
Chapter 16

I quickly made my way over to where Hephaestus was keeping Yu-Won. The journey wasn't long but was filled with optimism. I arrived in front of a building in the smelly slums. I pushed open the door swiftly.

"Yu-Won!" I said as I entered, I saw the old man hovering over Yu-Won who was bed-bound. Yu-Won smiled at my entrance and Hephaetus seemed none too pleased.

"You got weak!" I continued holding my energetic tone, now the reactions were flipped Yu-Won looked apathetic and Hephaestus laughed his heart out at both my joke and Yu-Won's reaction to it.

I walked up to Yu-Won's bed and took out my player kit from my inventory and handed it to him without saying a word. He looked at it dumbfoundedly and prepared to toss it out of the window. I stopped him before he could, it was a simple task with his weakened body.

"That was uncalled for man! Just give me your cantact information." I said

"So was that joke…" Yu-Won responded, since we were kind of even after that I gave it back to him and he put himself into my player kit.

We talked for a bit longer but I needed to do more training I feel like im so close to something big. While doing my dungeon runs I became curious as to how to combine Mana and Ki I tried after killing Fenrir and it resulted in an explosion but my intuition is telling me that there is a way to combine them. I haven't been able to think of a single working theory as to how to combine them, Mana is like water, its adaptable but Ki on the other hand is a reinforcement of something, it doesn't really work on its own. The answer is right on the tip of my tongue yet I just can't think of it.

Bringing myself beck to the topic of Yu-Won doesn't he go do the first trial now? It might be time for me to do the same. I look at my stats.

{Name: Gojo Satoru Level: 69 Points: 735,600





Arcane Power: 139

Draconic Energy: 88}

This many stats for a floor one challenger is insane but one thing caught my eye more than just the big numbers.

'Draconic energy is almost at 100, I wonder what will happen?' I had decided my goal, after I get 100 draconic energy I will advance through the tower. I repeated the same process as the last time I wanted to meditate, booked an inn for a month, had to pay extra for them to comply.

I had a plan for what to do, due to upgrading the proficiency of {Meditate} with {Absorb} I was sitting at 27.5% this allowed to split my consciousness three ways, one way was focused on cultivating Draconic Energy the other two were focused on Sword Mana and Ki.

{Draconic Energy Reached 100}

{You have obtained the Draconic skill 'Dragon Fire'}

{You have obtained the Draconic skill 'Dragon Ice'}

{Absolute Zero and Dragon Ice are fusing}

{Absolute Zero Proficiency +14.36%}

I looked at the fruits of my time and effort It felt good having it pay off like this, I did notice that the only change with {Absolute Zero} was that I could now infuse Draconic Energy into it, and create ice with Draconic Energy. {Dragon Fire} in my opinion alone was well worth my time, I needed a skill that sole purpose was causing destruction.

I brought out my player kit and called Yu-Won, I was actually pretty surprised when he picked up.

"Wassup, so how long ago was it when you first woke up again?"

["huh? Is that why you called that was like a week and a half ago, were you training al this time?"] Yu-Won asked me.

"Yeah, ill start going up the tower now, what floor are you on now?"

["I just got to the 8th"]

"See you soon!" I said not giving him a chance to return the pleasantries. The test of the 1st floor would be the best place to test out my new power.

I made my way to the Colosseum where the 1st floor test was located. I started waiting and got a bit bored before looking around more I saw the leaderboard.


{1. Kin Yu-Won 20th Round [COMPLETED]

2. Son Oh-Gong 19th Round

3. Hercules 18th Round

3. Odin 18th Round}

'Sorry Yu-Won, the record is ours, now' I thought with full confidence.

{The Test Will Start Now}

{Please Defeat your Opponent}

An orc stepped out to battle, it looked a bit weaker than some on the island, I held my hand out and activated {Dragon Fire}, a large wave of Fire surrounded the orc.

{You have passed the 1st floors trial}

{Would you like to challenge the next trial?}

"Challenge" I said clearly

{Challenging 2nd trial}

I continued to kill the enemies in front of my but I was not focused on them instead I was focused on how to manipulate the Draconic Energy, using the skill {Dragon Fire} it gave me a rough idea on how to manipulate it for myself. I then had another Idea.

{Would you like to challenge the next trial?}


{Challenging 16th trial}

I activated {Absolute Zero} this time using Draconic Energy to see how it differed and what surprised was by how little I personally could barely see anything differences in how the different skills were used.

{Would you like to challenge the next trial?}


{Challenging 19th trial}

I saw a singular knight emerge. I did not change my approach {Dragon Fire}. The knight tried to get out of the way but the heat combined with the speed of the attack made escape impossible for him.

{You Have Leveled Up}

{You Have Leveled Up}

I was surprised I leveled up twice from one thing but I suppose it was closer to just one since I hadn't leveled up in a while and was on the edge.

{Would you like to challenge the next trial?}


{Challending the 20th trial}