
A Short Sword And Long Knife

[Addaam reshii a-zaanta - Long live the fighters]

[Al-ladhi yushir al-tareeq sayaquduna ila al-jannah, Azhar'Zul sayakun an-nūr fi az-zulamah-zulamah - The one who points the way will lead us to paradise; Azhar'Zul will be the light in the darkness]


Atlas shook his head and cleared his head of the lust because he knew he was too young at the moment, ''Are you into teasing me now, Blondie?'' he taunted with a knowing smile.

Estelle shook her head and muttered with a red cheek, ''I've only done this with you, Le Messie Élu, and I've been called the La femme du Messie, which means I will be your wife in the future, and we'll have to look after each other.''

He smiled when he heard this and asked, ''Is that something you want, though? I wouldn't force you to marry me; that's wrong and not something I agree with.''