
Chapter 29 : Change

Aemon Targaryen (108 A.C. Nineth Moon)

Stepstones – Little Tyrosh

"My Prince, how was the patrol?" Desmond Manderley questioned him when he landed and dismounted from Balerion's back. "Well enough, my lord, ten sunken Triarchy ships and four captured by our fleet. They have been sent to Shame Isle to be used in Armada of Lord Redwyne." He said, and lord nodded with a bright smile.

"Any reports? How faired my wife on her patrols?" He asked. "Your wife returned yesterday, my Prince, and she also had a successful patrol. I heard fifteen sunken ships, no captures, however." Good, his wife was still safe. He hadn't suspected otherwise, but it was always good to hear.

Desmond spoke again, "There has been a letter, from my brother and the King. Both are addressed to you, I'm most curious to hear what they have to say. If I'm so privileged to hear what was my Prince." He smiled at Desmond as a willing man. A true supporter of his cause and a true Northman. "If it is needed I shall inform you, my lord. Your stewardship of Little Tyrosh hasn't gone unnoticed."

"It's a pleasure to hear I'm your confidence. As for our Lord Admiral, he has sent word the Grey Gallows have fallen. Minor losses on our side, but over two hundred liberated captives. They have been sent here to be sorted, and see what can be done for those souls. Fifty pirates also have been sent to the wall on ships. Another five hundred have been slaughtered and stacked to the sands." Good Grey Gallows is the first Central Isle to fall, and four more Central Isle to go.

"Very good. I'm also wondering what your brother and I have to say." He said with a smile to the man.

Not much later he arrived in his chambers. He was greeted by a collision. "Aemon," His wife had collided with him and kissed him fully. "My love." He said as he held her in his arms. She sniffed her nose, her face grimaced a bit. "What?" "You stink of Dragon, my dear."

"Well, I'm one." He said as he attacked her neck with kisses. "Aemon," She murmured, as clink to his neck. "Oh, I wish to be with you husband, but you have duties first." She held his face, he sighed and nodded, kissing her on the cheek. As he walked toward his desk. It was full of scrolls, some already open.

"Already did some work?" He questioned. "Yes, looked at the reports, and answered some questions on the trade coming through, and taxes. Lord Manderley has been most helpful, he is a good man in charge of this port. Although it isn't surprising considering his lordship over the biggest port of the North." He smiled, it seemed Rhaenys had educated her well. Although Corlys had some hand in it as well.

"Well done, I am happy to have a willing partner, Manderley has certainly been a boon, his brother as well. He taught me much, you can learn much from them." He said and thought back on his time in Seadragon Point.

"Yes, I would Iike to meet the Wylard at some point, you and Desmond so speak highly of him." "I learned much from him, a second son of White Harbor he was the perfect, man to see over the start of the construction of the harbor, and all the ongoings of trade. He has been there for twelve years now, and has never failed me." He said with a wide smile, he formed a bond with the man, and he was one of his most loyal men.

"Let's see what my brother and Wylard sent us," he remarked, settling into his seat at the desk, though wearing armor made it rather uncomfortable. With a swift motion, he broke the seal of the royal letter and began to read aloud, ensuring Laena could hear every word as she took a seat opposite him.

'To his Prince Aemon Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, Lord of Sea Dragon Point and Heir to the Iron Throne,

Dear brother, I write to you with news of our family, which I trust you'll find most pleasing. Aegon is flourishing and seems to have formed a bond with a dragon egg. There's hope it will hatch in due time. Visenya is in good health, she enjoyed your nameday gifts, and while offers of marriage have come her way, I will not entertain them without your or her mother's consent. I relinquished some of my autonomy when I chose a different path. But the most surprising development is…" He paused, disbelief evident in his expression. "What is it, Aemon? You look taken aback," he nodded to Laena, conveying the rest of the contents of the letter.

"Daemon has fathered two sons," he announced, the revelation hanging heavily in the air.

"He has? But I thought he held nothing but contempt for the Lady of Runestone," Laena interjected, her confusion mirroring his own.

"He did indeed. Called her his 'Bronze Bitch'. Yet, it appears he fulfilled his duty. The boys bear the names Yobart Royce and Baelon Targaryen," he stated with a hint of irritation. "Naming one of them Baelon... He had the audacity," he muttered to himself.

"At least the succession is secured. We should send gifts; it's customary, Aemon," Laena suggested, attempting to steer the conversation away from the tumult of emotions.

"Yes, you're right. And that wasn't all," he continued, reading the final passage of the letter aloud.

'The hatchling Jedor from the dragonpit and one of the dragon eggs from King's Landing—the black and purple with red—have been sent to Runestone. Initially, I considered denying them, but it is their birthright. Despite his transgressions, Daemon is still our brother. I cannot deny my nephews what is rightfully theirs. Return to us, brother. The Red Keep is brighter with you in it. My daughter misses you dearly, and I'm sure my son would relish meeting his uncle and future King.

Viserys Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.'

"He sent the egg meant for Baelon and Jedor entended for him to Runestone," he mused, a melancholic tone coloring his words. "It seems Viserys wishes to erase all traces of little Baelon's memory, or perhaps the pain associated with it is too much for him to bear."

"I hope I never have to mourn the loss of a child. Having reminders of them would be unbearable, or perhaps it would give comfort." Laena confessed, her hand seeking his for comfort.

"I pray for the same. I wouldn't wish the fate of my grandfather upon anyone. He endured far too much loss before his passing," he replied, his thoughts drifting to the tragedies that plagued their family history.

Six Moons later (109 A.C. Second Moon)

The moon hung high over the city as his seventeenth nameday arrived, coinciding with the fall of Torture's Deep a moon prior. Only the three remaining central isles were yet to fall, and there was hope for an end to the war in the coming year. He longed for it. It had been almost two years since he had seen Rhaenyra and his beloved mother. And in the back of his mind, his son—nephew to the world but firstborn son in his heart.

Seated beside Laena in the great hall of Little Tyrosh Citadel, he observed as gifts were presented for his nameday. It was ceremonial, yet necessary, to assert who held sway in this war-torn region, who truly ruled the Stepstones.

The blockade had devastated the Triarchy. Tyrosh was in shock after the fall of Little Tyrosh. Their war with Pentos and Daemon's intervention in that conflict had shattered their chance of raising arms again. Myr and Lys had each lost probably over a hundred ships and thousands of men, decimating their resources. They had left the Stepstones to the corsairs, and he wondered when the Triarchy would collapse upon itself. Someone had to take the blame, and in their weakened state, would they turn on each other, hastening their end.

"Husband, how are you? You haven't spoken much, only exchanged brief words with your lords and men," Laena's voice broke through his thoughts, her hand seeking his. Its warmth never failed to comfort him.

"I feel weary, my love. I yearn for the end of this war. The longer it drags on, the more I pray for home—Dragonstone, Winterfell, Seadragon Point, even Kingslanding. To our family again, and our dear wives," he said with a smile, leaning in to kiss her.

"True, I hope for much the same, Aemon. To be home again in peace," she replied, returning his smile.

"I long for it as well. I enjoyed our time in High Tide, but I yearn for the North—to breathe in its fresh air and show you and Rhaenyra its wonders," he said, the thought bringing a smile to his face. Little Tyrosh served its purpose as a base, but it wasn't home, and he missed it dearly.

"Well, the way you speak of it, I would weather the cold with you," she replied softly.

"And I would shelter you from it if I could, my wife. Let us retire for the night. I believe everyone here has had their fill of wine and song to last the evening without us. Let's enjoy our own company," he suggested, and she nodded in agreement.

"My lords and brothers-in-arms, I thank you all for joining me today, along with my wife and our family, in this feast to celebrate my seventeenth nameday and our victory over the crabs," he announced, lifting his cup. "To The White Dragon and the Lady of the Sea!" The assembled crowd echoed his toast.

"Now, my wife and I shall retire for the night. Drink well, and enjoy the merriment. In two moons' time, we take Wreckstone," he declared, leading his wife from the hall to their chambers.

 Laena Velaryon Targaryen (109 A.C. Second Moon)

Little Tyrosh – Laena's and Aemon's Chambers

She stood before him, the fabric of her dress cascading to the floor, revealing the curves of her body that she knew enjoy to gaze at. Aemon's gaze lingered on her as she expected, his eyes filled with desire as he approached.

"My wife seems eager," he murmured huskily, his voice sending shivers down her spine. His hands roamed her body, igniting flames of passion with each touch. She gasped as his lips found her neck, his touch sending electric currents through her.

His left hand found her breast, his touch gentle yet firm, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. She arched into his touch, craving more of his intimate caresses. His other hand slipped between her thighs, exploring the depths of her desire, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her.

"Aems," she gasped, as her finger worked her nub, and slip inside her cunt. "Laena, you are so wet for me." He murmured against her chest. She was the evening, the dancing with him, stealing of kisses during the festivities made more than ready for Aemon. Then combine it with what he was doing now and she was in ecstasy of lustfulness.

"Aemon, please," she pleaded, her voice filled with need as he increased the pace, driving her to the edge of ecstasy. His mouth found one of her nipples, his tongue teasing. It sent her goosebumps all over her body.

"Come for me Laena, come let me feel you come over me." He said, as bit a little a nipple, and held her as firm with one hand, well the other bringing her over the edge. "Oh, gods," She moaned and squirmed as she came. "Please, wife?" Aemon asked as he kissed and held her face, his tongue diving into her mouth, she was ready to return the advance with her own.

Aemon was hungry, as he moved both to bed, all will his hands, and traced her body. Touching her hips, breast, cunt, ass, and more. He wanted her and she was more than will given him all he desired.

It didn't take long for him, to sheath himself inside her. His cock slid in with ease and touched her at her very core. "Aemon," She moaned as if he was a dragon at that moment, and he was claiming his prize. He pounded her with lust and hunger, flesh beat against flesh, and it was soon or she felt herself, building to another peak.

"Kessa, kessa, show the dragon." She moaned out in valyrian as, she felt her peak, her cunt tightening around his cock. He moved with even more eagerness, and she was totally out of it then. "Laena, my goddess." Aemon's words brought her back, as he thrust a couple more times, before finding his own peak, his hot seed flooding the inner walls of her cunt. "Kessa,kessa," He grunted out as he buried himself deep inside her and rode out his climax. He lay down, on top of her, and held her tightly his cock still inside, and she would might it staying.

He claimed her mouth with eagerness, she was more than happy to engage with him. He moaned in pleasure after he was done. "The gods truly blessed me with you." He said, she even blushed at his words, no the gods had blessed her. "We both are." She said and claimed his mouth.

 A moon later. (109 A.C. Third Moon)

It was true; she was with child and had held her breath for a moment. She carried, hers and Aemon's babe in her womb, and her hands went instinctively to her belly. "You are about a moon in your carrying time princess, Congratulations, I suspect Prince Aemon will be most pleased with the news." She hoped she would be, she thought at the words of Fargus. The scribtor was sent by Dussard, to oversee all of Aemon's needs, from medical health to taking care of messaging. He was a trusted man, as she and Aemon weren't trusting of the maester after everything that happened with Aemma. But the scribtors of the Black Citadel were loyal to House Targaryen and most all to Aemon.

"I suspect as well, thank you Fargus. I shall go to my husband I suspect he would be most pleased with the news." She said and left the man's chambers, who smiled brightly.

"Princess," Desmond said, as she passed him in the hall, and he bowed in respect. "Good day to you Lord Desmond." "You, as well, Princess." He said as she left him, with a bright smile.

She arrived at Aemon's chambers and waited for Ser Harrold at the door, which meant Ser Criston was inside this time. "Princess, good news you look very happy." "Very, Ser is my husband inside." Ser Harrold nodded and opened the door.

"We twenty ships ready for the attack, by all reports, Wreckstone is ready to fall, its garrisons demoralized. Ready, to slaughter some more pirate scum, Ser?" Aemon asked Ser Criston, but before he could answer Aemon noticed her. "Ah, Laena you look happy, has Fargus ascertained what alleis you, my love." He asked. "I have an answer for Aemon, Ser Criston if can leave us please, I wish to speak to my husband." She said. "As with my princess, my prince." The knight bowed to them and closed the door behind them, not before Aemon spoke. "We continue this later Ser."

"So what have you in this mood my darling." He asked as kissed her lips. "I'm with child." There it was she said the words aloud. "Truly." He asked his voice shaky, she nodded. "Oh, that's wonderous my dear, truly wonderous indeed." He said, as he knelt down and kissed her belly.

"Thank you Laena, for giving so much love, and soon we have even more." He said as he passionately kissed, and she wondered what the future would be together. 

Corlys Velaryon (109 A.C. Third Moon)

Little Tyrosh Docks

He docked one's more in their main supply port Little Tyrosh after another week of patrolling the blockade. Yet it had been two moons since any Triarch ship had been trying to break through it. Their will was broken, Aemon's plan worked, and all reports from Driftmark ship were arriving, again without losing ships against the pirates. Trade was starting to heal, and the lifeblood of his house was secured.

As docked, fromer slaves had turned to dock works, and the commonfolk had joined their ranks. After a year the City had truly turned around, and it was a place free of slaves. He wondered what would become of this place, and by looks of it, would be part of the seven kingdoms just like the Stepstones, when the last of the pirates had been destroyed.

The wealth his house was to gain was great, the trade lanes would increase his house and covers. Other houses, like Manderley, Redwyne, Tarth, and Baratheon were also mostly likely to gain from it. However, Aemon would gain the most and have probably done the most to really secure this conquest. He was certain that without him, the backing for the expedition wouldn't be great. Perhaps his own, with a couple of others, but not much else.

Still, he would soon, the war would be over, and his house and legacy would have risen. The world and history would remember his name. Corlys Velaryon, a famous sailor, father to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Goodfather to the White Dragon, Lord of the Tides.

"Lord Admiral a welcome sight to see all hail and contented. The Triarch and the scum didn't give much trouble?" It was the booming voice of Lord Desmond, the thirty nameday old lord of the White Harbor. As he joined him he walked toward the Citadel.

"Nothing really, Lord Desmond the seas are quiet, I don't see the Triarch attack us again. Especially with three dragons in the sky." It was true with the Seasmoke, Vhagar, and Balerion in the sky, the balance had even more shifted to their side.

"True my Lord Admiral. The shipping lanes have opened again and trade is normal, yet it is over yet, as these pirates know their fate if they surrender, there shall be no mercy for them. After their raids, and enslavement of our people. The hubris of the bastard they thought they could stand against, the might of Westeros and the dragon." Lord Desmond proclaimed happily.

"Yes, hubris is indeed the downfall of many men." He said as they walked on toward the citadel. "Yes, as has it been the downfall of many houses. A bone for me, and mine house, I wonder where we might be now if the Greystraks were still in their previous castle in the wolf den." Yes, it was true, House Manderley owed much and more to the Starks, and it was seen in the great support they brought to House Stark, and in turn to Aemon. Without the Starks House Manderley might as well be pages in the history books by now.

"Yes, a true act of friendship, as well as a cautionary tale no? To hold friendship and oaths, and not to rise too high too quickly or act too rashly to be burned. I know a bit about rashness and pushing for a claim of my wife, the great council paused that and paused the plans for a time. Yet in a way, it finally has been fulfilled." He said, as though his blood would finally sit on the throne.

"Yes, I understand more than well, my own family had plans to be closer to the dragons. Yet faith had it that Princess Viserra did not live until the wedding. Yet we in the North had our match to bring us closer when Baelon the Brave married the She-Wolf of The North." He heard the affection in the man's voice. Princess Lyanna was loved in the North and was a time heir to the North. Yet Benjen Stark was born and Lyanna had yet to find her match, and she found her match at the great Tourney of Harrenhal of 90 A.C. When Baelon crowned her Queen of Love and Beauty, and a half year later they were wed under great heart in the Red Keep.

"Perhaps in the future, a match can be made my lord, if all goes well Prince Aemon shall have many children." He said, and there was good reason for it, Seadragon Point needed a lord, and a second son of Aemon might well inherit as a first would claim the Iron Throne after Aemon.

"Perhaps, but I suppose talking to the Prince Aemon of this already will raise his temper. The man is fiercely affectioned for his family. A shame can be said by his brother the Rogue Prince." Desmond said

"True, I remember his grimace at the Dragon has Three heads pact, betrothing the future unborn children. Yet so are things, and all the high lords and kings play that game." He said as they arrived at the square in front of the Citadel. 

The oathguard of Aemon was at the works, busy with training drills, as they had the last year. Training the people of the city to serve if they wished. They could join the oathguard, around 4000 men, and even a few women. Aemon didn't care as long as followed orders and could hold them to fierce training of the oathguard. Not all had, been able to but were employed as city guardsmen. Around 2000, the training became part of the oathguard.

"Still amaze me how displaced the freemen and some of the common folk of this city have become." He murmured as walked past, them as they had arranged themself into tight shield walls, moving forward and back in a disciplined manner.

"True, yet my Lord Corlys, an angry peasant can kill a Ling if given a chance. Why not common folk and freemen into disciplined warriors? Some lords can't even swing a sword."Desmond added. "True, enough Lord Desmond you have the right of it." He said as they walked d up the steps of the Citadel.

"Lord Corlys, you have returned a welcome arrival, Prince Aemon and Princess Laena have requested your presence in their solar." Aemon's Steward Salwin Pole said with a bow toward them. "Lord Desmond it seems I have been summoned have a great day we speak later." He said.

"No, matter my friend, I shall see you soon. Give the Prince and Princess my greetings." Desmond replied. "I shall my lord." He said and nodded toward Desmond and left to follow Salwin.

"The Lord Admiral has arrived, as requested," Salwin announced as walked into Aemon's solar. "Ah, Father good see you safe, and hail." His daughter exclaimed as she embraced him. "I'm fine daughter it was steady patrol, nothing to disrupt the grip we currently hold in the Stepstones. My Prince." Aemon nodded and gave leave sit. "Bennard please bring us some cups and wine." Aemon's page nodded and left to bring the wine, and he needed it his throat was parched.

After the drinks had been served. "Ah, wonderous Abor Gold never gets old." He exclaimed

"True, goodfather it never does, yet a good northern a won't turn down," Aemon smirked at him.

"Good, to know, I suspect with your arrival the assault on Wreckstone shall go smoothly," Aemon said, and he frowned and looked at them what was happening? they already had discussed the plan for the attack, a moon go. "What is it? I know you didn't request my presence to discuss plans we already did a moon ago." He said after Aemon was done. Aemon took Laena's hand and nodded toward her.

"Father, I'm with child and I shall leave within a week. I shall no longer be around during the last part of the campaign and with Seasmoke return there is no need." His daughter explained. She was with child, his first grandchild. He felt a glow something, of pure joy in his heart.

"Oh, daughter, goodson you made me very happy." He said as he stood up, embraced his daughter, and kissed her cheek. "Congratulations to both, and don't doubt you both will be great parents. Your mother will be happy, she would love to hold her first grandchild for sure." He added as he sat down again. 'A child of his blood had finally come one that would sit the Iron Throne, or be the queen of the Seven Kingdoms one day.' He thought happily.

Rhaenyra Targaryen (109 A.C. Third Moon)

Kingslanding Small Council chambers

"My lords, my King this situation in the Vale is delicate, the lady of the Vale has been besieged at the Bloody Gate, and the Eyrie, the pages into the Eyrie. The Army gathered at the Gates of the Moon is by the count of this letter 7000 men strong, The Gates of the Moon and the Bloody Gate hold together a garrison of our last reports of around 2000 men. Normally the Bloody Gate is an obstacle for outsiders yet these rebels came from inside the Vale, let by Lady Jeyne's cousin Arnold Arryn and his son Eldric." Otto Hightower explained with a low voice. She gasped after he was done, her cousin under threat by rebel lords, held in her own castle.

"What suggestion what we do, we can't allow this rebellion of upstarts and sellswords to start a civil war in the Vale. This Arnold Arryn has to be brought to heal, and vast." Her father said, and she spoke quickly after. "It can't stay this way, my mother's kin can't stay besieged, these rebels are oathbreakers, and are trying to supplant the rightful lady of the Vale."

"Princess isn't that simple many of Vale were quite unhappy with Lady Jeyne's accession, and with her not taking a husband or siring heirs, the succession is unstable. I suppose this might be the main instructor for the insurrection, however, these kinsmen of Lady Jeyne should have petitioned the crown to end this dispute. As you said they are oathbreakers, and rebels to the crown." Otto said, and it was a half response to her words, and even justifying the rebellion. She suspected he had more than similar feelings about Aegon not being crowned as the heir to the Iron Throne.

"Well, my lords any suggestions to end this uprising are welcome, the Lady Jeyne shouldn't be supplanted by rebels. My daughter is right this can't stand." Her father exclaimed, gave her thoughtful look.

Tyland Lannister then spoke up. "Your Grace, as asked I before perhaps sent some of the men we have sent into the Stepstones, toward Gulltown so that they could march to Vale of Arryn to destroy the rebels, and perhaps with aid gather from the Vale itself." The gal of the men, want to take men from want war to another.

"It's a possibility You're grace the Master of Ships as a point. I also suggest we sent raven to the closest houses to the Vale in the Riverlands and crownlands to march." This would take too long, she doubted that her great-cousin had this long, she spoke the words, she would be like her ancestor Visenya, and burn the rebels to the ground.

"Father, during your discussion, I suggested this before to send dragons to the Stepstones. Yet you denied, here the rebels are gathered in one place easy to destroy, so far I have heard. With Aemon, and Daemon unavailable one of us should go as Visenya is far too young to undertake the task ahead." The council members around murmured murmurings. She was right she knew, and she had tried to study, war was one of them as well, and as a future dragon queen she needed to do so.

"Your grace, as much I would like to prevent either of the two of you from going, I gather the princess his meaning, most of the solutions would take moons of time, and sending either of you would destroy this rebellion the quickest," Lord Lynonel said, look toward her than her father with a sad smile.

"Your grace you can't risk yourself, and you my princess are women, and a girl of four and ten namedays, it would be dangerous at best, and wise to risk a princess in a needless war," Otto said, speaking apologetically toward her and her father who visibly gulped.

"I agree, I can't send my daughter, and neither do I think is wise to go myself." She grimaced at her father's words. "Father Lady Jeyne is my cousin, yours and mothers niece, she was born an Arryn, I can't do nothing. I have better solutions, I shall fly to Driftmark for aid, implore Rhaenys to fly with me to aid my cousin, I will be a queen to my husband one day, now I shall do my duty to the realm." She said sternly.

Before anyone could say something against she spoke again. "Aegon didn't conquer the Seven Kingdoms alone, his sisters did it with him. Let me go like Laena was, and as my husband has been doing these past two years, sent me with Rhaenys to Vale and crush these rebels that threaten my kin." She exclaimed with the fury of the blood of the dragon.

Her father sighted and looked around, for support even the council was shamed into silence. "All right I agree, you can go," He said reluctantly, then looked at her sternly. "I only agree to this if you have Rhaenys support. Otherwise, we shall resort to other means to stamp out this rebellion."

"Thank you, father, I shall not disappoint you." She hoped she wouldn't. Yet her heart was beating her throat, was it fear that she felt, she wasn't sure. Yet it didn't matter she would do her duty like her ancestor did.

"I'm sure you won't my dear. Now as my daughter departs, are there any other affairs to discuss?" Her father asked and got no answer.

"Then you're all dismissed, Rhaenyra prepare yourself for the journey, I see of at the dragonpit." Her father commanded, and she bowed and left the council chambers.

"Gooddaughter, everything all right you seem tense?" She looked back to see Lyanna from the hallway leading to godswood. "Mostly, I will travel to the Vale to defend my mother's cousin. The lady Jeyne is besieged in the Eryie by rebels. I'm to fly to Driftmark to gather support off Rhaenys. So she may join in the battle against the rebels." She her voice as steady, as she could.

"Well, you have in your blood that of the conquerors. I have no doubt my son would support you if could. Shall I join you I happily help you to prepare, if you wish." Lyanna said with slime. One she recognized in Aemon, oh Aemon she wished he was here to grant her his support. But Lyanna's word warmed her good mother had been a great confidant, these past years and a true friend.

"It would be most pleasant I suspect, my own ladies in waiting, will join you me sooe enough, want to set flight at the end of the midday if possible." Lyanna nodded and took her hand in hers as they walked toward her chambers. soon

As they arrived, as expected her ladies-in-waiting came over, to help her prepare for the journey. Ladies Sella Strong a girl her age, replaced Alicent as one of her ladies in waiting. The other Lady Ferwin Bar Emmon, a girl two years her senior, had been around since she traveled to Dragonstone after the great Council. Yet they had never been as close, as Alicent had been more in her confidences. Yet after her departure, she and Sella became her fast friends.

"Princess, is it true you truly travel of to go to war?" Sella asked timidly. "Yes, I shall do my duty as my sister-wife and husband have been doing in the Stepstones. I do not shy away from my duty." She spoke confidently. The two of them looked in awe of her then.

"It's in her blood, and I'm sure she will show, why the Targaryen banner has three heads on it's banner instead of one." Lyanna quipped. "Thank you goodmother, I shall indeed." After they were done packing her things and clothing her in riding attire. She walked to her gilded chest, beautifully crafted with dragons, gilled in gold at its front.

She opened it was the gift, Aemon had sent her during the war in the Stepstones for her four and ten nameday, a Valyrian steel chainmail shirt. A true, gift, and in his letter Aemon said it belonged to him, when wore it in the North when he was smaller, and now he gifted it to her. True it fit her well, and it was even too wide and long in some places.

"It's wonderfully crafted prince, it still amazes me when I see the crafts your husband has made," Sella said in awe after the chainmail shirt had been lowered of her riding gear. "Here a cloak, of the North, I shall keep you warm, in the skies," Lyanna said as she clothed her in the warm wolf cloak, a gifted of Visenya, one for her nameday as well.

"Well, shall we go Syrax awaits," She said, and took a deep breath, as she, her ladies, and her goodmother left the Red Keep for the dragonpit.



"Father," She said, as step out of the carriage. "Rhaenyra, you look like Visenya of old." Her father as he looked her over. "Thank you, I shall return, and break these rebels that have broken the king's peace." She replied and looked toward her back as she heard a growl of Syrax. "Your mother would be proud of you as I am my dear." He said, as he cub face and kissed the crown of her head. Her heart swelled with happiness and sadness at his words but they were welcoming nonetheless.

"She has your temperament." Her father said as they both looked toward Syrax, as the dragon keepers, placed two bags, of her belongings on her yellow-golden lady and she let out an annoyed growl.

"Dragons are fire, and we all have a fiery temper. Even our ancestor Aenys had lost his temper on the occasion." She said to him, as she walked toward her lady and traced the scales on her neck. "Easy, girl so we shall fly, and bring fire and blood to our enemies." She whispered in high Valyrian, Syrax purred at her words.

"Well, be true and steadfast, you are representing the crown in this. Carry yourself like it, I do no doubt you do well, and I'm sure Rhaenys will support you." Her father said as he took her aside from Syrax for a moment. "I shall, your grace." She spoke dutifully the situation required it. "I love you, daughter, now fly fast and steady. Show the realm what happens when you break the dragon's peace." He said giving her another hug one more time before leaving her to Syrax.

"Good luck gooddaughter, come back with tales of adventure, I'm sure Visenya wants to know all you shall do," Lyanna said and kissed her cheek. 

She looked toward the road and saw another carriage arriving. Alicent she thought, had come, it was all done in much hast, she had forgotten her. "Wait, a little more my lady," She said to Syrax, who puffed up smoke as left to walk to Alicent.

"Rhaenyra, I was afraid I was too late to see you off. Be safe, I rather not see you leave, you are the only true friend I have left besides Lyanna. I also can't imagine Aemon's Wrath if something were to happen." Alicent said in a melancholy tone. "Don't worry sister, I shall come back with tales of that might have the singers sing." She was more confident than she felt, taking Alicent's hands in hers.

"Thank you for coming, I'm sorry that I didn't come to you as well before, it was all very sudden." She said as they embraced each other. She kissed Alicent's cheek gave her a warm smile and walked toward her lady. Mounted Syrax, one more look, and gave the command. "Soves." Syrax leaped into the sky toward High tide and the Isle of Driftmark. Thinking of that she soon would become one of the stories in the history books like her ancestors.

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Well, Laena is with a child, the next chapter will be a dive into her departure.

A civil war in the Vale has started and Rhaenyra will do her duty as a dragon rider.

Also thank you all for reading the story with this chapter we hit 30 chapters. As well as many views and power stones thank you all for your support.

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