
Lets have Fun with it

[Dropped :(] [How I've improved: burned out much slower, took things at a much slower pace and relaxed when it came to writing so I must say big improvement and was able to write to chapter 50 compared to 43 like my last one ] Just trying to have fun and kill the creeping insanity also this is as pure as A.i as i could get as i have a bad habbit of giving hella detailed prompts The story is a basic world hopper. World 1: prey world 2: Kabaneri of the iron fortress also don't read if I don't got atleast 15 chaps as i can easily get bored with stories and abandon them quickly

chaoticCatholic · 其他
51 Chs

Chapter 10: Morgan yu

After a while of processing the information the system made clear owen wasted no time accepting the fact as he quickly got up and moved left towards the left headed left following a sign which read live examination.

The Gloo gun got. Put to good use as several pipes were burst and blowing out gas which was ignited at some point turning the leaking gas into a DIY flame thrower the smell of which seemed to make him sick as he wasted no time sealing them with the gloo cannon he took from his inventory.

"Come on man let me out!"

Suddenly while Owen was traveling through the hallway he heard a voice not directed towards him and not wanting to catch the attention of who ever was speaking he utilized his stealth skill to the maximum along with his chip set that increased his sneak speed as he quickly came to the entrance of the room as he listened in on who ever was inside.

"Im telling you now that is a stack of lies meant to make pressing that button easeir"

A familiar voice said seeming a bit panicked and indignant as Owen began to piece together the situation but not wanting to move to early he continued to listen.

"Are your sure it All a stack of lies?" Another voice asked this one even more familiar as it seems to carry a certain edge that clearly threatened violence.

"Okay fine some of it is true. I did some wrong in my days, but this.. ain't right you know?please just let me out" The voice of the man said sounding much more desperate, a desperation that was soon met by a cold and decisive voice.

"January, what is the companies policy on deciding who to take?" The cold voice of the other man cut through the plea of the man who was now clearly in a dangerous situation.

"We only take if we have video evidence you set it to be so your self.. morgan" a new voice spoke quite similar to the man who asked him that question with the only difference being the fact that it sounded quite synthetic allowing Owen to tell it was a different person.

"Now if you will please bring up this mans video file" The man now clearly revealed as the protagonist of this world Morgan yu ordered causing his robotic companion January to reply in acceptance.

It was at this point Owen decided to peak out to see what was going on but what he saw soon caused him to regret it as what looked to be a operator projected images of mistreated children all of which hovered around a video of a police raid on a apartment building which ended with them finding the man that Owen knew well Arron angram shirtless standing over group of 3 young boys and girls all covered in bruises.


Arron quickly tried to jump to defend himself but it was quickly punctuated by the sound of something opening to which he looked over to his right soon noticing that a mimic was released into his chamber which after a moment pounced upon him as it forced itself down his throat as his body visibly dried up, turning into a purplish gray as 4 mimics burst out of his body.

"A fitting end" Morgan punctuated as he turned around immediately noticing Owen who without much thought waved his hand at Morgan in greeting.

"Hello I'm Owen!" Morgan soon found himself bewildered as the contrast between the situation now and his previous actions was to different almost giving him whiplash, luckily the operator January spoke up.

"You are neither a crew member or a prisoner... Who are you?" this seem to snap Morgan into focus as he brought his shotgun to bear.

"Wow wow wow relax! I'm not a enemy! Please don't shoot" Owen spoke slightly panicked as he ducked back into the hallway he came from away from the sight of the shotgun barrel.

"Then please come out and remove your helmet" Morgan ordered to which Owen only answered by sticking out his middle finger leading to him quickly pulling it back as a shotgun shell came flying to where it previously was.

"Would you come out to a bastard sticking a shotgun towards you?" Owen asked causing Morgan to think before lowering his gun as he spoke up.

"Gun is down please come out" Morgan spoke causing Owen to relax as he came out pushing a cart nearby Infront of him making sure he had something solid just in case Morgan gets a little lose with his trigger finger.

"My name is Owen and I don't know how I got here" Owen said causing Morgan body posture to stiffen.

"Partial lie" January spoke causing Morgan body posture to grow visbly agitated as Owen caught sight of his trigger finger slightly twitching

"Current Dannger level is very low Morgan so please reframe from further negative or threatening actions" January soon following up trying to relax the tense Morgan which seems to work as his shoulders visbly relaxed.

"Now please understand there's things I can't tell you so please be understanding" Owen said as he stood coached behind the cart as sweat trickled down his back unsure what the Morgan could be thinking as the helmet covered his face completely.

"I'm not only a scientist, but I'm also a business man so rest assured I know I can't get everything." Morgan said his voice calm and collected as if he did not just force a man into a gruesom fate. a deserved fate, but a gruesom fate none the less.

"Okay cool l, but can you please explain what's going on?" Owen asked causing Morgan to begin to explain what's been going on aboard Talos 1 until now.


What do y'all think? Decent? Ass? Pretty well written? Please leave comments and make your opinion known. Also last chapter did my explanation for mc additude decent.