
The woman that fights the patriarchate and healthy diet alike

`Before Mathew's group arrived at the media building, its halls were in nearly perfect order. Outside a stray plastic cup here and a candy wrapping there, one couldn't see a single flaw in its cleanliness.

And roughly an hour after reaching the building, Mathew's group turned one of its main, representative hallways into a butcher's paradise.

"How are we standing so far?" Mathew asked after plucking out yet another core from the zombie remains. He then turned around and raised his hand before wiping his forehead with his forearm, wary of spreading the blood from his hands to his face.

"Three hundred here," Nadia reported from the corner where she counted the cores others brought to her.

"I should have about fifty more in my pile," Daniel reported a moment later from where he kept his own pile of zombie remains.