It tell a unknown legend of a dragon prince of heaven realm. And a princess of Shuilu Kingdom ..... they have to go through unknown dangerous to save the world. As the time pass both of them start to develop feeling for each other. But they don't know what was going to happen to them. There was a evil sect attacking all four realm. There was no peace in world. Prince and Princess were shocked when they know the truth of their birth. Will they be able to find a mysterious man ? Will they be able to save the world? Will they be together with each other. Or fate won't let them.... If it will then can they be together again ? Please read for more information
Shuiton Shan: "Your highness, her majesty has wake up. She is looking for you. "
Prince Long hua went to meet her.
Prince Long hua: "How are you feeling now ?"
Empress Xiao yu Fan: "I am going to die. "
Prince Long hua: "Don't think like that. Nothing will happen to you. "
Empress Xiao yu Fan: "I know that I am dying. Will you take care of yourself. "
Prince Long hua: "Wait for me I will be back." He didn't want to disturb her.
Instead of asking further to Empress Xiao yu Fan Prince Long hua decided to meet Chief god Hei Ping.
(He kissed on her forehead and went from there. )
Her family and friends came to meet her. ( First Prince Xiao yu Lang, Second Prince Xiao yu Song, Princess Meiling hua, Princess Li long, Princess Lin Zhang and Prince Yulong came to her room.)
Princess Li long and Princess Lin Zhang sitting near her.
Princess Lin Zhang: "How are you feeling ?"
Empress Xiao yu Fan: " I am dying soon. "
Princess Li long: "Don't tell like that. ( catching yu Fan hand) Just believe yourself. You will be fine. "
Empress Xiao yu Fan: " Can you promise me. After I will die u will take care of Long hua. "
All of them shake their head telling yes because all of them know that she is dying.
In heaven realm,
Prince Long hua went to meet Chief god Hei Ping.
Prince Long hua: " Chief god, what is happening to Yu Fan ?"
Chief god Hei Ping don't want to hide anything. So he told him everything. Prince Long hua was very sad.
Chief god Hei Ping: "Don't worry, She is dying for saving the world. It is a great sacrifice. She will born again. "
Prince Long hua was happy.
Prince Long hua: "Then I will wait for her even it will take thousand of years or more. I will wait for her till I will die. "
Then suddenly there was a heavy rainfall. There was a thunder as well as strom. It is a bad signal. So Prince Long hua rushed back to Shuilu Kingdom.
He rush to her room.
Empress Xiao yu Fan was going to die. She call him near her.
He went near her.
Empress Xiao yu Fan: "I am going now. Please take care of yourself. "
Prince Long hua shaked his head.
She turned into dust and fly in the sky. All the people of kingdom bow to her.
Suddenly, OMG there was a ground shakeing (like earthquake) everything started to collapse. In a few minutes all the four realm was destroyed. Many of god and immortal die. And rest of them leave and went to human world. This was the end of four realm.