
Tourney at Harrenhal I

- 281 AC -

- Winterfell -

(Leman POV)

It was finally time. I turned 13 name days old a sennight ago. I am now considered to be 'of age'. A grown man in all things and ready to be used politically. And I noticed that my father has long gotten many offers from females from across the North. I find that to be hilarious as there is no way for me to marry someone I don't like or love. In short, I will choose my partner on my own and there is nothing, Father can do about it. I can already hear him shout and get angry at me when I tell him where he can shove his marriage proposals. But what is he going to do about it? I am 6 feet 3 inches at 13, so I'm already as tall as he is but multiple times his strength. Of course, I don't want to fight my father, but to preserve my freedom, I will do what I must. 

I am currently riding back to Winterfell, on a rather unhappy horse. My weight is probably too much for the sad animal and I will have to travel on foot ... or carry the horse myself. To show it how it's done. I wonder what I'll do when I grow even larger and heavier. There is no limit in sight and I am convinced of growing to full Primarch height. That is roughly between 12 and 14 feet, though some authors have them more like 10 feet range and others clear of 18 feet in some cases.

Alpharius was said to be able to disguise or go as a normal Space Marine, so he and his twin were surely the shortest. Magnus the Red was naturally the tallest out of all his brothers and that is without biomancy. The only two Primarchs whose heights were mentioned are Lorgar and the Lion. 'Lorgar looked magnificent, near three metres tall - Bearer of the Word' and 'The Lion was a truly imposing physical specimen. A giant, standing at a little under three metres tall - Descent of Angels'. Of course, it isn't certain what meters mean exactly and if one meter is the same on each planet. But I can expect three meters roughly. 


A problem I will have to address is my lack of equipment. Even the best steel swords are useless to me. I will need a stronger sword. I don't know how to create a more powerful weapon, but I have heard about the strongest metal in this world called Valyrian steel. I don't know why they claim that, but I do know that Jeor has such a weapon and it is indeed stronger than normal steel. Maybe I can acquire one of those myself, but how? I am interested in a longsword, a battle axe and a spear. Those three weapons suit me best. 

Over the course of these 7 years, I wasn't home all that much. Which is not smart, considering that relationships are best formed when a child is young. My relationship with my siblings was already rather distant and now, it is probably more so. But it doesn't matter. I see them as my family and I will protect my family, no matter what. I do wonder though, if the entire realm is like this or as bad as Brandon made it out to be. From what he told me, the South seems to be a political swamp where loyalties shift at a moment's notice. 


As I ride ever so slowly, I finally see our family's castle in the distance. Winterfell was the ancient seat of House Stark and the biggest castle in the North. It was also one of the largest in the entire realm for that matter. Seeing it after a long time is good. It is good to see my family again and to enjoy some time for the time being. 

I ride through Wintertown and am greeted by a few people who remember me. The only reason they remember me is my looks. The blonde Stark coupled with my stature is not something you forget easily. I nod my head at the people who greet me and make my way to the castle. 

I see my family waiting for me when I arrive at the entrance. Brandon has grown a bit more but isn't much larger than I am at this point. Brandon is hotheaded and passionate, often drinking too much and getting in trouble with Father. But Father likes Brandon the most out of his children, at least from what I could observe up to this point. I see Brandon smiling as he sees me, clearly happy to see me after all this time. 

Eddard has also grown up a bit. I haven't seen him in a few years, since he was in the Eyrie being fostered under Jon Arryn in the Vale together with Robert Baratheon. Eddard was always the silent Wolf among all of us, well apart from me that is. His grey eyes used to observe a lot of things. He is the dutiful son among us since Brandon has all the character and charisma and I as the third son, don't have many responsibilities apart from marrying and forging political bonds. 

Lyanna has also grown up, but from what I can see, not only has her stature grown, but her fierce spirit has probably as well. She looks happy to see me but fidgets all over the place having trouble waiting and standing still. She is spirited and willful, giving our parents a headache more often than not. Honestly, I don't understand the idea of forbidding her to fight like the men. Why would you make one of your family members knowingly weaker and a target? That's why I teach Lyanna when I have time and when I used to return. Now that I can decide when I am here in Winterfell and on Bear Island, I will spend more time teaching her. 

Finally, we have Benjen. The youngest among us, but just as dutiful from what I gathered. He will surely be loyal in the future, but I don't see him becoming a marvellous fighter the way things are going. He needs to grow some muscles. 


Lyanna can't handle it anymore and rushes towards me. Father knows that calling her won't matter to her, since she wouldn't listen. Eddard doesn't know that though.


I jump from the back of the suffering horse and catch Lyanna who flies into my arms. I lift her up and we both laugh. 

"My my Lyanna, have you gotten lighter again? You should really eat more."

She hits my hands in anger. 

"You! You're just larger again. How can a boy of 10 and 3 name days be so large already? What do they feed you?"

"I suppose I got all the good things from our parents in that regard. Too bad, you might never have such beautiful hair like me," I say and wave my hair for effect. 

"Pff, you blonde giant you. I would never want to look like you!" Lyanna shouts. 

I look at her and bring her in for a hug. 

"I missed you Lyanna. How was it? Did you learn how to use the sword or the axe?"

"No, he is still as stupid as before. Although I am now almost 15 name days old, he still thinks I'm his little girl. Leman, you have to teach me!" Lyanna whispers and then whines at the end. I smile when I hear her and nod my head. That is the plan anyway. 

I set her down and together we walk over to the rest of the family. Brandon is grinning brightly. While Mother looks amused and happy to have me back. Benjen also runs to us and hugs me. 

"Finally you'rer back. How did you grow so large, Leman? I want to know too so that I can also grow so large," Benjen says. 

"Eat, drink and fight. Those are the things I did on Bear Island. I suppose I can introduce you to those things as we-"

"Absolutely not!" Father says ", you will not teach Benjen how to do those things for another few years at least."

He looks at me as my siblings embrace me. The only one out is Eddard who is still standing there stiffly. I understand him though, he has turned into an 'honourable stranger' in the North. 

"It's good to have you back, Leman. There are a few things we have to discuss," Father says and then turns around and leaves. I can tell that the doubts are returning. The doubts that plagued him since the day I was born. Whether or not, Mother, his wife, Lyarra Stark cheated on him with a southern Lord. My looks are speaking for such a thing, at least my hair. 

Jealousy makes a man blind to the truth. I mean, who even could be the man to impregnate Mother that would result in me? It would have to be a giant, or a giant Lannister or something like that. Father's jealousy at this small doubt made him distant from me. That was the reason he sent me to Bear Island instead of a bigger House. What good did I do him on Bear Island? Sure I made House Mormont a valuable asset to the North and House Stark, but he didn't expect that. 

Seeing Father walk away, Mother comes and embraces me tightly. She stands on her toes and kisses me on the cheek. She smiles. 

"Hello dear. I am so happy that you're back. It has been far too long since you came to visit."

"Aye, it was quite long. How are you, mother?" I ask her. 

"The same as always son. I am fine, now that all my cubs are around me. Although some of them have grown far too quickly."

Finally, I walk up to Eddard who is still standing in the same position and hasn't moved yet. He smiles lightly when he sees me, but I think it is more of a grimace than a smile. I always thought that it was a bad idea to have him fostered in the Vale of Arryn. Jon Arryn is an idiot and his doctrine of honour is so stupid that it almost makes me puke. 

I grin suddenly and embrace Eddard, lifting him into the air at the same time. 

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the honourable wolf. How have you been Ned?" I ask him. 

"mmmm mmmmmm"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I think he can't breathe dear. How about you let him down?" Mother says and smiles. 

"Hahaha, Leman you've put on some weight and muscles it would seem. Let's test just how much you've improved later in the yard," laughs Brandon. 

"No! Leman will teach me about the sword and the axe and maybe also the spear. So you will have to wait until later," Lyanna remarks and steps on Brandon's foot. 

"Hehehe" Benjen simply laughs at the scene from the side. 

"Haa haa haa it's good to see you again Leman. You've grown," Ned tells me after taking some breaths. 

"Haha, come on Ned. Tell me about your time in the Vale and those silly ideas they gave you about the world."


Dinner was a nice affair. Lots of drinks, food and stories. Of course, even Benjen was allowed 'one' glass of wine. Honestly, I hate the wine in this world. Who would drink wine, but some pompous prick? It serves no purpose. It is expensive and you have to drink quite a bit until you get drunk. I might have to change that in the future. A good drink would be beneficial for all of us. Especially for my sanity and enjoyment. 

After the dinner, Father asked me to come to his solar to discuss some things. I know what this is about and I don't like it. It will be the first time we clash probably. But he will get over it in time, he has to. Unlike so many others, I don't care about the 'image' or the 'standing' of our House. I live in the moment and as long as those I care about are well taken care of, I am content. 

*Knock knock knock*

I knock on the door to Father's solar. 

"Come in," I hear him mutter on the other side and open the door. 

"Good, you're here. Then let's get to the topic at hand."


I am still thinking about whether I should have him find some stash of Valyrian steel (in old Valyria e.g.) or if he should just grab some Valyrian steel swords from his enemies during the Rebellion and then reforge his weapons from that. 

Leave some suggestions, please.