
Chapter 2


The sound of gnawing was heard.


Geon mouth was watery as he picked up the monster nucleus one by one and sell it to the system store after gnawing for its hardness.








Successful Operation.


Monster killed 1


Monster Killed Rewards








Successful Operation.


Monster killed 1


Monster Killed Rewards


As these prompt notifications that got repeated twice as if fearing no one can hear this news, system Dangena also greedily looked at the virtual screen that appeared in front but not very near as it was far away from her Host.


The virtual screen had stated the rewards her Host has for killing a monster when she was out for just a second to deal with what her Host wish is but still delayed and forgot it causing for her to break her promise.



Its really not like an AI but what can AI's do and her Host can do if she was really like this?




If ever she was not like this then she will never be the normal system Dangena but a system with the same name of hers acted like a robotic system with no emotions and feeling and will regard others as trash in their eyes.



Even though system Dangena also regarded others as trash.




It cant be helped.


She was the second one that was born after her senior system Eye was born.



And of course after being born, the idea that they are the most powerful than the humans they take in was instilled to their data in their early stages.



So even if many wanted to suppress the feeling that they looked down on their Host, especially system Dangena that even though godly features also matters,



Cant stop herself from looking down at her Host slightly and also that's what the other system do.



Even though there are also systems who simply don't care and looked down openly at the Host that bonded to them.



Of course as a system who looked down at their Host, they are a salted fish who simply won't cooperate and not help the Host who were very weak in their eyes if the Host was in need.


Well, except for prompting notifications as,


If they did not even do this job and let the mechanical staff do it.


Then their senior will get ahold of it and the contract between the systems and the humans will be void,


The result of that of course was to give the system Host who was not even cared for from their own system a new AI.


It was a warning for most as the similar case had happened a year ago when an AI deliberately become a salted fish and di not care about the Host,



The system lie down, eat and sleep while the mechanical staff is the only one that worked for the Host.


That system doings to his Host was of course reported after some time when the seniors of the headquarters finally came out for a stroll at what was their systems was doing.


If they are doing good or bad or if they simply deserved a raise.


That's when the seniors saw the system who openly become a salted fish in the public eyes and the human as that system Host who did not even had the power to reprimand his system.



It was the caused for a system change to the Host that was hepless about his system attitude towards him that in the eyes of many was a pain in their eyes.



That was the result and guess who was the one that replace the system?


The mechanical staff that go on and on and worked tirelessly for the Host day and night.



And surprisingly, the two of their data was compatible.


The Host wanted the mechanical staff as his system too even though the mechanical staff had simply possessed a mechanical and cold voice.


But that system human was where he was comfortable with.


It was the system human confirmation that the salted system even though was very unwilling and still wanted to try on repenting but feeling  that was full of reluctance,



Got his data crashes and finally gone to the headquarter bins.


That system was no longer there as he was not able to even save his life from completely being deleted and be gone with no resurrection point just after that.



But this news was not passed down by the humans as the systems Host as it will cause quite a stir and will cause a rebellion from the system who knew one of their kind got deleted just for the human kind.


Except for the AI's that got ahold of the news in their own resources.


They are mature, they wont lower their self just for this kind of thing.



It was simply the differences between a senior who already lived their life for century and a junior that was only made and born and was bonded to a Host


So some of the system even though was a salted fish in terms of working for the Host who did not even dare to reprimand them from doing that to them still made the mechanical staff assigned to be of assistance for him and for the Host to have anything else except for prompting notifications inside their Host head.



It was also the fault of their jealous behavior even if they had already dealt with it with great restraint, in case of there will be something that is not really up to no good between both parties.


They were cautious but never been doing the responsibility they should have do as the human Host system.



Of course, system Dangena was not like that.



She was just a system who forget what was the Host ordering her around after having someone distract her attention.



And even if she looks down a little bit to her Host, she did not dare what her fellow seniors did to their Host.




Why if you are confused why she cant do that?



Then she be dead in the next second by that guy whom she had meet in the past and had a dark history behind him.



And especially if,


This Host of hers right here was a related person to that guy.



She did not dare to do it also especially of that guy was her senior Host.



She can only look down secretly inside her nonexistent heart whenever this Host of hers decided to be a salted fish for the day while still holding that chain as his protection and a weapon to attack monster.



But this weapon was not even used when the Host did not even think of going out for a hunt.



System Dangena of course look down on this behavior more and more but unable to reprimand openly but did it secretly.


If it was not for that feature which was really down to earth.



System Dangena does not know where to pick up Geon who was almost comparable to a trashy Host of the system in the history books of systems.



So yeah, being like this is normal for her so there was not even a single person allowed to curse her even if its behind her back.



Geon does not know that system Dangena who was always sweet with him has such a side, if he know it, he will cry without tears.


Being dramatic is what Geon specialized the most, so after being dramatic he will shoo it away as if it was just a little thing.


He still looked at the virtual screen who stated his rewards..










Successful Operation.


Monster killed 1


Monster Killed Rewards


Species: Underground Centipede Monster


Age: 10 000 years old in monsters years and 100 000 years elderly at human years




Special Monsters Ability: Underground Finger Claws




[Can make a hole under the surface with its claws.


Can crush anything small if wanted to]




Rewards: 3 000 crystal stone


      10 gold coins


Congratulation Host! You got another reward!


1 000 000 crystal coins


1 000 gold coins






Congratulation Host!



The mechanical voice sounded as Geon was smilingly looking at his treasury box that was almost full.





Treasury Box Max!


Pending Upgrade...



Free Confirmation or Cancel Host 0000000002?


The mechanical voice was still the one who was talking as system Dangena narrowed her brows.


"Confirm" Geon smiled and said as a response for what the mechanical voice had said.









Successful Upgrade!



Congratulations Host!


"Thank you, thank you" Geon smiled as he nodded and at the same time clapped his hands and said those ungrateful thankfulness sentence.



The hair that was covering up half of his handsome features move as Geon nodded his head more and more..



System Dangena eyes hurt as her fluffy ball body form become more fluffy when she tried to pout her little lips and sucked heavily on the air.





It was really cute..




But Geon did not notice it as he was busy thinking that he was finally rich for the first time in his life without relying with that guy.





Nucleus Price:


Attempting Opening Host Warehouse...




1 big shard of nucleus


100 gold coins


5 small shard of crystals


1 000 crystal coins


10 medium shards of centipede poop


1 000 000 crystal coins


This rewards can be sold or can be gifted to a system.


Host 00000000002, will you,


Sell or Gift?



"Sell it all" Geon answered without hesitation that system Dangena who did not even had the time to rejoice twitch her eyes hard.






So cruel!






Thank you for selling Host...



Filling Up Host Treasury box



Congratulation Host!


"Thank you, thank you very much" Geon repeated his ungrateful thankfulness sentence as he also waved his hands for an effect.



It was a laughable thing but the only person, no the only thing that was by his side to accompany him was both an AI who simply did not even had the emotions and feeling to join him




It was the saddest thing in history for a Host that simply cared about this.


After that, the mechanical voice went completely silent as system Dangena silently gnash her small teeth.


"Your so cruel Host!" system Dangena finally cant endure it anymore as she shouted loud as the top of her lungs.



Geon blinked his eyes then tilted his head to look over at his system whom who knows when got in here.


His down upturned lips curled up slightly as he said, "So what if I am cruel? Is having to let your Host starve to death isn't cruel?" Geon shot back as system Dangena angrily huff and gone far away from where her Host is with a huff.


But still even though she was like that, she still looked over at her Host who had gone to the system store because there was not a choice for him to go anywhere as he was locked up inside the dungeon.



The Host expression at having to buy at her exclusive system store made system Dangena little lips twitches more and more,


Why did she only know now that her Host was too stingy?


It was really like that guy according to what her senior was saying to her.



But system Dangena gulped down when she also gone to where her treasury box panel is and saw a bunch of coins filling up her treasury box.



System Dangena made a crying expression finally after having to feel resentment towards her Host for the first time in her life just after being bonded by the Host she had right now.


'Host, even though  you are so cruel, I will still love you forever and will never betray you'


System Dangena secretly thought inside her head as she rejoice at the coins that was filling up her treasury box when her Host continued on buying food for himself to eat.


Yes, it is only for the Host to eat because she cant eat human food as it was not eligible for her to eat



Well, even though if she knew that even if human food was now eligible for her to eat if one of the genius researchers that made them came up with the idea of upgrading them until their eating habits was now equal standing to the humans.



"Host, are you sure you want to keep buying?" even though system Dangena was full of reluctance to stop her Host at buying from her exclusive system store,


Maybe her Host money will be gone in no time and will not be part of an assistance to them if they really need it.



But still, she still asked and said those words in hesitation.


As a result of course of having to ask,



Geon almost hurriedly responded to what she was trying to advice to him,


"Its my money. I will do what I want with it okay?"


Geon said and continued to buy fruits and sweets in the system store.




It was a pain for a system who had a Host that was simply a foodie on his own.




Its better to stay silent, it was good too as she can still rejoice at her treasury box that already got filled up and was almost in its maximum.