
Level Up in Highschool of the Dead

Joshua is a 20-year-old programming enthusiast who loves anime and manga. His life takes a dramatic turn when he selflessly saves his friends during an accident and mysteriously transmigrates into a high school student's body in the world of "Highschool of the Dead." At first, he thinks about the beautiful women in this world and the possibility of getting closer to them. However, he soon realizes the terrifying reality of a zombie apocalypse where a single scratch could mean death. Amidst this chaos, Joshua, now known as Kurosawa Kazuki, discovers a unique leveling system that accompanies him as he slays his first zombie. With this new tool, he must learn to adapt and survive in a world full of danger while protecting those around him. -------------------------------------- Hello everyone, this fanfic will have lemons when the time calls for it. I've been thinking about this story for a long time, and I finally decided to write it. My main goal is to create a protagonist who is not a sociopath and is not afraid to experience life. He understands the world's initial plot and seeks to make the most of it. The release schedule might be around 2 or 3 chapters per week, it could go higher if I have time to write more. You can support me through coffee https://ko-fi.com/kanmuru

KanmuruZ · 漫画同人
26 Chs

01. The bend on the road

"Huh?! What happened?" I woke up startled, my heart racing a mile a minute. I'm panting, oxygen seeming reluctant to enter my chest, my throat aching. I could swear a car turned me into abstract art!

'Wait, was it all just a dream?! Thank God my friends are okay.'

I closed my eyes and tried to calm down, making the utmost effort to take deep breaths even with the involuntary spasms of my body. After a few minutes, I finally calmed down, and only then did I open my eyes. Upon looking around, only one thing could be said.

"An unfamiliar ceiling."

Yes, I'm in an unknown place, in an unfamiliar hospital room to be more precise. 'This is too clean to be a public health system.' I thought.

The room I was in was functional and comfortable, as much as a hospital room could be. Compact, the space only has my bed. The colors are neutral, and the lighting creates a tranquil environment. The furniture includes a small table, a visitor's chair (where I just noticed a ridiculously attractive redhead sleeping), and a wardrobe for personal storage.

'Who is this woman? She's Asian... Appears to be over 25 but shouldn't have passed 30. She had reddish-brown hair in a loose ponytail with long strands hanging down in front of each ear, and a full figure with large breasts, dressed in a white button-up blouse and a black pencil skirt, the typical outfit of an anime teacher. I thought Asians with a body like that only existed in anime.' I noticed that only the heart rate monitor is on my body, no casts or slings. Nothing indicating I was hit by a car at over 120 km/h.

'This is the calmest hit-and-run I've ever seen.' It's going to be a good story to tell. I chuckled a little. It was then that I heard a noise coming from where the sleeping beauty was, and I looked over there.

The beautiful Asian redhead rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the drowsiness and confusion of just waking up, and it seemed that she finally succeeded, she looked in my direction. Our eyes met, and after a few seconds, she jumped out of the chair and ran to me, hugging me so tightly that I thought my bones, which didn't break in the accident, would break now.

Considering the two deadly weapons being used at full power against me, what this woman is doing can already be considered a war crime!

'Don't do this to a healthy man wearing a hospital gown, miss!' All my musings are then interrupted when the woman speaks for the first time, and only confusion arises.

"Arigatou, Kami-sama! Kazu-kun, genki desu ka? Mashi ni natta ka?" (Thank God! Kazu-kun, how are you? Are you feeling better?)

'Wait, what? Did this woman just speak Japanese, or is it just me? I have nothing against it, I even have friends who speak...' The problem is, I don't speak Japanese! How did I understand everything she said?

"Hmm, ehh miss... Not that I'm complaining about the hug, you can continue if you want, but who are you?" I asked in an attempt to understand my situation.

Maybe asking this question wasn't the best idea. The woman pulled away from me and looked at me with wide, terrified eyes. And then, with a trembling voice, she spoke...

"Y-You don't remember?" Her eyes began to well up with tears, apparently waiting for my response. And now?

"Hm, look, I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure I'd remember if I'd seen you somewhere. You're a person who leaves a certain impact, you know?" But now that she talked, I get the feeling that I've seen this woman somewhere. My voice came out in Japanese too; I think I knew where this conversation was going, and I did not like it one bit.

"Oh no... Kazu-kun... Your memories..." She started crying, and then she hugged me again, crying on my chest, leaving me even more confused. Who the hell is Kazu-kun?

Still bewildered and in a somewhat awkward way, I began to stroke her back, trying to calm her down while she cried. After a few minutes and a wet patient gown, she finally stopped crying and decided to explain what happened.

And that's when the Fire Nation attacked! My friends, saying I wasn't prepared is an understatement.

"What do you remember?" the girl asked.

What do I answer here? This situation is too strange... Let me play it safe.

"To be honest with you, now that you asked... It's all vague, I don't even remember my name." I said trying to sound a bit scared.

"Oh my God... I'm sorry Kazu-kun... Your name is Kazuki Mendes Kurosawa, you're 18 years old, your father is Brazilian, and your mother is Japanese. You lived in Brazil most of your life, but this year, six months ago to be more precise, your parents died in a plane crash." She said with sadness in her eyes, almost crying again, but I interrupted her before I had to wait another 10 minutes to continue listening to her.

"Okay, cool... Wait, not cool, but let's get on with it. Who are you, and how did I end up in the hospital? Explain everything before crying, please." The name is completely different from mine, my mother wasn't Japanese, and my parents died 4 years ago. This can only mean one thing...

'... Holy Jesus. I was isekai'd.'

"Ah, right. My name is Kyoko Hayashi, and your mother was my older cousin. And you're in the hospital because of me." Kyoko said with a guilty look. "If I hadn't called you to come live with me in Japan, you wouldn't have been run over as soon as you left the airport."

'... Man, what's wrong with cars and me? All because I never wanted to get a driver's license?'

"Wait, are we in Japan?!" I asked in shock. "And why did you call me to come here, and why did I accept?" Why did 'Kazuki' decide to leave Brazil and come to Japan?

"I called you because your mother was very dear to me, and I heard that you were living alone in Brazil since your paternal grandparents had already passed away. And since I also live alone..." Kyoko said with a slightly bitter tone in the living alone part.

'Oh yeah, I remember always seeing in anime and manga that in Japan, women over 25 who aren't married start hearing various unsavory comments from acquaintances and family. But why is someone like Kyoko still alone?'

"I think I understand the situation now. So, you mean that as soon as I arrived in Japan, I was run over? And I suffered no harm other than memory loss?" Well, the original Kazuki probably got 'swiped up' like an Instagram reel. But looking at our cousin, I think I'm going to make the most of this new chance.

"That's right. I'm sorry." Kyoko was still blaming herself for what happened she's really sweet and caring, but I can only thank her because, for me, death was just a bend in the road, where those left behind wouldn't be able to see me.

Looking at the crestfallen Kyoko, I had an idea. Suddenly, I hugged her with all my strength.

"Kya!" She gave a little scream of surprise because of my sudden action. 'Oh yeah, Japanese people aren't very used to hugs, are they?'

Man, she's soft. I wonder what it's like to sleep hugging her... Okay, no time for that; I'm without underwear; it's going to be weird.

"Hey, Kyoko-nee." I said affectionately. "Thank you for giving me a new opportunity in life. We don't know each other very well yet; we've probably only talked on the phone until now, and unfortunately, I don't remember those conversations. But we can start from now on to create new memories." I said calmly while hugging her.

Kyoko was silent for a while and returned the hug.



After a few minutes that I hoped would last for hours, the door opened, and a Japanese doctor came in with a clipboard in hand. Upon seeing our situation, he cleared his throat and said with a smirk on his face.

"If you want, I can come back in about 10 minutes."

Upon hearing the doctor, Kyoko let go of me and backed away a bit with slightly flushed cheeks.

'Ah, how cute.'

"So young man, from what I see here, you only suffered a concussion. There was no fracture or internal bleeding. It's even strange that you're so intact." The doctor observed the papers on his clipboard.

"Well, except for the memory loss, right?" I asked.

"Memory loss? Well, that can happen in cases of concussion, but the loss is usually temporary. So, in a little over a few weeks, you'll be good as new. I'll give you the green light to go home."

"Doctor, isn't it better for him to stay to check his head?" Kyoko-nee asked worriedly.

"Given the tests, there's no need for him to stay. It's even better for him to stay at home with his family. That way, memories can come back due to familiarity."

"Hey Kyoko-nee, I just got here. I don't want to stay here forever. Let's go to your house already." I said eagerly.

Kyoko was still looking a little concerned, understandably so, but I wanted to see Japan. And maybe see if I was in the same world but a different guy or an anime world.

"All right, let's go then."


Kyoko gave me some clothes to change into while she finished the procedures for my leave. I went into the bathroom, and as soon as I saw myself in the mirror, I was shook.

'I'm hot!'

I don't know how it works, but I'm way more handsome than I was as Joshua. I thought I would look like an average Japanese guy, but no. I almost didn't have Japanese characteristics, maybe the slightly slanted eyes, but overall in the mirror was tall, around 1.83m(6ft), a handsome young man curly with black hair and dark green eyes, my body was athletic and with visible muscles without my shirt, I even saw the shadow of a six-pack. Well, if this was the cheat I got for transmigration, I wouldn't be mad at all.

Okay, maybe I will be if I'm in a dangerous modern-world anime like Index, DxD, Tokyo Ghoul, Chainsaw Man, or Jujutsu Kaisen. Those would be the death speedrun any % worlds.

Looking again at myself after putting on the clothes, I felt assured that maybe my new just-hatched plan of relieving my dear cousin of her loneliness might be a bit easier than I thought.

After getting ready and finally leaving the hospital, I took a look around before entering Kyoko-nee's car because I couldn't focus on anything else when we were walking, this must be an anime world, what was the deal with those boob physics? With every step she made her breasts would shake a bit more than they should, I had to be discreet but it was really hard to not get caught. After finally taking my eyes off her I finally got to know the name of the hospital and the city I was in.

[ Tokonosu City Hospital ]

Well, fuck.

Hello again everyone,

The true first chapter is here, this time it was longer and I hope to keep their size around that or a bit bigger.

This story will be fairly slow-paced given that with a fast pace this world loses its magic too fast. That said, I know that some of you are waiting eagerly for the beginning of the canon, I will tell you: this is one week before canon starts. Will Kazuki get Kyoko before the from gate event?

So come together with me to watch Kazuki's new life and his new relationships. I will leave an image of Kazuki's appearance for clarification and one for Kyoko. I will try to get most of my images being photorealistic but if I can't find it I will just run to pixiv for help lmao.

KanmuruZcreators' thoughts