
Roy's Warning!

Blake opened his eyes after a good sleep, but he noticed that everything around him is black.

Roy:" Blake, its good to see you again. At this moment you can neither move or talk. I called you here because I want you to be careful of one guy in your world."

Blake was surprised, that such a strong and mysterious person would give a warning about someone.

Blake thought [Who is it? It should most likely be the creator of world government. In my past live I heard a bit about him.]

Roy:" first I want to tell you my name. It is Roy. And your right, It's Im, the creator of the world government. I know what you think. I don't worry about his strength, but about his connections".

Blake was now completely shocked. [ what!? Is there something with higher power helping Im].

Roy:"*sigh*,It seems like I have to explain you everything. There are many peo- no you can't call them people. Their names are Index. There exists many Index that specialise in many areas like time, water, fire and many other. Their job is to destroy unstable factors like you."

Blake couldn't think right. [ Why would I be an unstable factor. I didn't do anything]

Roy:"You may think you have done nothing, but it isn't you that made them want to destroy you, It were your parents. 70 thousand years ago, your parents Killed millions of Index to stabilise the Universe".

[ But aren't you a Index as well? Why would you help the son of the two that killed many of your race]

Roy:"Yes, I'm an Index of reincarnation. The reason, I helped you is because your parents helped me very much and I wanted to repay them".

Blake was surprised of his parents real identity. He now knows the reason why he was an orphan in his past life.

[ Race is changing...

Human > Origin of Index

All stats 10×

Time skills acquired (ENDLESS)

Universal skills Acquired (ENDLESS+)

Teleport (INFINITE)]

Roy:" It seems like your bloodline has awakened. You may not understand your power but one day you will understand it. Now go back to your world and train till you can beat all Index".

It was the first time that Blake saw Roy smiling at him. Blake smiled back and said:"of course, I will train, train and train till I can help you".

Roy looked in Blake's eyes and thought: [ Lisa, Jake, you guys have a great son]

This is the end of the new chapter. I hope you liked it . This chapter is maybe a bit boring, but I think it is very important for the plot.