
A Surging Undercurrent

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

The group was terrifying! The spectators were deeply troubled by their cold, indifferent expressions that did not change as they killed, like they were not actually executing a massacre, but doing something mundane and routine. Even butchers would not be so emotionless.

The residents here were all capable of combat at some level. They had all decided that Ye Chong’s group members had demonstrated incredible strength, strong enough to qualify them as Jie experts! Only Jie experts could be so strong.

Nine Jie experts!

This was unthinkable! No one would believe that nine Jie experts were fighting together without seeing it for themselves. Jie experts were the strongest in the hierarchy of combat expertise, the pinnacle of achievement in the ancient art of combat. Generations of combat experts thought of the Jie experts as shrouded in mystery.