
Chapter One

It has been about 2 weeks since we had a good conversation, she thought while eating her dinner. Should I call? He might be busy at this time. But she missed him enough. Fidgeting with her mind she dialed. The phone was ringing but nobody from the other side received. Is it too hard to make a little time to call or only say a Hi? Is she being shellfish ? Knowing his work she never forced nor complain about their long distance relationship which was falling apart through the passing time. Leaving was never an option. They have shared many magical moments which are engraved in her mind.

Her train of thinking stopped as her phone vibrated.

"You called, sorry baby I was busy so couldn't receive," her favourite voice said.

"Don't be. Have you taken your lunch?"

"Couldn't. There was an emergency in the hospital. A critical patient needed my supervision."

"Oh please make sure to eat. Don't get so stressed."

" Will try hun. And yeah don't stay up all night health comes first before work. How was your ongoing project?"

"That was a success."

Interrupting their conversation a stranger's voice spoke in the background, "Sir you have to come. Patient's condition of room 303 is decreasing."

"Hun I ha.."

"I heard you should go. Take care and do eat."

"Yes mam :]. Bye goodnight."


She chuckled and sighed. That's how it's going. Talking for some minutes in two or three days and maybe facetime once a week. Clearing the clouds of her thoughts she went to bed.


Cutting the peacefulness of the silent night a phone rang loudly. Receiving the call Aurora hummed in sleepy tone, " Aurora this."

- "Hey bear, sorry for waking you up. Are you okay I mean is everything alright?" a concerned male voice spoke from the other end.

- " Yeah Tae I am good. Why asking?" she said letting out a yawn.

- " I took a quick nap in the afternoon and had a bad nightmare about you. So I called to check upon you. Now as you seem to be fine I am relieved."

- " Don't worry too much Tae . I am super fine. Now let's sleep again, hmm?"

- " Wow sleep is definitely your first priority, isn't it? Bear name perfectly fits you. K bye then . Sleep tight. Love you."

- " Yeah same...."

- " Hey!!! Say that again and put some love in it lady," he said almost yelling.

- " Ok boss. I love you to the moon and never back. Happy?"

- " Yup satisfied. Good night" He let out a chuckle.

He could here the soft snore from her side. Wish she was here with me.... Sighing about their current situation he went back to work.


She looked at her phone for the nth time it had been five days they talked to each other. Is he okay? Is his family doing fine? He is not even replying to my texts. She called for the thousandth time.


-"Are you for real? Don't you get time to check your phone. Do you have any idea how much worried I have been these days…"

-"Hold your horses. I was busy okay."

-"Is that all you have to say?"

-"Fine Sorry. Something came up I have to go."


He hung up without saying goodbye. She was feeling sorry for letting it all out in a moment. He might be really busy.

Their relationship got detached after he got promoted about one month ago and became one of the most demanding cardiologist in his locality. She had also became busy being the project managing head of her team. They hardly talk now a days. She looked through her schedule. She could pay a one week visit to his country.

The plane landed at the airport. She was tired after the eight hours flight. But her craving for seeing his face and get wrapped in his arms overshadowed that. After reaching at her allotted hotel she called him. Luckily he picked up.

-"Oroi Taehyung speaking who is this?"

-"Guess who?"

-"Ruu what ? how? Are you in here?"

-"Yeah I wanted to see you so much. So I flew hehe ^-^" -"You shouldn't…"

-"Waee??__PAUSE__ Can we meet? Is tomorrow morning okay for you?"


-"Aren't you happy that I came?"

-"Not like that.."

-"okay I get it you must be stressed. I won't complain. So did you eat? Where are you?"

-" I am at the hospital got night shift and yeah I ate. You?"

-"I will. You are doing night shift? Then don't come tomorrow morning take rest first. Let's meet at four at Dreams. Will that go?"

- "But you came all the way…"

- "Health comes first you said. And I can wait a little longer. I have many things to tell you."

-" I have also something important to tell you."

- "Is that so? I can't wait to see you. Okay Tae gotta run my stomach is screaming for food. Bye ^-^,"she giggled.

-"bye" unknowingly a smile crept on his face hearing her giggle. But he straightened. "Stick to the plan tae, You have to do it. She is so precious and much more than I could ever ask for. Tomorrow is the day," he thought to himself.