
LetsAndGo Reincarnation Adventure

Guy reincarantes in the world of mini 4wd, and he is going to enjoy every minute.

DefinitelyNotACat · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chapter 1. What goes around, well... better make sure it is built well

My name was Alex, right now however I go by Taka Inoue (13 yo) and I am a full-fledged reincarnator.

The weird thing about it all is however the world I was reincarnated into, after all, I never heard of a story of a guy sent into the world of mini 4wds, where, like all anime worlds that concern a particular sport or game people get mentally crazy about said game.

Let's and go was a very popular cartoon when I was younger and I remember watching every single episode, shows back then were more focused on trying to teach kids interesting and useful things while presenting them in an engaging way instead of trying to actively dumb children down.

I was sitting at my desk, facing my bedroom's door in an office-like manner, I found out I was more productive with this specific orientation and thoughts flew better, but that's beside the point.

The point was the tiny car in front of me which made me frown.

Apparently, the guy whose body I took died after falling down the stairs right before his family could give him the present, the guy suffered from deep depression and the inability to enjoy activities. The parents probably tried to make him passionate about something and, in true anime fashion, decided to give him a mini 4wd probably to try and ignite the "spark" in him. Sadly the boy died and I had to replace him, the parents still think it was only a mild injury.

Looking at the mini car I decided. I'm going to enjoy my time here.

I looked at my car, the name was Liberty Emperor, a car a year older than the new Avante 2001, the car that will have its boom thanks to Kohiru Makoto, cheaper than the saber and also slower but certainly faster than the competition.

In this world cars could be completely customized on the body, so I went for a dark theme mimicking the Special Black version of the car that would come later down the line in my original world.

I then decided to open up this package trying to see what I had to work with.

It seems that this car really was the spiritual ancestor of the sabers, the chassis was basically the same with a flat front bumper with the downside of it being a bit more brittle than the predecessors, the wings were flat on the ground, this one was built for straight-line speed which needed changing. The motor inside was the surprising part it was not the standard motor but the atomic-tuned 2, a great motor extremely balanced between acceleration and top speed perfect for any course. However, this would have to go if I wanted to qualify for the GJC or Great Japan Cup, and did I want to? You can bet.

Not much choice on the rollers, I will use the widest possible for better cornering, and better add them to the buy list.

The tires were soft, with low width and the wheels are light to lose the most weight possible... this was a mess, an absolute mess.

Every decent 4wd enjoyed knows that hard tires are the fastest with these cars because rollers help you turn, with this setup you need to have AT LEAST a bit of corner speed or you are fucked. Instead, they use soft tires, perfect for slow-speed corners, but useless on most tracks nowadays. They were arched tires and at least that was good, less contact on the road for less speed loss in corners.

There was much work to do...


Going downstairs I was about to speak to my new parents which left a weird taste in my mouth, they weren't my parents, and they never will be but... this is my new family and well, the time for denial is long gone. A smile was on my lips this is an interesting world, after all, I wanted to make the most out of it.

"Hi taka, good morning" called my mum from the table, "had a nice rest? Come here and have some breakfast"

"Yes mother, thank you" I sat down at the table, in front of me father was reading a newspaper, it seems like whenever he reads he completely ignores everything that happens around him.

"...dear..." said the mother while hitting her husband between his ribs

"ouch, what the... oh... good morning Taka" said father with a smile on his face completely disregarding the newspaper

"hello father... umhh... I have a request" I said feeling a bit of guilt; that sentence immediately captured the attention of the couple, it was rare for their son to make a request, he was, after all, bored of literally everything. Noticing my parents ready to listen I continued.

"It is about that mini 4wd... I would like to make some changes to the car and test it out a bit on track, can i-" I couldn't even finish

"YES!" said both of them at the same time

I was worried for nothing, these parents love their son, that much is clear; with a smile on my face, I exchanged a bit of small talk with them which seemed to please them a lot. How I'm easy it is a

for a son to make their parents emotional and happy, what may be nothing for us, may be everything for them.


In the afternoon I went to the nearest 4wd shop and started working on the car buying spare parts and other a few improvements: first things first for the GJC I bought an engine that focused on top speed specifically the "rev-tuned 2 pro". The engine favored small-diameter tires which meant that in a bumpy environment the car would lose stability faster, however that was not a problem for this particular track. Then I wanted to experiment with tread distance, since I wanted more grip in corners I needed to make the car larger, meaning I also had to experiment with rollers diameter increasing it obviously meant faster curves but if you don't check the track size your car may lose time instead... I also wanted to try different wing heights... when I realized most of the kids were going home I began testing on track.
