
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · 奇幻言情
31 Chs


The response Seth heard was something that shattered his heart.


Expecting a different attitude from his sister, he blindly believed that he would get help from her. The young woman sitting in the branches of the tree, she was far from being someone who could feel empathy towards those who ever hurt her.

The resounding no, was enough for him to lower his head and burst into tears.He had anger and frustration mixed in his chest ready to form a cocktail of despair.

-Your family and your affairs are none of my business. Go back in your footsteps and prepare to die-

The crying and tears fell unchecked until he was unable to utter a word. Siri, she watched in disgust who in some of her lives had the misfortune to call her brother. When she was about to metamorphose into an owl, she heard her sister in the distance. There was unease and annoyance in her voice.

She turned in the direction of the pitiful young man who was lying on his knees with his hands on the ground and who was cursing his fate. Something was wrong and a foul smell reached her nose.

Seth heard the branches cracking behind him and before he could turn to look at who it was, something hit him on the head knocking him out. Siri fell to her feet and walked over to him. She turned her head from side to side to examine the intruder.

-This bastard has ...-

-Yes. He has it and maybe his people do too. Did you make sure there was no one following him? -

-I deflected them as soon as they entered after him. Guess, who sent them.

-I think I know who. I'll call Oly, some annoying people have to be pacified.- Albert looked at Seth in disgust and then emitted a hiss similar to the song of a canary to call someone.

They both looked angrily toward the southwest. Suddenly a curtain of quetzals enclosed them and then they disappeared.

Seth woke up with a terrible headache. He touched his head and the bump on his forehead hurt more than the blow he received. I notice that there was a certain aroma of good grass and mint in the room where he was. By all accounts he seemed to be in a doctor's office. I look for some indication of where he might be.

Looking down and remembering what happened he pressed his hands to his chest.

-Damn why did it have to be like this? If only I ...-

Cutting off his train of thought, a girl entered the room. The little she showed a certain resemblance to his sister when she was a child, except for her black hair and red eyes, that shocked him and he started to get nervous.

She reached over and took his hands. Seth began to feel very cold as he looked at the girl who seemed to be praying. When the temperature was restored, the girl pulled away from him and asked how he was feeling. Seth reacted between tremors and responded belatedly.

-I feel better ... thanks to the saint I feel much better ..-

When he wanted to stand up to offer his respects, his foot got tangled in the sheets causing him to fall off the bed. Oly was following him with her eyes and thought that Seth was very foolish and innocent compared to everything she had heard about him before from his cousins.

His eyes met with Oly and Seth instinctively looked down. Oly's presence was very strong and he suddenly felt that he was offending a being that could kill him if he wanted to.

A hand came to his side, it was Oly urging him to get up. Seth was still overwhelmed, the girl was kind and scary at the same time, questioning on how to react to such kindness.

- I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not my brother. You are lucky that they did not kill you and that they were able to extract it in time, it was already at the zenith of its maturation. A couple more months and you would have become a homicidal psychopath-

Seth backed away at the grim comment.

-Come, my grandmother wants to talk to you.- Oly took Seth's hands and led him to another room.


Scuti was furious after she went to the trouble to intervene for Seth. She was a lookout at the west gate of the forest, when she realized there was something mingling with the presence of her brother. The simple smell of a usurper gave her an upset stomach.

She had to notify her family of the terrible discovery. She flew back home and asked her grandmother for help. Seth arrived in a sorry state, not only because he had been crying but the creature inside him was consuming his mana faster and faster.

Siri and Scuti looked at Seth with disdain. They did not care and much less affect them if he died, it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened. But the fact that he had a usurper inside him bothered them too much.

They had to extract it at all costs to avoid a greater evil. Albert by his side, went to the border to find the spies sent after Seth. They were diverted from the path thanks to Siri and ended up at the borders of the Lían empire.

The spies contacted another group to report Seth's disappearance. Albert watched their movements and began to listen carefully to what they were saying.

-The brat entered the demon forest. We lost track of him 900m from the entrance. He may have realized it and fled, or he may have ended up dead. That forest is a problem-

-We failed to capture it. You, on the other hand, could you get something from the marquis? -

-He's still in a coma. That woman forbade us to enter and sealed the doors with spirits. That damn Mudblood was the one who helped the brat run away. She believes that his power will last as long as the marquis is alive-

-Without both, she is just a damn maid who won the favor of her lord and seduced him to be his wife. Soon her dream will end, the brat is the key to destroy the marquisate-

-Our lady said that anything is possible as long as we take the brat. You have to take advantage of the fact that his father has little time left hahaha-

The men laughed mockingly at a destructive plan in front of a cat-shaped Albert licking his fur. They had no idea that they were declaring their intentions to his worst enemy and he would not let it pass.