvl n/a . it depends on the technique used and the amount of chakra available and the amount of chakra used to make the illusion. Basically after identifying that you are in an illusion you send versus amount of chakra through your system to clear any and all foreign chakra from your system.

Hell viewing technique: lvl 2/20. This technique is simple but it can be devastating if used correctly. your current mastery is barely able to maintain the technique and any competent enemy can break the technique. requires 25 CRP and 20 per minute go maintain.

Medical Techniques. ( If mastered to the extreme then you can bring people from the door of death).

Currently you have no techniques, you can bandage a wound and wait for the professionals to do their job.

Sealing Techniques. ( the art of sealing is one of the least understood arts, if mastered at a significant level, the user can seal the heavens 😉 themselves)

Currently you only now how to activate an explosive tags and that's it.

To level up you need to complete missions or kill people. you will get 5 points for every time you level up.

the Class function is used to learn new skills in a specific field.

Genjutsu specialist, Ninjutsu specialist, Taijutsu specialist, Sealing specialist and Medical Nin .

Each class have 50 levels and you can't switch classes until you reach level 20.

To level a class you jave to study the specific areas, you can't level up a class by doing missions and killing people. ( example if you chose the Ninjutsu class then you must learn Chakra transform and Chakra molding, and new Ninjutsu skills) .

Studying under one of the fields you will get 100% increase in learning speed.

Every time you level a class then 1 point will be added to one of your stats.

Some advanced classes might open up in the future.

Thank you for listening to the tutorial without interrupting, if you have any questions ask me any time. )

Shikamaru layed on his bed looking through the information that the game provided him with. First this shit is real, and he didn't think people would believe him if he told the, of they might even lock him up, experiments on him, although he is from a shinobi clan, something weird as this didn't come from nothing, the the village would try to find out if whatever this game is hostile towards the village or not and who made it and how its made and what's the limitations.

And if the news of such a thing reach hostile eliminates they will try and kill him. Shikamaru decided to keep his mouth shut for the time being.

And then there was XXXXX and who is he and why would he make such thing and how he made it, and what kind of power one needs to make such thing .

And lastly how to capitalize on this game, it said that it will help me reach the top, and looking at the functions I can see it. just the class function alone will allow me great advice in skills.

Shikamaru whispered " hey game how will you rate the levels of the Shinobi "

( You don't need to whisper, you can talk with me through your thoughts. As for levels

10 is your average person.

Up to 20 is an academy student.

20 to 40 is Genin .

40 to 60 is Chuunin.

60 to 80 is Jounin.

80 to 100 is Elite Jounin.

Above 100 is S-class nin. all Kages are S-class Shinobis but not all S-class are Kages)

Shikamaru nodded his head, and he stared seeing the scenarios of his life again, but now his chances of survival has gone up by a large margin. and the he asked 'is there a way for me to raise the stats without spending points' .

( exercise helps raise your stats, and because of the game you will find that raising your stats is much easier than before) .

Shikamaru stayed in bed all morning thinking about how will his life change.