

"No, it will not happen during their fifth year.

We all know that education standard of Hogwarts is at it's all time low.

I will be voicing this issue in the Wizengamot meeting of august in front of all members."

"Dumbledore will obviously disagree and will try to end that topic then and there." analysed Augusta.

"Yes he will but I will also say that * maybe he is doing this to weaken next generation purebloods or may be to not let muggleborns or half-bloods to advance and thrive* and that will be enough to show seeds of doubt in everyone's mind along with some simple mental nudge."

"woah! you are so bad. but I love it." Narcissa flirted not letting any chance go.

"but that still will not be enough" Amelia opined.

"hehe, that where the fun begins. Remember on the first day of Hogwarts Dumbledore announced that those who do not seek a gruesome death should not go to third floor corridor on the right side of school.

The next day I will be appointed as the High Inquisitor by the order of minister and majority votes of Wizengamot, where I will again voice my 'concern' for the magical education and show that the quality of education is at all times low but solid facts and evidence."

"You have already planned for everything huh.. " Nelle smiled listening to me.

"Haha, you are right my love. I have got everything planned."

"then what about us?, we too want to go" Pandora whined.

"Dont worry, You all will be going there with me and Dumbledore will have to welcome us with a smile.

Ela Amberheart will be High Inquisitor,

Nelle will go there by the name Nyx Amberheart and she will be incharge of Potion club.

Morgan will be Metis Amberheart and you will teach History of magic.

Lilly dear, you name will be Lyssa Amberheart, you will teach the optional subject- muggle studies.

Pandora will keep her name and will be responsible for Care of magical creatures.

Bella will go by the name of Bia Amberheart and she will run a Defense club.

Alice will be called Aulis Amberheart and you will be assigned as an auror sent by ministry, responsible for students security in Hogwarts."

"and what about me? You wont leave me here alone right? Cissa also has something to do and now You all will also go to Hogwarts, What will I do all day?"

"I do have a suitable job for you but we will have to adjust our plans a little."

"leave it, I think I should give up" Merlene muttered sadly.

"Merlene... Narcissa, are you both sure you to get involved with me? " looking at their sad expression I asked solemnly.

Everyone held their breath waiting coz they knew its not just about Hogwarts or this world anymore, I was asking them about being my wives and spending the life with me.

"YES! " both replied loudly in unison.

Asking them to come closer, I conjured the rings similar to all my wives are wearing and put then on their fingers.

"Then I will always cherish, love and protact you both" I said Kissing them on their lips.

"yahooo!, finally you accepted them. Now Amelia stop making that face. I already told you to be upfront with your feelings, its just you that is not able to gather your courage." Said Pandora bluntly.

At first Amelia expression flickered between sadness and regret but then suddenly a determined expression appeared on her face. She stood up walked towards me, grabbed and pulled my waist towards her and then gave me a long kiss

"dont even think I will let you go, you will have to accept me." she said blushing furiously.

"I was just waiting for you to come forward" saying so tighten my hold on her butts and kissed her passionately.

"Ahem, kids are watching, ahem." Augusta reminded smiling.

"Now what, do you also wanna add this old woman to your harem?" teased Augusta.

"haha, you are always welcome to heve your needs fulfilled" I quipped back daringly.

"I too wanna kiss her" "me too" whispered Luna and susan.

Everyone laughed out loud listening the jealous kids.

After that they had dinner and everyone returned to their rooms to sleep, while I stopped Amelia, Merlene, Narcissa and Augusta.

"Narcissa, I have a already given you a body comparable to Nelle and others. Now you need to start mastering magic to the same level as others. Dont just focus on healing and Learn from your sister wives during time acceleration.

Amelia and Merlene, I will give you the Demigod body tonight, you both have to learn with Cissa."

Seeing then nod, I put my gaze on Augusta.

"Augusta, You know that I can read you mind, and your emotions right? " Her stiffened hearing my words but then sighed helplessly and nodded.

"I can see the bitterness in your heart. you do not know what you want, but I know. What you seek is freedom.

For your whole life, you have been living for others and trying to live upto their expectations. In return what you got was betrayals.

First your family betrayed you when even though you were way more capable than your brother you were married to longbottom just for some money.

Then you became what anyone could have wanted from there daughter in law, but they never looked at you as their own.

You became a mother of his child but you husband betrayed you by having affairs behind your back.

You doted on your son but he also betrayed your trust" By now Augusta was crying loudly. She really wishes for a normal life with happy family.

"You are wrong about just one thing Augusta-" Seeing her looking at me with her tear filled red eyes, I offered her my sincere words.

"You are not weak, You have not wasted your life, You are not old, You are not alone.

You are an incredibly strong woman, otherwise you would not have lived till now carrying all the burden. All those of your generation, they perished but you survived.

You have achieved everything against all odds. Without you Longbottom house would have crumbled to dust.

You are very much young, you have to know for those who have pinnacle of strength on this world they have a lifespan of 2000-3000 years. You are what- 50? , you have a very very long life to live.

And I'm with you, Neville is with you, We are all with you. you know that right. You will never be alone.

You are free from all burdens, you can have everything you want. You will stay with me here and accompany me in all my adventures."

at last Augusta hugged me tightly and whispered " now I know why they love you so much. How can someone not love you when you are so lovely. I love you too Ela and what I want right now is to be loved by you."

"First ley down, It's time to give you all a new body. you have to sleep tonight Then tomorrow morning You 4 will start your training with everyone in Time acceleration. You might spend years in there and not come out untill you have completed your magical training."