
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · 漫画同人
42 Chs

Meeting of Clan 3


then someone's voice was heard out loud in the hall and made gyuki and otome battle that almost begun to stop.

then everyone gaze gathered at the voice owner and it was nurahiyon.

they saw nurahiyon's expression that should be always relaxed became this angry at the facade. nurahiyon squint his eyes and directed them to otome and gyuki.

gyuki and otome became behave and after seeing that, nurahiyon began his word to two of them.

"for the first time I hand over my title to my son, I saw this mess just beginning of this meeting with my presence to bout. if this was a party then I don't mind. but, this is an emergency meeting and you two just made a mess without a conclusion! you too rihan, why you hide your fucking trash in there with ryouma's presence!!???"

after he said his word. otome and gyuki became embarrassed and hold their head down. rihan get hit by a stray bullet and he became depressed immediately because he knew that it was his fault.

after nurahiyon inhale his breath, he began saying something.

"I know that ryouma's education became screwed because of that incident that we wanted to prevent. but still, I worried about his common sense. he is a good heir that ready to take the helm to command this clan and began to show his talent. he is also strong without the usage of tokii and clever to boot. but his surrounding is always with us, old people. if rikuo friend is counted but I think this is not enough."

everyone became aware of ryouma weakness. he was an excellent child that represented this clan's pride but without society skills, it became useless.

but there are exceptions, otome thought that he didn't need that skill and begun speaking to nurahiyon.

"father, I thought that sweetheart ryouma didn't need that skill. after all, he was the next leader after rihan-sama, he just needs to be here with me and it is going to be better because the leader's job is to command and organize this clan overall goal."

"otome-san, I know your thinking. but, I don't approve of that kind of leadership. ryouma is needed to interact with humans and youkai alike to strengthen and make a connection to our clan. I understand that you are worried about your son but he is strong and he has a bodyguard that always protects him."

yes, they are youkai. monster from japan folktale that always comes to prank someone. but they are bad youkai that eat humans. but, the nura clan upheld a creed to never attack innocent people and always prank them.

this clan got their nourishment from the land of gods, the local god that resided at the mountain that this clan protect also this is the place that ryouma trained and learn his education from his father, grandfather, and mother.

well leave that aside, otome wasn't approved his father-in-law's saying and speak to him.

"but that bodyguard let my sweetheart almost die, father. I don't want him to learn bad things from the outside. his father is a good example that let my sweetheart being poisoned by his trash."

"um ho-"

"shut up you deviant."

"yes rihan, this is your fault to begin with. so shut up."


rihan got a double attack from his wife and his father became even more depressed that his soul almost out from his mouth.

but everyone in here didn't have sympathy for rihan. after all, the problem stemmed from his book that shouldn't be read by a child.

nurahiyon understood otome's worries so he suggested a solution to her.

"then otome-san, I'm going to assign more bodyguard for ryouma. Karasu, can your children be the addition for his bodyguard?"

karasu was beside mokugyou to his right and in front of him is gyuki and hitotsume. when he heard that. he nodded willingly because of ryouma's safety.

"I understand with that nurahiyon-sama, then how about kurotabo?"

kurotabo knew that he made a grave mistake. so he readied his dismissal from his assignment as ryouma's bodyguard.

otome speak around that topic.

"yeah, let's di-"

"keep him."

before otome uttered a single word of that. rihan spoke to interrupt her.

otome became displeased with that and spoke to him.

"what are you saying? we should dismiss him because of his failure."

"otome, are you implying that my selection of men is failure?"

otome realized that she stepped a land mine that shouldn't be said to him. but, she pushed forward with her word.

"honey, I didn't imply that. but-"

"stop, I know his capabilities. also, you should know that he was being ambushed by some group that tries to weaken us. please understand honey. after all, kurotabo is loyal man that never make the same mistake twice. kurotabo, are you still wanted to become ryouma's bodyguard?"

when kurotabo heard rihan word. he became moved and made dogeza to him.

"yes, rihan-sama. thank you for your second chance!!"

nurahiyon shook his head. after all, it was only in this situation that rihan was winning against otome. after all, he was always has a soft spot of otome.

in the first place, this situation was created by rihan because he put his book that can't be used to educate ryouma at the training ground of nura clan carelessly.

well, it was a past. so, nurahiyon changed his gear and asked about this arrangement.

"well otome-san, are you satisfied with this?"

"but, what am I going to do when he is deceived by a bad woman out there, father!!!?"

he knew otome overprotectiveness of ryouma. so he made a suggestion to otome.

"that he needs some training about that. after all, he is going to have his heir of his own. so, he needs to socialize with a woman. if possible I like ryouma to teach so he can socialize with people."


"no, but. so anyone has suggestions for this?"

"yes, I have."

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