

Scribbleme · 现代言情
2 Chs

Chapter 2

The club had already been filled to the brim. Ruth was dragging me inside alongside her and was searching for a spot for us to sit. As quickly as we found one, we beckoned a server and ordered our drinks.

"Wow! It seems that the DJ certainly knows what he's playing; I'm already tempted to dance along with the music!"

I had a giggle when I listened to her yell over the loud music. She seemed to be very fired up.

We started to drink to our hearts' content shortly after the drinks we had ordered arrived.

"Liana, let's go over there! I really want to dance! Let's go!"

Ruth hauled me up, eager to have a dance in the middle of the floor. Since we are already under the influence of alcohol, we go ahead and do whatever we want.

Moving around to three different songs had been undoubtedly exhausting, so we retreated to our booth and carried on consuming alcohol, ordering another one right after we finished the previous one.

When we decided to stop drinking, it was already past midnight. I've gotten so drowsy that I can't keep my eyes open for long. Ruth was the same, nearly dropping to the floor although she continued to remain conscious.

One of the club's female employees walked toward us unexpectedly and started to ask if we needed any assistance.

I obliged her and asked her whether they would mind taking us to the closest hotel.

"Ma'am, we're going to bring you to the hotel right away; would you mind for someone from our staff to come and help you up and aid you?"

"Ah, yes, do help my friend; I am not certain she is able to stand on herself; however, you don't have to assist me; I am still able to walk on my own; thank you."

We arrived shortly since the location of the hotel was just a few blocks away from the club's premises.

We got into the establishment with the assistance of the people who brought us, who then escorted us towards the reception to check into our separate rooms before they left.

I had begun to feel dizzy, so we hurriedly took the keys and went to the elevators. Ruth, fortunately, seemed to get somewhat sober and supported me as we got there.

After a few moments, we finally arrived on the upper floor, where the hotel room was located. Ruth was the first to arrive at her room and consequently unlocked her door.

"How are you doing, Liana? Can you find your room?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm good; you go first."

I turned away after stating that I went to find my own room. Even though I claimed that I was fine, my field of vision was beginning to look unfocused.

"Hmm, is this the right room? Where are my keys?"

I rummaged through my pockets, found my door keys, and attempted to open the door.

"Why won't it open?"

I'm only now becoming inebriated, and I have no understanding of what I'm doing. I was pounding on the door, hoping that it would open, which it did, resulting in my losing balance as I had been leaning against it.

As I tumbled, a man eventually caught me and had me grasp onto him. I questioned him while holding on close to him like a sloth.

"Ah, why are you here?"

'Hmm? He's beautiful.'

I whispered it to myself while glancing at his face.

"This is obviously my room, and I should have been the one to ask you that."

"Oh, this room is yours?" "But I have the keys here."

I dangled the key that I was carrying in front of his face.

"Give me that, and then I'm going to take you to your room."

"Huh?" "But this is my room."

I forced my way into the room and lied down on the nice couch, disregarding the man who had closed the door and was following behind me.

He lifted me up after standing in front of me for a moment, with his strong arms supporting my back and legs. It did not take long for him to arrive in the bedroom, gently placing me on the bed, and as he was about to leave, I reached for the hem of his shirt.

"What's your name?"


"Um, thank you, Nimuel."

"You're welcome; I'll leave now."

"Hmm," I replied as I nodded and let him go.

The last thing I heard before falling asleep was the bedroom door closing.

I awoke around eight in the morning. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to clean myself up. When I glanced in the mirror, I remembered the man who had brought me here the night before.

"Nimuel"—I just recall his name, not his face; everything from the previous night was hazy.

After I finished arranging myself, I quickly went out of the room, anticipating coming upon him in the living room, but unfortunately, he had already left.

Ruth greeted me as I stepped out of the room.

"Liana! I thought I'd have to look for you after I got out."

"I'm here now; should we go get something to eat?"

"Ha, let's go; I'm already famished, and I also need to get my car from the club."

We went to the hotel restaurant and placed our order. We sat down at a table and began eating.

"You know, last night I met this guy."

"Hmm, I don't recall anyone approaching us last night."

"I met him upstairs in his room."

"What!? You, Liana, did you sleep with him? Tell me the truth now!"

"Calm down, Ruth; I didn't sleep with him, okay? He just let me sleep in his room and left, that's all."

"Is he attractive?"

"Well, I think he is, but I can't remember how he looks; I only remember that his name was Nimuel."

It's strange how I distinctly remember calling him beautiful in the back of my mind but am unable to recall how he looked.

"Don't tell me you fell in love at first sight, as your expression suggested."

"What are you saying? I didn't fall in love at first sight; I just had a thought about how gentle he was when putting me to bed, that's all."

"Are you kidding me? That's where the whole thing starts, Liana, so do you want me to help you find him?"

"No, no, it was only a brief interaction, and I thanked him before he left; it would be awkward if I went to him again to thank him; he might think I'm attempting to get to him or something."

"OK, if that's what you want, then are you done eating? I still need to get my car."

"I'm done; let's go."

We checked out of the hotel and returned to the pub where we had spent the previous night.