
Transforming Energy into Qi

It stills the ocean with its might; it awes the jade sea into calm.

It stills the ocean with its might: tides wash its silver slopes and fish swim into its caves

It awes the jade sea into calm: amid the snowy breakers, the sea−serpent rises from the deep.

It rises high in the corner of the world where Fire and Wood meet; its summit towers above the Eastern Sea.

Red cliffs and strange rocks. Beetling crags and jagged peaks.

On the red cliffs, phoenixes sing in pairs; lone unicorns lie before the beetling crags.

The cries of pheasants are heard upon the peaks; in caves, the dragons come and go.

(excerpt from Journey to The West)


The waves beat against the shore of the lone island in the sea. The immortal grass here was lush and vibrant, painting a scene of a land untouched by time, resembling an immortal realm on earth.

Standing atop a lone peak, Feng Lin turned a blind eye to the beautiful vision before him.