
Chapter 5 - Couple of Losers

## 1 Year Later - Naruto 7 Years Old ##

In the last year many things happened around Konoha and even more with our loud blonde. He was now 7 year old kid. Naruto changed his outfit, he now wore dark green pants, a blue t-shit with an orange sleeveless jacket. (A/N: Check profile for image)

A couple of weeks ago there was an incident that shocked Konoha. The Uchiha's Clan prodigy Uchiha Itachi massacred his own clan leaving only his little brother alive. This event turned his little brother Uchiha Sasuke into an avenger wishing only to kill his older brother to avenge his fallen clan.

The Uchiha Clan even though were arrogant pricks they were a powerful and highly respected clan in Konoha. The funeral service was huge, every person in Konoha attended and paid their respects with the Hokage delivering the eulogy. Naruto watched from afar with a sad face. He may not have liked the Uchihas, but in a way they were family. He also felt a bit glad that he never told anyone he was an Uchiha or maybe he also would be sleeping underground right now.

Naruto decided that after this incident maybe it would be better to tell the Hokage about his legacy but still keeping it a secret from the village for now. What would the village think if right after the Uchiha massacre, the demon brat appeared using the Sharingan and being one of the last Uchihas.

"Man, I would be eaten alive" - he though. He would most likely be forced to when ready be a sperm donor to restart his clan. He was the demon brat, he would most likely be used and when not necessary discarded.

He thought about approaching Sasuke but when he saw him in the academy, the kind of personality he had, power hungry, arrogant he wisely chose to forget him and let him be.

The academy in Konoha start at age 8 to anyone who wishes to become a shinobi of Konoha. The curriculum last 6 years and ends with the students being 14 years old and Gennin rank should they pass their exams. The academy starts with history, math and other general topics, then goes for chakra theory and principles to stealth, weapons training, traps and tactical training and ends with taijutsu and ninjutsu training.

When the Naruto showed the kyuubi his academy curriculum he wondered how the hell was Konoha the strongest shinobi village in the elemental nations. This year's class was very special. Naruto's class was filled with clan's heirs.

There was the Inuzuka known for their dog partners and collaboration ninjutsu. The heir of the clan was Inuzuka Kiba, a loud and brash kid, he had brown hair and two red markings, one in each cheek, symbol of his clan.

There was the Akimichi Clan. Their heir was Akimichi Chouji, a small boy with large bones, anyone who called him fat gets smashed. Their clan was known for using techniques that relied on high calorie usage, meaning Chouji was always eating.

There was the Yamanaka Clan. Their heiress was Yamanaka Ino, she had long blonde hair and wore a dark pink outfit. Her clan used mind techniques. They could read thoughts with mere touch, confused and make enemies attack each other and even take control of the enemies body.

There was the Nara clan. Their heir was Nara Shikamaru, he had pineapple style hair and wore mesh shirt with black sleeveless jacket and black pants. He was lazy and mostly slept through classes. The Nara clan was known for its members having high IQ and being extremely skilled in strategy and planning. Shikamaru's father was actually the head of the strategy division of the village.

There was the Aburame Clan. Their heir was Aburame Shino, he has a collected guy, distant to everybody. He had black sunglasses and wore a grey clock that pretty much only showed his glasses. His clan rely on using bugs to fight. Their children once born are implanted with bugs that feed on their chakra so they can use them to fight.

There was the Uchiha Clan. The last member of his clan and heir was Uchiha Sasuke. He wore blue shirt with the Uchiha crest in the back and white shorts. The Uchiha clan was known for their high affinity for fire and their kekkei genkai (Bloodline limit) the Sharingan that Naruto also had. Naruto was an Uchiha after all.

There was also a girl named Haruno Sakura, she had pink hair and wore a pink dress. Even though she wasn't from any clan she was in this class. She was the daughter of Haruno Akira which was a member of the civilian council. "Figures" - he thought.

The last clan was no other then the Hyuuga Clan and their heiress Hyuuga Hinata. The Hyuuga clan much like the Uchihas were known for their doujutsu the Byakugan. This bloodline limit when active allowed them to see chakra with high detail, almost 360 degree vision and long range extending to kilometers if trained enough. The clan also have the gentle fist taijutsu style which is renowned to be the strongest form.

Hinata and Naruto met a couple years ago after Naruto saved her twice and she developed a crush on him. Both of them met a few times along the years and became close friends and even though neither of them would admit they both liked each other more than simple friends.

The current year was going down without much trouble, Naruto decided to accept the kyuubi suggestions regarding academy and use a mask. The kyuubi suggested Naruto to hide his real strength. 'Deception is the ninja's greatest weapon' and so Naruto opted to show his mask by being a loud, knucklehead, dumb kid. He chose to become the dead last and it was a wise choice, since every teacher tried his best to make look bad he couldn't rise suspicion, for now.

"I bet the civilian council would have me stay weak forever if they could" - Naruto thought as he tried to sleep in the classroom.

## 1 Year Later ##

In the last year Naruto grew more than he could hope for. Thanks to his matured sharingan he managed to copy an extremely useful technique while watching two jonin's spar.


Naruto was approaching a training field hopping that it would be empty when he sensed to powerful chakra signatures. Suppressing his chakra something that the kyuubi taught him he could actually sneak up on people extremely well. Being a sensor allowed him to know if he was actually suppressing his effectively or not. He approached and started to watch them.

"SO KAKASHI ARE YOU READY FOR OUR NEXT YOUTHFUL CHALLENGE" - said a jonin that was wearing full body green spandex suit a jonin flat jacket. He had the thickest eyebrows Naruto had ever seen.

Not paying attention the silver haired ninja identified as Kakashi said "Said something Gai?".

"Damn you Kakashi and your hip ways. Our score stands 50-50 shall we begin?" - Gai asked to which Kakashi nodded. Kakashi had silver gravity defying hair, he wore that standard jonin clothes, black pants, mesh shirt with jonin flat jacket, and covering his left eye was the Konoha Hitaiate (A/N: I think it's called Hitaiate).

Naruto watched in wonder the speed on the battle. His fully matured sharingan allowed him to follow every single move each one of them did. The battle went for a couple of minutes until Kakashi pulled up is hitaiate reveling a sharingan.

"WHAT? How can he have a sharingan? I thought all Uchihas were killed minus Sasuke" - Naruto thought wondering how could Kakashi have the sharingan. Kakashi was very popular in Konoha he was the son of Hatake Sakumo Konoha's White Fang known to be as powerful as a sannin, so he couldn't be Uchiha.

"Look carefully kit, he hides it under the hitaiate so it's probably an implant" - the kyuubi replied.

The battle continued and Naruto copied a few jutsu including one that would help Naruto immensely and would later become his trademark. "Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)"


Armed with the kage bushin that Naruto realized that it transferred his memories to the original he started using for training. For now Naruto's limit was about a 1000 clones. If anyone saw him making saw many would most likely call a monster, after all this technique was an A-Rank Kinjutsu (Forbidden Technique) for his massive chakra usage that would kill most shinobis.

Since Naruto already had kage level reserves using this technique barely affected his reserves. Something that Naruto wondered was if using the Sharingan gave photographic memory because he remembered everything he saw.

Naruto was walking to the hokage tower, he decided that after what happened to the Uchiha Clan it would be the best choice to tell the hokage he had the sharingan.

## Hokage Tower ##

"Hey Jiji" - said Naruto with foxy grin. The hokage seeing Naruto gave him a smile, he barely got to see him nowadays and wondering if he was always training.

"Oh, Naruto-kun haven't seen you in a while. How is your training going?" - the hokage asked.

"It's going very well I actually got a few awesome techniques" - naruto said smiling " I can probably take you on, old man" - he said chuckling.

"I'm not that old Naruto-kun, so what brings you here?" - the hokage asked.

"Well I have a few things I chose to tell me if you promise to not reveal it until i'm ready" - Naruto said with a serious face. The hokage wondering what it could be made a hand gesture and the ANBU left the room.

Naruto did a few hand seals and said "Fuuinjutsu - Cone of Silence". The hokage gasped for air when he saw Naruto perform a C-Rank fuuinjutsu, but since he knew who is father was wouldn't be much surprising he was following his footsteps.

"Impressive Naruto-kun, 8 years old and studying fuuinjutsu" - the hokage said impressed.

"Actually Jiji, I never told you everything about what happened when I as 6 years old you know?" - said Naruto with a embarrassed laugh. "Now Jiji pay attention to me" - he said, Naruto closed his eyes and started to channel chakra to them. Slowly opening them he showed them to the hokage. Blood red eyes with 3 black tomoes in each, the sharingan.

The hokage heart missed a beat and his eyes bulged out almost popping out of his head. The hokage simply asked "How?"

"Well, I am an Uchiha by my father's side" - he replied

"How is it possible. Minato never had the Sharingan" - the hokage asked wondering how could Minato never told him.

"I'll explain everything" he said disabling his eyes "For starters I will tell you that my grandfather was none other than Uchiha Madara".

That was the final straw poor hokage's heart gave out and he fainted. Naruto seeing this sweat dropped. "And he says he's not old" - he thought out loud picking up the hokage and laying in the couch.

A couple minutes later the hokage started to awake and saw Naruto waiting.

"You awake already? Jezz. Here " - Naruto said giving him a cup of tea.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I still can't believe it. How can this be?" - the hokage asked wondering how could Madara have a son and no one knew. And his son was Minato Namikaze of all people, he has blonde hair for Kami sake.

Naruto started explaining what his father told him. Madara survived his battle with Hashirama and was saved by a woman who would years later become his lover. They had a son and when his grandmother was killed Madara decided to continue with his plans and left Minato in the village.

"So Madara was still alive. Who would have thought Madara had a son" - the hokage said taking in the information "Well Naruto-kun I will guard this secret until you are ready to show everyone who you really are. Remember you have 3 legacy's to continue. Your mother's Uzumaki Clan, and both your fathers and Uchiha Madara's legacy" - he said.

"Don't worry Jiji. I plan on revealing everything when i'm strong enough to protect me and everyone I care about. My father and grandfather both had a talent to piss of Iwa and I don't need problems right now" - he said chuckling

"That they did" - the hokage thought how Iwa suffered at the hands of both Minato Namikaze and Uchiha Madara

"But when I reveal who I am if they ever try to hurt me or someone I care about I will burn they village to the ground" - Naruto said in serious and cold tone.

"I wouldn't put it pass them, that damn Onoki the tsuchikage is and old and stubborn fool. Be careful" - the hokage said "Naruto, I wanted to ask you how can you already fully matured sharingan it's very rare to even awaken it to early in life"

"You see Jiji, I awakened it when I was 5 years old after some chunnin tried to attack me and I matured it when I killed the Kumo ninja that tried to kidnap Hinata" - he explained to which the hokage nodded it made sense, the sharingan awakens and evolves in life and death situations.

"So that's how you were able to keep up with a jonin. The sharingan truly is a terrifying power" - the hokage exclaimed, the sharingan allowed a 6 year old to kill a trained shinobi.

"I'm going Jiji, I just thought you should know after what happened to the Uchihas" - Naruto said leaving the hokages office.

"He will one day really take this hat from me" - the hokage thought chuckling.

-## Konoha Streets ##

Naruto was walking through the streets of Konoha going to a training field to find out and start training his elemental affinities. He already knew that most likely he would have fire from the Uchiha blood but he could have more or not even fire, better safe than sorry.

Naruto was walking peacefully keeping himself in the shadows not to have problems until he heard someone crying checking so see who was it, he noticed it was Hinata, she had her knees to her chest and was crying. Naruto quickly rushed to her side.

"Hinata-chan what's wrong? Why are you crying?" - he asked worried to help her.

Hinata seeing Naruto quickly hugged him crying even more. Naruto tried to ask what was wrong but she didn't answer. Naruto started whispering comforting words saying it would be alright until she fell asleep in his chest tired from crying.

Naruto picked her up bridal style and took her to his apartment, he laid her in his bed took a chair and sit by her said, grabbing her hand he fell asleep minutes later.

After a few hours, it was late at night around 2 am Hinata started to awake up, opening her eyes not knowing where she was she jumped up awakening Naruto who was by her side. Seeing that he was by her side she couldn't help but blush until she remembered everything that happened yesterday.

"Hinata-chan what happened? You can tell me I will help" - naruto said trying his best to help her.

Hinata was looking at the ground sad, she decided to tell him everything and started to remove a piece of cloth that was tied to her forehead, she removed it showing a green tattoo, it was the Cage Bird Seal. Naruto seeing this was shocked they branded the heiress of the clan.

"My f-f-father s-said I w-w-as to w-weak to be the h-heiress o-of t-the clan so h-he b-branded m-me and ... d-disavowed f-from the H-Hyuuga C-clan" - she said looking at the ground. Naruto was furious how could they do that to family, branding it's a despicable decision but to remove a member and even his daughter from the clan for being weak.

"It's ok Hinata-chan, you are not weak and ... you have me" - he said slightly blushing.

"But I'm weak, I was almost kidnapped. I was the same age as you and you managed to save me. I'm nothing more than a loser" - she replied crying and yelling. Letting all her anger and frustration out.

"No, Hinata you are not weak. You are a kind, loyal, hard working and a beautiful person" - he said getting blush from her "Look at me" - he said taking his hand to her chin and raising her head, they locked eyes and he continued. "I'm hated by everyone in the village, they all call me demon and try to hurt me, to them I'm nothing more than a loser that shouldn't even be allowed to live but I don't give up and I never surrender that my nindo and one day I will prove to them that I'm strong." - he exclaimed getting a smile from her

"Is it because of the k-kyuubi?" - she asked she knew it would be sore subject.

"H-how do you know?" - Naruto asked stuttering a bit shocked she knew.

"Well, when I use the byakugan I can see the red chakra in your gut and father told me stay away from you, and the villagers call you demon so I did a bit of research" - she said.

"Do you h-hate me?" - Naruto asked wondering if he would lose his only friend.

"NO, of course not. I know that you aren't the kyuubi. You are a kind, cheerful and brave person" - she said hugging him. Naruto felt a tremendous weight leaving his shoulders.

"Hinata, let's work hard and prove to them that letting you go was the worst decision they could ever make. If you want I'll help you" - he said

"Really?" - she asked hopefully

"Of course, I take care of the people I care about and... love" - Naruto said with a blush, lightly bending forward and softly kissing her in the lips.

Hinata didn't expect that but she also loved him so she returned the kiss, gently moving her lips, she couldn't be happier her best friend, her crush, her love was kissing her and saying he loved her.

Naruto couldn't be happier when Hinata returned the kiss, he thought that she never would like him more than friends. Slowly backing up and ending the kiss they were both blushing. Hinata quickly hugged him and said between sobs "Naruto-kun, thank you, I love you too".

"I promise Hina-hime" she blushed at the affectionate name "that I will one day remove that seal. I promise that I'll protect you and together we will show the village what a couple of losers can do" - Naruto exclaimed giving her his foxy grin and kissing her cheek until she fainted.

"Well, that lasted longer than I thought " - he said laughing.