
Life Giver (18+)

A world full of strange creatures, beautiful scenery and vast lands. Home to many Nations built by a variety of strange and interesting races. Each of them developing alongside different cultures and ideals in, they live for their families, for their dreams and for their children. This world was pure, however it is slowly rotting away under the surface. The people who live here are slowly walking towards their doom and all they can do is keep walking. The Lifeless Plague has destroyed all hope for their future. While people continue to move on as if nothing has changed, they see no children, they hear no cries from infants and they grasp any inkling of hope. Everyday the world inches ever closer to falling apart as Governments and Kingdom’s strive for answers, while selfishly protecting their own interests. In this strange world full of invisible undercurrents, those who don’t understand the consequences continue to smile, play and fall in love. Innocent to the terrors that each person would be willing to commit for their own selfish goals. Casmir Sing is one of those people naive enough to believe there is a future, however with him, perhaps there is... ===== Hello, I’m InvisibleDolphin. My novel isn't special, it has potential but that has yet to be seen. I want to hold my characters up to realistic standards, this doesn't mean that everyone is going to be cold and calculative, nor does it mean they will be overly kind. It means that if my MC see's a beautiful woman, he will admit that she's beautiful but he's not going to chase after her like a dog. It means that even though the MC might love a few girls, they might not be happy with sharing him. I intend to have darker moments in this novel but my first couple volume's will be a time of innocence, it introduces people as they are even if they are naive, and as time passes they evolve. Innocence comes from youth, experience grows character and lets you see the truth. I hope you can see them evolve and become the best version of themselves that they can be, maybe you'll learn something from them too, who knows. Tags: Romance, Cultivation, R-18, Harem, Action, Multiple race’s, Complicated world, Weak to strong, Dual cultivation, Slice of life. Release rate - 3 chapters per week + Bonuses based on corrections. pointed out by readers and/or P*tr**n or gifts.

InvisibleDolphin · 奇幻
101 Chs

A Priest's Guidance

As the Ellaris Council Hearing was drawing to a close, the various members from the Truth Religion whom had been captured and deemed 'Heretical', were brought back to their prison cells.

They had been brought to the Council Hall so that their identities could be verified independently by the councillors and so that they could testify for themselves. However only a few of the more cowardly and desperate individuals choose to testify, spouting lies and false information to try to gain favour from the judges.

Naturally none of their testimony was taken seriously and in their desperation there was no telling how much they would twist the truth to suit themselves. Perhaps there were a few members in this branch of the Truth Religion that were genuinely repentant and were willing to work with the Ellaris Guardship.

But at this time, with all of their members captured and the mountain of evidence that had already been compiled by Guardian Ellaris and his subordinates. The value of their cooperation wasn't enough for the council to bend the Heldan Republics laws in order to be lenient on them.

In the end, after their testimony was given they were taken back to there prison cells, locked away in the heavily guarded underground facilities at the Ellaris Council Building.

This underground prison was only meant to temporarily hold prisoners before they were transferred to permeant locations, but because of the sensitive location of this prison it was afforded the highest levels of security, akin to a military instillation.

Every guard was tough, well trained and indifferent towards their prisoners. They walked their routes through the prison like clockwork, never moving out of synch with one another or leaving any single occupied cell outside of their vigilant watch.

The prison cells themselves were simple looking on the surface, thick, rusted metal bars blocked off small rooms made from plain looking grey stones. Inside the cells were only the most limited of amenities, an old rickety bed, a disgustingly filthy toilet and a sink stained with various markings.

Such a simple cell would be fine for a normal person, but for a cultivator? They could break the metal bars with their bar hands, use strange body techniques to deform their bodies and squeeze through the bars or even down the toilet pipe. The toughest and strongest of them might even be able to directly smash through the stone walls to escape their cells.

Naturally such things had been taken into consideration when these cells were built.

Each cell was line with a special barrier array, if a prisoner tried to reach their arm through the metal bars of their cell, they would find an invisible wall blocking their hand. If their hand lingered on this barrier for too long it would suddenly brighten with a blue flash, a condensed bolt of lightning Qi energy being discharged into their bodies causing the prisoner to be paralysed for a short time.

Other arrays also existed inside the cells blocking anything other than water and waste from travelling through the toilet and sink pipes among other things.

But aside from the arrays, the materials used to build the walls and the metal bars themselves were extraordinary.

The Grey stone was a special obsidian rock that even Qi Grade 5 body fundamentalist cultivators would be unable to break through without a lengthy barrage of attacks. Even if they somehow did manage to break through the wall, implanted between the Grey stones was a special powdery substance that would stick to any cultivators body and Qi energy, interfering with their Qi energy flow and greatly diminishing their power.

The metal bars on the other hand were forged from a special branch of 'living metals', of course although they was called 'living metals' they were simply named as such because of their properties and the metal itself was not alive.

The unique property of 'living metals' was that under the influence of certain unique Qi energy waves the metal would deform into previously designated shapes, doing so in a fraction of a second. This particular piece of 'living metal' was designed so that when activated it would curve around itself into a ball like shape.

If any prisoner tried to escape their cells through the metal bars, this living metal would be activated, it would break away from its fixings on the wall and wrap around itself, capturing the escapee. Alongside its 'living' properties this particular type of living-metal was extraordinarily tough, when activated the metal bars would wrap around a cultivators body like a swarm of snakes, restricting every part of your body.

These cells with such hidden and insidious fail-safe's were only the weakest kind, used for those cultivators in Qi Grade 4 and below.

Through a thick layer of rock into the floor below these cells, existed even tougher and more secure area's designed for even stronger cultivators.

It was in one such cell that Apostle Wamu, leader of this branch of the Truth Religion and the one responsible for the entire incident surrounding the Giant Shadow Wolf, was about to receive a sudden guest.

He had not been taken to the Council Hall for safety concerns, any Qi Grade 5 cultivator was an expert in their own ways and could have hidden unique abilities that could threaten the weaker councillors lives. Due to this he had been locked in his dark cell for a few hours now, only his increasingly helpless thoughts to entertain him.

Two stoic looking Guards stood outside of his sealed cell, a thick metal door behind them that completely blocked any light from entering Apostle Wamu's cell. They remained in their positions calmly as two individuals approached them from the long corridor in front of them.

The leading individual wore the uniform of a Guard Captain, he quickly spoke to the Guards showing them his badge and an appropriate authentication Qi chip before checking the identity of the guest behind him.

Soon enough the Guards unlocked the metal door and allowed the Guard Captain and the guest inside the cell.

There, the guest found Apostle Wamu stripped of all clothing, solid metal blocks fixed to each of his limbs with chains pulled taught so that his arms and legs were spread open as he hung suspended in the middle of the room.

Apostle Wamu's face was uncovered but the dull, lifeless look in his eyes was enough to portray his current situation, even when the cell door was opened and his eyes were met with light for the first time in hours, he barely flinched.

Apostle Wamu's Guest, wearing white and red ceremonious robes looked shocked seeing Wamu's condition from the doorway. He was a priest for the Truth Religion and had always practiced the most kind and generous teachings of his Religion.

Anyone that knew this Priest would speak about his piety and kindness towards whoever he met, regardless of their history or beliefs. They would praise him as a truly devote practitioner no matter their feelings towards the Truth Religion.

His name was Priest Namire.

After a few moments of shock, Priest Namire quickly walked into the cell and started examining Apostle Wamu's condition with a painful look his face. It was only when the Guard Captain stepped in and stoically reminded him not to touch the prisoner that the priest stepped back reluctantly.

"Apostle Wamu? Can you hear me?" Priest Namire said gently.

Unfortunately there was no response from apostle Wamu, his dull eyes only glanced at the priest as if completely unconcerned with his identity as something from his religion.

Priest Namire tried twice more to garner Apostle Wamu's attention but failed nonetheless. Seeing this, the Guard Captain quietly shook his head and closed his eyes for a brief moment.

He had seen many cultivators who had been broken like this before, whether it be through betrayal, the loss of all their corrupt gains or just simple cowardice. Such people were simply unable to face the reality of their failures for the time being, most of them would recover with time but some never would.

Of course the Guard Captain held no pity for such people, everyone that passed through this prison was guilty of serious crimes and sometimes even the deaths of hundreds of people. The Guard Captain only felt regretful that such people were gifted with their cultivation in the first place, wishing that such abilities weren't wasted on these people.

However as the Guard Captain closed his eyes for a brief moment, he unwittingly gave the Guest he was escorting an opportunity.

Priest Namire suddenly waved his hand, a gentle shimmering light appearing between the Guard Captain and him that condensed into a mirror like-wall between them, then quickly faded away in an instant.

There was no sound, no fluctuations of Qi energy only a brief shimmer before this mirror-like wall faded away, impossible to detect by those unfamiliar with such techniques.

After successfully using his technique, Priest Namire's attitude completely changed, he stepped right up to Apostle Wamu's face and shouted at him aggressively.

"WAKE UP YOU WASTED PIG!" He cried, his face scrunched up into a malicious scowl that would completely shock anyone that knew the Priest.

However this violent attitude that the Priest displayed barely scratched the surface of what Priest Namire was willing to do to a failed Apostle like Wamu. If not for the various arrays which monitors Apostle Wamu's body and the proximity of the nearby Guard captain, Priest Namire would certainly have abused Apostle Wamu's body to punish him for his failure and rouse him from his stupor.

Meanwhile, even Apostle Wamu in his current state was slightly shocked by this sudden change, confusion written across his face as he looked at Priest Namire and then the Guard Captain who showed no change whatsoever.

Priest Namire was happy seeing that their was some life in Apostle Wamu's eyes, he grinned malevolently as he slowly walked around Apostle Wamu, judging his body up like a piece of meat.

"Do you still have some fight in you?! Or should I just leave you here to rot..?" Priest Namire said.

It took Apostle Wamu a moment to recollect himself, but he soon realised that Priest Namire must have played some trick on the Guard Captain, whom stood their silently, as if nothing unusual was occurring in this cell.

In fact, from the Guard Captains perspective, Priest Namire simply paced back and forth anxiously in front of Apostle Wamu, desperately trying to get him to repent and 'Accept the Truth'.

Yet in reality, just passed the invisible mirror-like wall Priest Namire had summoned, Apostle Wamu quickly remembered his training as the Priest circled him like a shark.

He quickly called out "Apostle Wamu, Active, Unit 289, Sign: Hegemon."

"Dark Priest, Active, Unit None, Counter-sign: Truth.." Priest Namire Replied with a smile.

"I have an assignment for you, complete it and you will be brought back into the fold. I am a representative of the Black Arm, if you complete this assignment you will be under our protection and the White arm won't go against you again." He explained.

Apostle Wamu was shocked at this sudden revelation, the White Arm and the Black Arm were two core entities in the Truth Religion who only answered to the Pope himself. In the past he had angered a core member of the White Arm which Wamu believed was what led to him being captured earlier tonight.

Because of this Wamu held no hope ever being rescued or bargained for by the higher ups, regardless of his potential. Ever since he had been captured his mind and emotions had spiralled down into a very dark place that he had never thought he would escape from.

But with the backing of the Black Arm, Apostle Wamu could see a hand reaching down to him that could pull him back up through the darkness and the filth to be reborn, returning to the Truth Religion openly, without fear.

"What do you need me to do?! I-.. I can do whatever you need as long as you get me out of here." Apostle Wamu said rather desperately, completely disregarding any pride he once held.

Priest Namire was waiting for such an opening in Apostle Wamu's mind, he stepped back in front of Wamu, placing his is face so close to Wamu's they were almost touching as his eyes beamed with bright light.

In a gently voice that would stir the soul of anyone without hope he spoke.

"My Child, I will lead you back to the land of hope. The Truth will reveal itself to you but only once you have passed through pain and suffering."

"They will break you're cultivation but I will make them set you free. Once you are free you must find this girl," – Priest Namire said as a Qi Chip in his hand released a gentle light, displaying the image of a young lady with blonde hair mixed with streaks of red.

"She is a filthy heretic but she is weak. She must be killed before you can return to us.. to me.. I will guide you to her but, only you can carry out the act... Once it is done, I will save you. Do not worry how you will escape, only focus on wiping this filth from the land of God..."

Strangely, as Priest Namire spoke to Apostle Wamu in a gentle soul-stirring voice, his eyes beaming with a devilish light, Apostle Wamu's face grew rigid as the smile of simpleton appeared on his face.

It was as if his soul had been taken away, but such a thing hadn't harmed him and only made him feel joyous. Under this influence Wamu quickly burned the appearance of the young lady into his mind, never to forget it before his face returned to a relatively natural look.

Awakening from his stupor Wamu quickly shook his head as if he was just daydreaming, before his eyes focused back on Priest Namire.

Meanwhile, the priest had stepped away taking his original position just in front of the Guard Captain as he looked at Apostle Wamu with a gentle smile.

"Be patient, it will take some time to release you. Don't disappoint me now.. You're so close to coming back to us.." He said gently, like a mother calling to her child.

Then suddenly the space behind Priest Namire shimmered slightly, like it had done a short time ago when the Guard Captain's attention lapsed momentarily.

This time, the Guard Captain quickly stood up when he noticed this shimmer, glaring at Priest Namire as he shouted "No Qi techniques are to be used in the prison cells! We're leaving, now!"

The Guard Captain quickly grabbed Priest Namire, who repeatedly apologised claiming his robe which was endowed with a special Qi technique must have malfunctioned. But the Guard Captain heard none of it and quickly dragged the priest out of the room.

After thoroughly checking the Priest's robes the Guard Captain did find it was endowed with a special Qi technique that seemed to have malfunctioned, so perhaps Priest Namire was innocent in this regard.

After all, the Guard Captain had seen Priest Namire earnestly talking to Wamu for at least a few minutes, repeatedly calling for Wamu to 'Repent' and 'Accept the Truth'.

In the end, after writing a short report on this incident the Guard Captain decided there was no need to thoroughly interrogate this Priest. Priest Namire was just given a stern warning and kicked out of the council building like a stray dog.

His leg hurt from lightly falling to the ground as he was thrown out, Priest Namire climbed up and hobbled away from the building like a prideful lady whom had been wrongly accused of thievery. As he left he called out his injustice and swore that his God knows his innocence and will rightfully strike down those who had abused him.

Hearing his foolish zealous cries, everyone nearby ignored him and even the passers-by weren't interested in hearing the raving of a zealot, especially one who looks as weak and harmless as this young fool.

With everyone avoiding looking at this fool, no one noticed that as soon as Priest Namire was out of sight from the guards he stopped hobbling, his back straightened and a happy yet sly smile appeared on his face.

Dark Priest Namire was pleased at how smoothly his assignment had been completed, he was fully prepared for himself to be interrogated and thoroughly vetted before he could leave.

"Hehe.. perhaps this place will be easier to play with than I first thought.."

Hey there, 3 more chapters this week.

Just FYI, I'm currently doing 3 chapters per week, allowing myself time to build up a surplus of chapters and get a steady release rate sorted.

At the moment I plan on releasing chapters in batches once a week, I think its better for the reader to read for longer periods more spaced apart rather than in a steady stream. I always find its more enjoyable to read that way.

So expect some chapters every Saturday (or Sunday if editing takes longer than normal)

InvisibleDolphincreators' thoughts