
Legend of Traveler Swallowing the Starry Sky And Perfect World

A Student of 21st century Suddenly Travelled to the world of Swallowing the starry Sky and connected to plane the power of Nine Heaven Ten Earths(Perfect world). What kind of Adventure will he go? Together with his new friends, Shi Yi embarks on a thrilling quest to save the world from an ancient evil that threatens to engulf the land in darkness. Along the way, he learns important lessons about courage, friendship, and the power of hope, as he battles against formidable foes and confronts the challenges that come with being a hero.

DaoistHI4fqd · 奇幻
12 Chs

Shi Yi is in Panic - Legend of Traveler Swallowing the Starry Sky And Perfect World

  As Shi Yi slowly opened his eyes, he found himself in a grand hall, surrounded by ornate decor and a guard standing by his side. Confused, he tried to piece together his memories of how he ended up here.

  Suddenly, an elderly man approached him, asking with genuine concern, "Yi'er, you're awake. How are you feeling? Any discomfort?" Shi Yi recognized the old man as his fifth grandfather, who had been protecting him before.

  Still groggy from his slumber, Shi Yi couldn't comprehend what was happening. But as he tried to remember what led him here, a sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks. In the secret room, he had transplanted his brother's supreme bone into his own body.

  Panicking, he quickly reached for his chest, where the wound was still fresh and the foreign bone was still present. His mind was racing with questions and concerns about what would happen to him now that he possessed such a powerful bone.

  As if reading his thoughts, his fifth grandfather spoke with pride, "That's right, born with double pupils and the supreme bone, she will definitely be able to dominate the wilderness in the future!" Shi Yi's mind was left reeling as he tried to make sense of it all.

  The fifth grandfather watched Shi Yi's actions with excitement, satisfaction in his eyes. But Shi Yi himself was far from satisfied. He knew what possessing this bone meant - it carried a great weight of cause and effect.

  The bone was the root cause of the strife between the two brothers, Shi Yi and Shi Hao, the chaos that plagued Prince Wu's Mansion, and ultimately, the death of his parents. Shi Yi couldn't help but think of the high price he may have to pay for possessing it.

  He couldn't bear the thought of more tragedy befalling his family. The deaths of his parents and the discord between his brother and him were not what he wanted to see. The bone was simply too costly, and Shi Yi was filled with a sense of dread about what may come next.

  Shi Yi spoke up, addressing the Fifth Master. "Fifth Lord, I don't think I can use the supreme bone. I think it should be returned to my younger brother."

  The Fifth Master's expression became serious. "Nonsense!" he exclaimed. "The bone is already one with you, and there's no way to return it. We must report this matter, but we can't speak of returning the bone again."

  With that, the Fifth Master left the room in a huff, leaving Shi Yi to sit on the bed in a daze. He couldn't believe what had happened - he had time-traveled and ended up transmigrating to his brother's body in another world, without even dying!

  But there was no time for celebration. Shi Yi knew that the supreme bone was not to be taken lightly, and the hatred between his family and Shi Hao's was too deep-rooted. As a time traveler, he had read Perfect World multiple times, and he knew that the only way to make use of the bone was to find a way to ease the animosity between their families.

  At the same time Shi Yi Focus on the chief culprit which allowed him to travel through from Swallowing the starry sky to Perfect world, so when he tried to focus on his third eye(Center of eye) He Saw the chief culprit,

  Shi Yi closed his eyes and was immediately startled by what he saw in the darkness of his consciousness. It was that small spot of light again, about the size of a grain of rice, emitting a faint glow and exuding a mysterious and enigmatic aura.

  Shi Yi was no stranger to the sensation that now consumed him - the feeling of time travel. It was a terrifying experience that he had gone through before, and the thought of having to endure it again made his heart race.

  However, Shi Yi was not willing to give up just yet. In the Perfect World, an ordinary person without special opportunities or resources could not achieve much. Despite his innate double pupil and supreme talent, which gave him hope to defy the heavens, he was still entangled in supreme karma - the cause and effect of his past actions, particularly with protagonist Shi Hao, which guaranteed his demise within 20-30 years.

  In comparison, the Devouring Starry Sky offered a glimmer of hope. With Luo Feng's guidance, Shi Yi could potentially reach the God of War level and even become a planetary-level cultivator in the future, depending on his luck.

  With a determined mind, Shi Yi put his consciousness into the small spot of light, hoping to find a way back to his previous life on Earth. As he crossed through, he couldn't help but mock himself for trying once again, knowing how difficult and terrifying time travel could be.

  But then, something unexpected happened.

  Opening his eyes, Shi Yi found himself back in the world of devouring the starry sky, as his high school self, with a flood of new information at his fingertips.

  He had discovered that he could travel between the two worlds with ease, using the same small spot of light. Not only that, but he could also transport non-living matter through the link.

  However, there was a catch. When his consciousness was in one world, the other body would become unconscious, with a time ratio of one to one hundred Means. This meant that if he was unconscious in a dangerous place, he could easily be attacked and killed.

  But with this newfound power came a great danger. If one of his bodies was left unconscious in an unsafe place, it could be attacked and killed. Shi Yi shuddered at the thought of such a fate.

  With eager hands and feet, Shi Yi began to shuttle through the two sessions of consciousness, amazed at how the light spot could transport him between the two worlds. As he marveled at this new discovery, he realized that he had almost doubled his training time by traveling between the two worlds.

  Finally, exhausted from the thrill of it all, Shi Yi settled into bed. He had spent an entire day in the stars, and his mind and body were worn out from practicing martial arts. Despite the excitement that still pulsed through him, he drifted off to sleep, knowing that he had uncovered an incredible power that he could use to his advantage.

  Shi Yi's mind was blown away as he realized the incredible implications of the time ratio between the two worlds. "1:100! So, a day in the perfect world is only 8 minutes in the devouring starry sky world!"

  He grabbed the nearby alarm clock and checked the time - 11:10:50. "That's around the same time I went to bed and started thinking," he mused. Shi Yi couldn't believe what he was experiencing. It was like having a superpower that nobody else knew about.

  The time difference meant that Shi Yi could potentially double his training time by traveling between the two worlds. Even though his consciousness inhabited different bodies in each world, it still made a huge difference.

  Shi Yi was ecstatic about this new discovery. He had found a way to gain an incredible advantage in his training, one that could help him achieve his goals faster. He couldn't wait to see what other secrets the two worlds held.

  After realizing the incredible time advantage he gained while traveling between the two worlds, Shi Yi couldn't help but exclaim in amazement. "Surely amazing!" he thought to himself.

  With this new understanding, he realized that he could effectively double his training time by traveling between the two worlds, despite having two different bodies. Excited by this discovery, Shi Yi sorted out his information once again.

  However, despite the excitement, Shi Yi couldn't shake off the fatigue that had been building up all day. He had been practicing martial arts for hours on end and had not rested since he arrived in the world of devouring the starry sky. Although the excitement had kept him awake until now, he could feel his eyelids growing heavy.

  Eventually, he decided to simply ignore everything else and give in to his tiredness, falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.


  Shi Yi woke up the next morning feeling rejuvenated.

  "Still here! Yesterday's experience was not just a dream!" he exclaimed.

  Excited to confirm his suspicions, Shi Yi immediately checked the small light spot in his mind and discovered that it was still present.

  Without wasting any time, he traversed through the light spot and re-entered the world of perfect world. To his surprise, it was still nighttime, just as he had left it.

  After Entering Perfect world Shi Yi Found here only half Hour is passed,

  Shi Yi was aware of the gravity of the situation. If he didn't act, his mother would not survive, and there would be chaos in Prince Wu's Mansion in the future, with his cousins turning against each other. Though he was not happy about the transplant of the Supreme Bone, he had no reason to blame his mother. She did it for her own survival, knowing the consequences of being found out by her tribe. When he was a perfect reader, he didn't have a good impression of his family, but being in Shi Yi's shoes made him understand their motives.

  Lying on the fur quilt, Shi Yi couldn't help but lament his fate. The other protagonists had an easier time, with either a grandfather or a system to rely on. On the other hand, he had to deal with the fallout of the Supreme Bone transplant, which was equivalent to being thrown into hell mode. It was like drinking poison at the beginning of the Water Margin, or the mutiny of the younger brother Xuanwumen in the Prince of the Tang Dynasty.

  But Shi Yi knew he had to pretend to return the bones, at least to stabilize the emotions of Shi Hao's lineage. As he was about to leave for Shi Hao's residence, he encountered his fifth grandfather and several other elders who were coming towards him.

  "Look at how good Yi'er's spirit is. The Supreme Bone has no rejection in his body at all, as if he was born with double pupils," said Shi Yi's fifth grandfather with pride, emphasizing the phrase "double pupil."

  Shi Yi was aware of the delicate situation he was in and knew that he had to proceed with caution. Every move of his would be watched closely. At the same time, he was trying to adjust to the changes in his body after being baptized by the Supreme Bone. His physical fitness had reached an astonishing level, and he was also trying to familiarize himself with the Double Pupil, which was said to be an invincible road.

  He knew that the Double Pupil could help him see through illusions and the essence of treasure techniques, which excited him greatly. With its help, he could acquire endless treasure techniques and inheritances.

  However, Shi Yi knew that he had to first resolve the cause and effect of his situation.

  The situation was tense as Shi Yi was brought before the clan elders to discuss the fate of the supreme bone that had mysteriously attached itself to his body. Despite Elder Zong's attempts to remain neutral, his worry was evident after witnessing the bone's acceptance of Shi Yi. It was clear that returning the bone to Shi Hao would not be an easy feat, and the elder's foresight warned of potential chaos once Shi Ziling returned.

  Shi Yi had no choice but to follow the elders to the main hall, where he was greeted by a crowd of people, including the Fourth Grand Master who was holding Shi Hao. The sight of his friend relieved Shi Yi, knowing that it would be easier to handle the situation with Shi Hao by his side.

  However, the Fourth Grand Master was not pleased with Shi Yi's presence, calling him a "little thief." The clan elders urged Shi Yi to pay his respects, and he humbly complied, aware of his vulnerable position as a newcomer to this world.

  Elder Zong spoke up, pointing out that the supreme bone had attached itself to Shi Yi and was growing well within his body. He urged the Fourth and Fifth Grand Masters to discuss how to proceed, but carefully avoided taking sides to avoid offending anyone.

  The Fourth Grand Master demanded that the supreme bone be returned to Shi Hao, emphasizing that the boy had only survived because of the energy he had been instilling in him. The old Wu Yi, however, stood up for Shi Yi's safety, pointing out that removing the bone from his body could be risky.

  As the debate continued, tensions rose, and the discussion turned to the family's motto, which forbid killing each other. The poisonous woman was brought up, who had dug out the bones of her nephew and placed them on her son. It was clear that this was a serious issue that required careful consideration, and the clan elders were left to decide the fate of the supreme bone and the safety of both Shi Yi and Shi Hao.

The elderly Wu Yi spoke with conviction, defending Shi Yi with every sentence.

"The family motto forbids killing each other! How could that woman have committed such a heinous act? She dug up the bones of her own nephew and used them to benefit her son!" roared a lion-maned old man, standing behind the fourth child with anger in his voice.

He was the second-ranked patriarch in Shi Hao's lineage.

"The matter is already concluded, second brother. We can't afford to lose two geniuses from the family," said the fifth child awkwardly.

"Genius? How can someone who needs to rely on someone else's supreme bone be called a genius?" retorted the second child, so furious he might have attacked Shi Yi had there not been so many elders present in the main hall.

At that moment, amidst the elders' argument, Shi Yi spoke up. "Zong elders, I have something to say."

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