
Let's Destroy the Original Story!

Venice Randal Mel'v, the most successful youngest woman in the country died on her way for vacation after spending almost her childhood years managing their company, and found herself possessing the body of her most hated character on the novel she was reading when she died. However, when she found out that there are some truth that isn't indicated in the novel... Will she still follow the original line? Of course not, because her personality changed the moment she came to that body, so R.I.P to the successful Venice for becoming the cra- Oh shut up narrator! Reincarnation? Transmigration? Regression? Posession? To hell with that! This isn’t REAL! I, who only liked to read novels for pastime got stucked in the Fairytale-like Novel I last read. How can I get out? Of course I can’t, 'cause I died from a plane crash. How should I live from now on? Of course, I will live as a FREE, WEALTHY, STRONG person EVER! I’ve sacrificed enough all through my life, it’s time for me to live a life without restrain, free of responsibility! I’ll OVERTHROW those undeservable characters! “It’s time for CULLING… HAHAH--!” *dingg!* ----- ⟪WARNING!⟫ Experiencing excessive excitement! Warning! A rise in blood sugar! You’re more hyper than usual. Warning! You look evil than the Devil Kings! Warning! A rise in Dark Aura! When too much excitement are experienced, there is a possibility of losing control of one’s body, recklessness, and constipation. To cool down, think of something annoying. ----- ‘The heck...?’ -ziest character in the novel... or was it in the whole world?

Vince_Alendis · 奇幻言情
25 Chs

Chapter 1: My Unexpected Day (1)

*Knock knock knock*

"Come in"

I was in my office and today is a very busy day. One of our projects is about to launch and we are short on time- I must finish this today or else...

"Ms. Mel'v, someone sent you a letter, and it seems suspicious. It didn't indicate the name of the sender, maybe the sender forgot but it is addressed to you." My secretary handed me the letter, low quality paper and worn out. Luckily I wore my gloves on.

My eyes widened and I trembled in anger after I saw the contents of the letter...

"Who sent this?! Track the mailman immediately! And prepare my car." I almost tear the paper as I order my secretary.

'This can't be! Calm down, calm down, calm down, think it carefully. Who did I offend? JUST WHO?!'

I immediately left the building and went to the nearest bank, before I went to the location indicated on the letter.

'To Ms. Mel'v,

Your siblings are currently in our hands, but if you don't want them to get hurt, then give us a million cash. We are watching you, if you ever do something suspicious or contact any authorities... you'll know what will happen to them. We'll give you 6 hours to prepare, then go to the Tesland Hotel ALONE. 10th floor, room 1093. We already know how neat-freak you are, so we choose this location, you should be thankful for our consideration. TIME STARTS... NOW. See you.'

Under that was the picture of my siblings tied up on the chair, their mouths are gagged with a cloth, and they're unconscious.

*ring ring ring*

"Who's this?" I asked without looking at the caller

"Ran! Your brother and sister were kidnapped! *sob* They were kidnapped in front of me that I forgot to inform you immediately *sob* I already filed a report but I-I can't just wait here while they are... *sob*" Mom was on the other line, and I can clearly hear that she was crying...

"Mom, mom, calm down... they won't touch them since they asked for a ransom, don't worry, I'll take care of it. Just stay with Dad and be safe. I gotta go." I ended the call, I clenched my fist and jaw as I think of a way to save my siblings

'Whoever messes with my family will sure they'll taste my wrath- just you wait!'


3 hours remaining...

I'm in front of the said Hotel, but this isn't your third rate hotel to expect from kidnappers as their chosen rendezvous. This is one of the biggest and famous hotels in this country. The Tesland Hotel. Looking back, we once had a project with the CEO of this famous and luxurious hotel and it went well.

But why would the kidnappers choose this hotel? Did I offend Mr. Fred? If I am correct, this hotel has a high level of security, so how come those kidnappers went here with my siblings without suspicion?

I hurriedly entered the elevator, usually this hotel has so many guests but I did not expect there would be less today. Is Mr. Fred threatened by those kidnappers to use the hotel as a rendezvous? Ugh! They're getting on my nerves!

When I reached the tenth floor, I did not see any servants or guests. It's too quiet. Did they rent the whole floor just for this? So then how the hell will they pay the expenses when they are asking me money as a ransom for my siblings?! Are they expecting me to pay for them?! Those bastards!

I recklessly knocked on the door when I spotted room 1093, but no one responded so I knocked again. To my impatience, I twisted the door knob and it's unexpectedly open. Too dark. Only the light from the hallway is in sight reflecting my silhouette. I'm not scared or anything, it's just... I can't control my anger today because of anxiety. I stepped inside but still no person came, only an empty dark suite.


I jumped in shock when the door shut behind me, and when I tried opening it again, it's locked.

"Whoever tried to mess with me ended up kneeling for forgiveness. And whoever tried to mess with my family ended up 6 feet underground because of my ruthlessness. Come out! I've got the money, give me back my siblings!" I coldly said. I can feel the stares of everyone from the corner, although I can't see them I can still feel their presence.


The lights were lit up and it blinded me for a second. Then I heard the lively song of happy birthday from everyone along with the clapping hands.

'Asdfghjkl... Fu- I got deceived!'

Then the song finished and it left me in daze.





I even forgot my own birthday, I was so focused on work.

"Who plotted it?" I asked when Sunny, my best friend, approached me.

"Oh? It was them, the masterminds. I'm just an accomplice hahaha"

I felt my nerves bulging and I pinched her on the waist then I walked over to where my little devil brother and sister. They awkwardly smiled and tried to walk away but I caught them both by the ear.

"Mom! Help us! Whaaa!" - Alice Rendal Mel'v, 16 years old younger sister

"It's just to make the party lively sis, forgive us huhuhu" - Bruce Randolph Mel'v, 18 years old younger brother

"You! How dare you do this to me?! Aren't you both guilty? You two almost gave me a heart attack! And made me withdraw a huge amount of money!" I scolded, "Even Mom took part in it! Just-!"

"There~ There~ Missy, don't be mad. They just made the best party for you, show some gratitude." Said Sunny, then I gave her a glare.

"You too! I suspect you sent that letter to me and even made my secretary cooperate with you, are you really my best friend? And you, nice acting, Ms. Nancy, you really brought the tides. You were deceiving me all along." I said then turned to my LOYAL secretary by the corner, awkwardly smiling at us.

"Ijah, you finally came. Dear, don't be too hard on them. They just want you to relax a little because you always look tired after work. We just want you to be happy at least just for today, it's your birthday." Mom said full of worry and delighted at the same time. There's no hint of crying... Best Actress.

"Right. You are working for that Relens project which will soon launch, and you only have limited time until then. I know you are so much devoted to our company but please be mindful of your health. You just turned 23 today, and you looked older than your mother." Dad teased. Hmph! If it wasn't for that incident last year, I wouldn't really intend to pay attention to our company. But since it happened... then so be it.

"Director Mel'v, it's really nice to see you again. Happy birthday. I hope you like the venue, Ms. Sunny specially requested one of the grandest rooms in this hotel. Though the theme was a little unusual at first hahaha~ then suddenly it really made sense when you entered, I thought I was watching a live action movie." Mr. Fred politely laughs. I intend to show my poker face again but it fails when my face sweats and darkens from embarrassment. I suddenly thought about their perspective when I entered. I even said those barbaric words.

"No need to be embarrassed hahaha, we're all good friends and partners here." He said and offered me a toast before excusing himself.

"Ran, my granddaughter, how are you?" My grandma asked.

"Venice Randall Mel'v greets grandma and grandpa." I greeted politely. They're old fashioned and always stick to proper etiquette but they're both kind and all.

"You grew well and full of manners, I'm really proud of you, my granddaughter." Grandpa complimented me.

"Oh my, look at those dark bags under your eyes. Are you even resting well? You grew but still a child indeed, how can we not worry." Grandma sighed as she stroked my hair like she always does.

"I'm fine, grandma. It's just that these past few months were a little hectic, I barely had time for myself." I smiled with assurance.

The party started and as the celebrant, I led the dance floor with my dad, brother, friends and potential business partners. Well, it's good though... Just for today I got to see my family and friends all together and I got to relax. Thinking about the million cash I brought with me, I asked my secretary to deposit it again. Luckily I used my own savings for it, otherwise, the board members would panic if they assumed it was from the company's account.

I received a lot of gifts and business proposals, as usual. But for today I'm only interested in my family's and close friends' gifts. They're the most important.

"Dear granddaughter, this is my gift for you. If you have time, you may read it. Sometimes you really need to rest and have a good time. I specifically picked this up for you from the auction. I hope you like it." Grandma handed me the simple but elegant box. I don't know what's inside and I plan to open all the gifts later but they insisted.

It was a book. A fairy tale book to be specific. Although I admit I liked fairytale stories when I was a child and I even had a prince syndrome because of that, as I age, my interest also changed and for now, what I'm looking forward to is an advanced business plan book for professionals, not fairy tale. But it's from my precious grandma, so I'll keep it.

"Thank you grandma for your concern, but isn't this a little too childish, Alice may love this but for me..." I was cut off by my grandma's smile, I felt guilty. "Alright, I'll read if I have spare time."

"Good. Just so you know, this fairytale book is a little special. It was an untold fairytale from England, the author is from the 14th century, and all of his works were popular except for this one. This is his very first book he wrote and was kept a secret, until he died. As time goes by, this was hidden and recently discovered underground the author's mansion that was burnt 700 years ago. And was sent to auction... the last information for you is... you are the second person who will read it after it was read by the author's daughter, Lyra." Grandma said with a smirk.


She really wants me to read it, if not then there's no way she would gather such information.

"Sis! Here's my gift, open it! open it! hehe~" Alice enthusiastically gave me her gift err... with a unicorn wrapper.

This brat is really childish. I was always wondering how I ever had a sister like her. One is a weirdo and the other is a spoiled brat. And me... a serious, matured and ruthless woman. On the other hand our parents and grandparents are strict but normal.

I opened her gift and it was an expensive watch with unique sparkling linings. In short it suits me. I gave her a pat and a smile. Material doesn't matter, what matters is the intention... But, when Bruce then gave me his gift, we were all appalled to see his gift.

"...what the-"

What the heck was he thinking?!